
Use a Camera widget to display a button that opens the device's native camera application to capture an image. By default, a saved image is stored as a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image with the original size.

To learn how to use this widget programmatically, refer Kony Visualizer Widget guide.

Note: The Camera widget is not supported on SPA platforms.

Look Properties

Look properties define the appearance of the widget. The following are the major properties you can set:

For descriptions of the properties available on the Look tab of the Properties pane, see Look.

Skin Properties

Skin properties define a skin for the widget, including background color, borders, and shadows. If the widget includes text, you can also specify the text font.

For the Camera widget, you can apply a skin and its associated properties for the following states:

Skin Definition
Normal The default skin of the widget.
Focus The skin applied when the widget has the focus.
Hover Skin

The look and feel of the widget when the cursor hovers over it.

Note: Hover skins are available only on the Windows (native) Tablet platform.

For more information about applying skins, see Understanding Skins and Themes.

Camera Properties

Camera properties specify properties that are available on any platform supported by Kony Visualizer, and assign platform-specific properties.

Note: In this section, the properties that can be forked are identified by an icon located to the left of the property. For more information, see Fork a Widget Property.

Access Mode

Specifies how the captured image is stored.

Following are the options:

To specify the access mode, click the Edit button to open the Access Mode dialog box. To change the default access mode, select Default and then select an access mode from the value list. To specify a platform-specific access mode, select the platform and then select an access mode from the list.

Compression Level

For JPEG images, specifies the compression level with which a captured image is stored. The compression level determines picture quality. You can specify a compression level value between 0 (best picture quality) and 100 (low picture quality).

Default: 0

To specify the compression level, click Edit to open the Compression Level dialog box. To change the default compression level, select Default and then select a compression level from the value list. To specify a platform-specific compression level, select the platform and then select a compression level from the list.

Overlay - Photo Mode

Applicable when the capture mode is photo mode.

Specifies the overlay configuration parameters for overlaying a form.

The following are the configurable properties available for various platforms:



Windows 8

Overlay - Video Mode

Applicable when the capture mode is video mode.

Specifies the overlay configuration parameters for overlaying a form.

The following are the configurable properties available for various platforms:



Windows 8

Scale Factor

Specifies the ratio by which a captured image is scaled down. You can specify a scale factor between 10 percent of the captured image and 100 percent (no reduction).

Enable Overlay

Specifies whether to enable overlay of a form interface over the camera view.

Default: Disabled.

To specify the Enable Overlay property, click Edit to display the Enable Overlay dialog box. To change the default Enable Overlay setting, select Default and then select a value from the list. To specify a platform-specific Enable Overlay setting, select the platform and then select a value from the list.

Capture Mode

Specifies the capture mode of the camera. You can select Photo Mode or Video Mode.

Camera Source

Specifies the camera source, either Default, Rear, or Front.

Video Duration

When Capture Mode is set to Video Mode, specifies the duration of the video in seconds.

Capture Orientation

For the iOS platform, specifies the orientation of the captured image, either Default, Landscape, or Portrait.

Default: Default

Image Format

For the iOS platform, specifies whether the image is saved as a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) or a JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image.

Default: PNG

Native UI

For the iOS platform, specifies whether the camera uses the native interface with the default platform controls for the camera, or a user interface with custom options.

Default: On (the camera uses the native interface)

Video Format

For the iOS platform when Capture Mode is set to Video Mode, specifies whether the video is saved in Mp4 or MOV format.

Default: MP4

Video Stabilization

For the Android platform, specifies whether video stabilization is enabled.

Default: Off (video stabilization is disabled)

Enable Photo Crop

For the Windows platform, specifies whether the captured image can be cropped.

Default: Off (photo crop is disabled)

Tool Tip

For the Windows Tablet platform, specifies a message that displays when you hover the mouse pointer over the widget.


Actions define what happens when an event occurs. On a Camera widget, you can run an action when the following events occur:

For more information, see Add Actions.

Placement inside a Widget

The following table summarizes where a Camera widget can be placed:

Form Yes
HBox Yes
VBox Yes
ScrollBox Horizontal Orientation -Yes
Vertical Orientation- Yes
Tab Yes
FlexContainer Yes
FlexScrollContainer Yes
Segment No
Popup Yes


Header- No
Footer- No

Widget Appearance on Platforms

The appearance of the Camera widget varies as follows:

Platform Appearance





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