Forking allows you to customize properties uniquely for a platform. You can fork:
Forking forms enables you to customize the position and availability of widgets on different platforms.
You fork a form to accomplish the following:
Important Considerations
Default skins and user-defined skins are also forked during form forking.
Notes have only those comments made in the forked form's platform. For example, a form forked for Android Native will have only the notes written on an Android device.
Forking allows you to customize a form specific to a platform. For example, you can fork a form to appear on an iOS (native) platform with green background and have the same form forked to appear on an Android (web) platform with yellow background.
To fork a form, do the following:
Select the platforms for which you want to create a fork, and then click OK.
The form is forked for the platforms you selected, which is reflected on the Project tab.
Forking allows you to provide different values for the same property or skin, across the platforms. You can fork the flex layout and fork all the look properties associated with the flex container.
Only certain widget properties can be forked. You can identify whether a property can be forked by the presence of an icon( ) to the left of the property's name. Two types of forking are available for you:
This example illustrates how to do a simple forking, which forks just one platform at a time. In it, the View Type property of a Calendar widget is forked, but the same principle is applicable for all simple forking of widget properties.
To fork an individual property for a particular platform, do the following:
When you navigate to a different platform, the value of the forked property is replaced either with:
This example illustrates how to do a complex forking, which forks multiple platforms at the same time. In it, the View Type property of a Calendar widget is forked, but the same principle is applicable for all complex forking of widget properties.
Properties for which complex forking is possible have an ellipsis button located at the far right of the property.
In this section, using the View Type property of a Calendar widget, let us understand complex forking. The below steps, however, can be used for forking any of the widget properties.
To fork an individual property for multiple platforms, do the following:
The icon changes to , indicating that the value is forked specifically for the platforms you chose.
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