Kony Management Quick Start Guide: Generating Certificates > Creating Certificate Signing Request

Generating Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in Windows

To generate a CSR in Windows, follow these steps:

Make sure that you have OpenSSL enabled in your system.

  1. Open command prompt and enter the command in the below format.

    openssl req -out <csrname.csr> -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout <keyname.key> For example, openssl req -out konypro.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout konypro.key.

  2. If required, enter details for extra attributes. For example, a challenge password, or Optional company name and others. A CSR is generated. Save it to you desktop.

  3. Upload the CSR for Kony signing in the EMM Management console Device Settings > Communication Configuration tab.
  4. After uploading the CSR, download the Kony Signed CSR to your desktop.

  5. Upload the signed CSR to your Apple Push Certificates portal using your Apple developer credentials.
  6. After the upload, download the pem file from Apple portal.
  7. Rename the file to your company identifiable name. For example, yourcompany.pem.
  8. Convert the downloaded .pem file to a.p12 file using the following command format.

    openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey <yourcompany.key> -in <yourcompany.pem> -out <yourcompany.p12> For example, openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey konypro.key -in konypro.pem -out konypro.p12.

  9. If prompted, provide a password while creating the .p12 file.
  10. Upload the .p12 file to the Kony Management Suite portal under Device Settings > Communication Configuration.
  11. Enter the password you created during .p12 file creation process.

Generating Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in Linux

To generate a CSR in Linux, follow these steps:

Make sure that you have OpenSSL enabled in your system.

  1. Open command prompt and enter the command in the below format.

    openssl req -out <csrname.csr> -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout <keyname.key> For example, openssl req -out konypro.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout konypro.key.

  2. If required, enter details for extra attributes. For example, a challenge password, or Optional company name and others. A CSR is generated. Save it to you desktop.

  3. Upload the CSR for Kony signing in the EMM Management console Device Settings > Communication Configuration tab.
  4. After uploading the CSR, download the Kony Signed CSR to your desktop.

  5. Upload the signed CSR to your Apple Push Certificates portal using your Apple developer credentials.
  6. After the upload, download the pem file from Apple portal.
  7. Rename the file to your company identifiable name. For example, yourcompany.pem.
  8. Convert the downloaded .pem file to a.p12 file using the following command format.

    openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey <yourcompany.key> -in <yourcompany.pem> -out <yourcompany.p12> For example, openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey konypro.key -in konypro.pem -out konypro.p12.

  9. If prompted, provide a password while creating the .p12 file.
  10. Upload the .p12 file to the Kony Management Suite portal under Device Settings > Communication Configuration.
  11. Enter the password you created during .p12 file creation process.

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