In this section, you can find information on some sample applications and an example on how to use FlexForm widget.
To download a sample app to view the animations, click here.
To view the various capabilities of the FlexForm, download the Events app from here.
Following is a sample code for creating a FlexForm with a Label widget.
//Defining the properties of FlexForm function testForm_preshow(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form Preshow event"); } function testForm_postshow(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form Postshow event"); } function testForm_onhide(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form onHide event"); } function testForm_onDestroy(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form onDestroy event"); } function testForm_onScrollStart(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form onScrollStart event"); } function testForm_onScrollEnd(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form onScrollEnd event"); } function testForm_onScrollTouchReleased(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form onScrollTouchReleased event"); } function testForm_onScrolling(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form onScrolling event"); } function testForm_onDecelerationStarted(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form onDecelerationStarted event"); } function testForm_onTouchStart(eventobject, x, y) { kony.print("Test Form onTouchStart event"); } function testForm_onTouchEnd(eventobject, x, y) { kony.print("Test Form onTouchEnd event"); } function testForm_onTouchMove(eventobject, x, y) { kony.print("Test Form onTouchMove event"); } function testForm_onZoomStart(eventobject, widget) { kony.print("Test Form onZoomStart event"); } function testForm_onZoomEnd(eventobject, widget) { kony.print("Test Form onZoomEnd event"); } function testForm_onZooming(eventobject, widget) { kony.print("Test Form onZooming event"); } function testForm_onOrientationChange(eventobject) { kony.print("Test Form onOrientationChange event"); } function addWidgetstestForm() { var myLabel = new kony.ui.Label({ "id": "myLabel", "isVisible": true, "centerX": "50%", "centerY": "50%", "skin": "myLabelSkin", "text": "Test Form", "textStyle": { "letterSpacing": 0, "strikeThrough": false }, "width": kony.flex.USE_PREFFERED_SIZE, "zIndex": 1 }, { "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_MIDDLE_RIGHT, "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0], "paddingInPixel": false }, { "textCopyable": false }); testForm.add(myLabel); } function openingTestForm() { testForm = new kony.ui.Form2({ "id": "testForm", "width": "390dp", "height": "386dp", "contentOffset": { "x": "3dp", "y": "4dp" }, "contentSize": { "width": "5dp", "height": "6dp" }, "enableScrolling": true, "bounces": true, "allowHorizontalBounce": true, "allowVerticalBounce": false, "pagingEnabled": true, "title": "myfrmt", "needAppMenu": true, "enabledForIdleTimeout": true, "skin": "formSkin", "preShow": testForm_preshow, "postShow": testForm_postshow, "onHide": testForm_onhide, "onDestroy": testForm_onDestroy, "onScrollStart": testForm_onScrollStart, "onScrollEnd": testForm_onScrollEnd, "onScrollTouchReleased": testForm_onScrollTouchReleased, "onScrolling": testForm_onScrolling, "onDecelerationStarted": testForm_onDecelerationStarted, "onTouchStart": testForm_onTouchStart, "onTouchEnd": testForm_onTouchEnd, "onTouchMove": testForm_onTouchMove, "zoomScale": 22, "minZoomScale": 1.0, "maxZoomScale": 1.0, "onZoomStart": testForm_onZoomStart, "onZoomEnd": testForm_onZoomEnd, "onZooming": testForm_onZooming, "onOrientationChange": testForm_onOrientationChange, "layoutType": kony.flex.FREE_FORM, "addWidgets": addWidgetstestForm }, { "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0], "displayOrientation": constants.FORM_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, "paddingInPixel": false }, { "retainScrollPosition": true, "needsIndicatorDuringPostShow": true, "formTransparencyDuringPostShow": "100", "inputAccessoryViewType": constants.FORM_INPUTACCESSORYVIEW_DEFAULT, "bouncesZoom": false, "configureExtendTop": true, "configureExtendBottom": false, "configureStatusBarStyle": false, "extendTop": false, "titleBar": true, "footerOverlap": false, "headerOverlap": false, "inTransitionConfig": { "transitionDirection": "fromLeft", "transitionEffect": "none" }, "outTransitionConfig": { "transitionDirection": "fromRight", "transitionEffect": "none" } }); testForm.setDefaultUnit(kony.flex.PX);; }
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