Kony Fabric console User Guide: Manage Client App Assets > Uploading Client Binaries > Uploading Native Client Binaries

Uploading Native Client Binaries to Kony Fabric

To upload native client binaries to Kony Fabric, follow these steps:

  1. In Kony Fabric Console, in the Applications page, click Custom Apps > ADD NEW to create an app. For more details, refer to How to Add Applications.
  2. In the app configuration page, click the Manage Client App Assets tab.
  3. For uploading native client binaries, click the required tabs for platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows. By default, iOS tab is selected.
  1. Click UPLOAD for each the device type you want upload binaries.
  2. In the Upload dialog, drag the binary file or click Browse to locate the binary file.

    The following native client binary file formats are supported for platforms.

  1. In the Display Name field, specify the name of the application. This field is optional.

    Note: If the display name is not specified for the app binary, the published app is displayed with the default Kony Fabric app name.

  2. In the Version field, enter the version for the binary file.
  3. Upload a .png file for your app icon. The .png file scale is 120X120x. Also, you can upload screen shots for your app.
  4. In the Description filed, enter the description for the binary file.
  5. Click UPLOAD in the dialog. The selected binary files for each platform are uploaded to Kony Fabric Console.

    You can download and delete these binaries from the Console. To download the native client binary, click Download.
    To delete the uploaded binary file, click the Delete button. In the Delete Client Binary dialog, click DELETE to confirm the deletion.


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