You are here: Using the Navigation Drawer

FlexForm Widget

A FlexForm is the top most container widget, and is usually the first widget you add to an application. It serves as a container for all other widgets on the screen. Your app can support multiple screens by supporting multiple FlexForms and allowing a user to navigate between these screens.

FlexForm widget is not listed in the Default library. To create a new FlexForm widget, go to the Project explorer, expand any channel such as Mobile, Tablet, and Responsive web. Then, right-click on the Forms and select New Form.

Following are a few actions that you can perform on a FlexForm:

The FlexForm widget capabilities can be broadly categorized into the following:


Properties Description
anchorPoint Specifies the anchor point of the widget bound rectangle using the widget's coordinate space.
contentOffset Specifies the x and y coordinates of the top-left of the scrollable region.
contentSize Specifies the width and height of the container to accommodate all the widgets placed in it.
layout Specifies if the arrangement of the widgets either in horizontal or vertical direction.
layoutType Specifies if the arrangement of the widgets either in free form or vertical direction.
requiresBottomSafeAreaInset Implements the Safe Area Layout for iOS devices, specifically the iPhone X series. Content of the flex form occupies the full screen at the bottom and overlaps the virtual home indicator.
requiresLeftSafeAreaInset Implements the Safe Area Layout for iOS devices, specifically iPhone X series. Content of the flex form starts from (0,0) pixel.
requiresRightSafeAreaInset Implements the Safe Area Layout for iOS devices, specifically iPhone X series. Flex form widget occupies full screen at left/ right part of the screen.
requiresTopSafeAreaInset Implements the Safe Area Layout for iOS devices, specifically the iPhone X series. Content of the flex form starts from (0,0) pixel.
zIndex Specifies the stack order of a widget.
forceLayout When this method is called, underlying OS layout cycle is forced to layout the widgets of the FlexForm.


doLayoutThis event is invoked for every widget when the widget position and dimensions are computed.
onBreakpointChangeThis event defines a callback that is executed when there is a change in the breakpoint.
onResizeThis event defines a callback that is executed when there is a change in the width of the browser. This event has been deprecated since V8 SP2.


transform Contains an animation transformation that can be used to animate the widget.
inTransitionConfig Specifies the configuration to be used when the user arrives on this form.
outTransitionConfig Specifies the type of transition effect to be applied when the Form is going out of view.

Form Lifecycle

init Gets called only once in form life cycle that is when the form is ready with its widget hierarchy.
onDestroy Specifies an event which is triggered when the FlexForm is destroyed.
onHide Specifies an Event which is triggered when a form goes completely out of view.
postShow postShow is invoked after a form is displayed.
preShowpreShow is executed every time a form is to be displayed.

Drawer Features

onDrawerClosed Called when a Navigation Drawer has finished closing.
onDrawerOpened Called when a Navigation Drawer has finished opening.
onDrawerSlide Sent when the position of a NavigationDrawer changes.
onDrawerStateChanged Called when the NavigationDrawer motion state changes.
closeNavigationDrawer Close the NavigationDrawer on forms that have been created using a template that supports the NavigationDrawer.
openNavigationDrawer Open the NavigationDrawer on forms that have been created using a template that supports the NavigationDrawer.
drawerLayoutGets and sets the FlexContainer that contains the elements of the NavigationDrawer, which is named drawerLayout.
drawerWidthGets and sets the width of the Navigation Drawer.
drawerShadowColorSets or gets the shadow color that covers the form when the NavigationDrawer is open, indicating that the controls on the form are not available for interaction.
drawerOpenIconThe icon to be displayed when Navigation bar is open.
drawerClosedIconThe icon to be displayed when Navigation bar is closed.
drawerOpena11yHintSpecifies the descriptive text that explains the action of the widget.
drawerCloseda11yHintSpecifies the descriptive text that explains the action of the widget.
navigationDrawerListenersMaps Navigation Drawer events to user defined handler functions.

Scrolling functionalities

allowHorizontalBounce Specifies whether the scroll bounce is enabled or disabled in the horizontal direction.
allowVerticalBounce Specifies whether the scroll bounce is enabled or disabled in the vertical direction.
bounces Specifies whether the scroll bounce is enabled or disabled.
enableOnScrollWidgetPositionForSubwidgetsEnables the FlexForm widget to iterate into all the widgets that make use of the onScrollWidgetPosition event.
enableScrolling Specifies whether the scrolling is enabled on the container or not.
retainScrollPosition Specifies if the Form must remember the scroll position when the user revisits the Form.
scrollDirection Specifies the direction in which the widget should scroll.
verticalScrollIndicator Specifies whether the scroll indicator must be shown or not in the vertical direction.
scrollToBeginning Gives you the control to scroll to the beginning of the form.
scrollToEnd Gives you the control to scroll to the end of the FlexForm.
scrollToWidget Gives you the control to scroll the FlexForm up to the position of selected widget.
onDecelerationStarted An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user stops scrolling but the content still moves before the content actually stops.
onScrollEnd An event callback is invoked by the platform when the scrolling is ended.
onScrollWidgetPositionThis event callback is invoked by the platform when the widget location position gets changed on scrolling.
onScrolling An event callback is invoked by the platform when the scrolling is in progress.
onScrollStartAn event callback is invoked by the platform when the user starts scrolling the content.
onScrollTouchReleased An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user touch is released from the touch surface.

Data Management

addUsed to add widgets to the FlexForm
addAtUsed to add widgets to the Form container at the specified index.
clone When this method is used on a container widget, then all the widgets inside the container are cloned.
removeRemoves a widget from the FlexForm.
removeAtRemoves a widget at the given index from the FlexForm.
removeAllRemoves all the widget on the FlexForm.

3D Touch

registerForPeekandPop Registers a widget to enable 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.
setOnPeek Sets and overrides the existing onPeekCallback for the widget.
setOnPop Overrides the existing onPopCallback for the widget.
unregisterForPeekandPop Unregisters a widget from 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.


User Input Handling

onZoomEnd An event callback is invoked by the platform when the zooming has ended.
onZooming An event callback is invoked by the platform when the container is zooming.
onZoomStart An event callback is invoked by the platform when the container is about to zoom.
widgetToZoom An event callback is invoked by the platform to return one of the child widgets of source to zoom.
setZoomScale Allows you the zoom the widgets with an option to animate.
disableZoom Allows you to enable or disable zooming the FlexForm.
maxZoomScale Specifies the maximum zoom scale factor that can be applied to the form.
minZoomScale Specifies the minimum zoom scale factor that can be applied to the form.
zoomScale Specifies the current scale factor applied to the form content.


UI Appearance

backgroundColorSpecifies the background color of the widget in hex format. The background can be a single color or a gradient of several colors.
configureExtendBottomEnables you to configure extendBottom property.
configureExtendTopEnables you to configure extendTop property.
configureStatusBarStyleEnables you to configure statusBarStyle property.
defaultIndicatorColorEnables you to set color to the progress indicator when it is show on the form.
extendBottomHelps in extending the bottom of the form.
extendTopHelps in extending the top of the form.
footerOverlapSpecifies if the footer must overlap the form.
formTransparencyDuringPostShowSpecifies the transparency in percentage when a form is loaded.
headerOverlapSpecifies if the header must overlap the form
inputAccessoryViewType The extra buttons (or controls) allow specific operations needed by your application, such as moving to the next or previous text field, making the keyboard disappear and so on. The area above the keyboard is known as Input Accessory View.
menuFocusSkinskin property of a form level menu and it determines the look and feel of the Menu Item when focused.
menuNormalSkinskin property and it determines the look and feel of a menu items when not in focus.
menuPositionSpecifies if the application menu is shown or hidden in the application.
navigationBarColorHelps you set the color for a device's navigation bar.
needAppMenuSpecifies if the application menu items should be displayed as a part of the menu controls on the form.
needsIndicatorDuringPostShowSpecifies if there must be an indication to the user that the form content is being loaded.
opacitySpecifies the opacity of the widget.
pagingEnabledSpecifies the whether the paging is enabled for the container.
prefersStatusBarHiddenSpecifies whether the status bar must be shown or not.
setContentOffset Gives you the control to offset a portion of the content in a Form to bring the widgets in invisible area to visible area.
showActionBarSpecifies if the action bar should be displayed.
showActionBarIconSpecifies the icon to be displayed for the action bar.
showMiniAppMenuSpecifies if the application menu is shown or hidden in the application.
statusBarColorHelps you set the color for a device's status bar.
statusBarForegroundColorHelps you set the foreground color of the status bar, such as color for any text or icon on the status bar.
statusBarHiddenLets you show or hide the status bar.
statusBarStyleHelps you set a style for the status bar.
systmeUiConfigControls the behavior of the status and navigation bars.
titleBarSpecifies the title bar must be displayed on the form.
titleBarAttributesContains data that supports Application bar functionality in iOS.
titleBarConfigSpecifies the position of the title bar of the form.
titleBarSkinSpecifies the skin to be applied to the title Bar of the form.
viewConfigHelps to give reference height and reference width to a container when it is in grid layout.
windowSoftInputModeDefines how the main Form interacts with the window containing the on-screen soft keyboard.


setBackgroundImageForNavbarHelps to set the background image for the title bar for iOS specific applications.
setTitleBarLeftSideButtonSkinEnables you to set the properties for a left-side button of a titlebar.
setTitleBarRightSideButtonSkinEnables you to set the properties for a right-side button of a titlebar.
showUsed to display the FlexForm.


Enabling RTL

retainContentAlignmentHelps to retain the content alignment of the widget while applying RTL.
retainFlexPositionPropertiesHelps to retain the left, right and padding properties while applying RTL.
retainFlowHorizontalAlignmentEnables you to change the horizontal flow of the widget from left to right.


captureGPS Specifies if the Form must display a popup seeking permission from the user to access the location details.
enabledForIdleTimeout Idle time indicates the amount of time that a user has not interacted with the application.
maxAppMenuButtons Specifies the number of appmenu buttons should be displayed on the screen.
noCache Indicates that if the form is enabled for caching on the device browser.
secureData Specifies if the browser must retain and use the information that you have filled in a form
submitSecure Specifies if the information must be sent using secure connection (https) or insecure connection (http).
windowSoftInputMode Defines how the main Form interacts with the window containing the on-screen soft keyboard.


getTitleVerticalPositionAdjustmentGets the position of the title vertically on the navigation bar.
hideTitleBarGives you the control to hide a titlebar within a form.
setHidesBackButtonHides or shows the back button in the title bar
setLeftBarButtonItems Allows you to add BarButtonItems to the left side of the NavigationBar
setDefaultUnitSpecifies the default unit to be used for interpretation of numbers with no qualifiers when passed to layout properties.
setPreviewActionItemsSets the preview actions for a form to be displayed when the user swipes up the preview/peek of a form.
setRightBarButtonItemsSets the preview actions for a form to be displayed when the user swipes up the preview/peek of a form.
setTitleVerticalPositionAdjustmentSet position of the title vertically on the navigation bar.
showTitleBarGives you the control to show a titlebar to a FlexForm.
widgets Returns an array of the widget references which are direct children of Form.


onKeyBoardDidHideThis is an event callback that is invoked by iOS when the keyboard has been hidden.
onKeyBoardDidShowThis is an event callback that is invoked by iOS when the keyboard has just been shown.
onKeyBoardWillHideThis is an event callback that is invoked by iOS when the keyboard is about to be hidden.
onKeyBoardWillShowThis is an event callback that is invoked by iOS when the keyboard is about to be shown.
onActionBarBackAn event callback that is invoked by the platform when the back button is pressed on an action bar.
onDeviceBackSpecifies an event which is triggered when the user uses the back button on the device.
onDeviceMenuSpecifies an event which is triggered when the user access the device menu.
onLocaleChangedAn event callback invoked by the platform when the locale changes.
onMappingAn event created by Kony Visualizer when you drag and drop a service.
onNavigateAn event callback invoked when you navigate from one form to another.
onOrientationChangeSpecifies an Event which is triggered when there is a change in orientation of the form from portrait to landscape or vice versa.
onSizeChangedSpecifies the event that is triggered when the app window is resized.


Configurations Common To All Widgets

accessibilityConfig Enables you to control accessibility behavior and alternative text for the widget.
enableCache Enables you to improve the performance of Positional Dimension Animations.
idid is a unique identifier of form consisting of alpha numeric characters.
info A custom JSObject with the key value pairs that a developer can use to store the context with the widget.
parentHelps you access the parent of the widget.


Programming FlexForms

In earlier versions of Kony Visualizer you used BoxForm, horizontal (HBox) and vertical (VBox) boxes as containers to align widgets. These widgets are now obsolete and are listed in the Deprecated section of this reference. They still work, so older applications will continue to function, but should not be used in current versions of Visualizer.

Form stacking

Typically a form is displayed in response to a user action on another form. That means the navigation between forms happen by the events on another form. All the navigation actions should be pushed into a stack to track the navigation path, so that the user can navigate back to the previous forms in the exact reverse order of its forward navigation. When navigating to a form that is already in the stack, the target form is brought back to the top of the stack by popping all the above forms out of the stack.

FlexForm Lifecycle

A FlexForm lets you add other container and widgets to create a widget hierarchy.

Lifecycle Methods:

A form is defined to have a lifecycle method that gets called at appropriate events. These events allow you to manage the application for better resource handling.

The following are the lifecycle methods of a form:

addWidgets - called when the form is used for first time either

For example, any of the following can trigger the addWidgets method of form1 if form1 is not yet initialized:

init - called immediately after an addWidgets event for any initializations required for the form. Init initializes the form and any widgets.

In case of Server side Mobile Web and SPA, addWidgets preserve">var var init events gets called as soon as the form is created. In case of native platforms, as an optimization, these events are deferred until the first access.

preShow - called just before a form is visible on the screen. A form can be made visible by explicitly calling the show method of the form.

postShow - called immediately after the form is visible on the screen. A form is made visible by explicitly calling the show method of the form.

onHide - called when the form goes out of the screen. A form can go out of the screen when another form is to be shown.

onDestroy - called when a form is destroyed. A form is destroyed when the developer explicitly calls destroy and this event gets called before destroying the form.

The following image illustrates the lifecycle of a form:

Click here to view the Application Life Cycle events.

Creating a Form using a constructor: kony.ui.Form2

var form1 = new kony.ui.Form2(basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf);

Note: The configuration properties should be passed only in the respective configuration objects otherwise they are ignored.


//Defining the properties of FlexForm testfrm preserve">var
var a FlexScrollContainer flexScrollContainer1

    function addWidgetstestfrm() {
        var flexScrollContainer1 = new kony.ui.FlexScrollContainer({
            "id": "flexScrollContainer1",
            "top": "5dp",
            "left": "6dp",
            "width": "97.15%",
            "height": "271dp",
            "isVisible": true,
            "bouncesZoom": true,
            "zoomScale": 1.0,
            "layoutType": kony.flex.FREE_FORM
        }, {});

function testfrmGlobals() {
    var MenuId = [];
    testfrm = new kony.ui.Form2({
        "id": "testfrm",
        "contentOffset": {
            "x": "3dp",
            "y": "4dp"
        "contentSize": {
            "width": "5dp",
            "height": "6dp"
        "enableScrolling": true,
        "bounces": true,
        "allowHorizontalBounce": true,
        "allowVerticalBounce": false,
        "pagingEnabled": true,
        "title": "myfrmt",
        "needAppMenu": true,
        "enabledForIdleTimeout": true,
        "skin": "frm",
        "zoomScale": 22,
        "minZoomScale": 1.0,
        "maxZoomScale": 1.0,
        "layoutType": kony.flex.FREE_FORM,
        "addWidgets": addWidgetstestfrm
    }, {
        "displayOrientation": constants.FORM_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT,
    }, {
        "retainScrollPosition": true,
        "needsIndicatorDuringPostShow": true,
        "formTransparencyDuringPostShow": "100",
        "inputAccessoryViewType": constants.FORM_INPUTACCESSORYVIEW_DEFAULT,
        "bouncesZoom": false,
        "configureExtendTop": true,
        "configureExtendBottom": false,
        "configureStatusBarStyle": false,
        "extendTop": false,
        "titleBar": true,
        "footerOverlap": false,
        "headerOverlap": false,
        "inTransitionConfig": {
            "transitionDirection": "fromLeft",
            "transitionEffect": "none"
        "outTransitionConfig": {
            "transitionDirection": "fromRight",
            "transitionEffect": "none"

Note: For a form, there is no limit set on the vertical height and hence a form never declines the child widgets request for preferred height.

Using the Navigation Drawer

The Navigation Drawer, or "Hamburger menu" is a native feature of the Android platform, and is supported in Visualizer using the Navigation Drawer property of the FlexForm. This feature applies to Android only, so if you intend to support other platforms it may be better to implement your own version of this control using cross platform features.

The Navigation Drawer is selected in Visualizer using templates. There is no way to add it programmatically. See the Visualizer Users Guide for more information on adding this feature to your application.

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premCopyright © 2012 Kony, Inc. All rights reserved.