You are here: Designing an Application > Add Actions > External

External Actions

From the External section of the list of actions available along the left column of the Action Editor, you can add any of the following four actions. Click an action for instructions on how to add it to an action sequence.

Action Property
Send SMS Sends a text message.
Send Email

Sends an email message.

Show Alert

Displays an alert message to the user. Alerts can be one of three types:

  • Confirmation: A confirmation message with Yes and No options appears on the screen.
  • Error: An error message appears on the screen.
  • Info: An informative message appears on the screen. This message can function as either a warning or a success message.

All the alerts are modal in nature. That is, the user cannot proceed with other UI operations until the alert is dismissed.

Open URL Opens a web page.


Send SMS

To configure an action that sends an SMS message, do the following:

  1. From the Project tab of the Project Explorer, select the widget you want to apply the action to. Once it’s highlighted on the Visualizer Canvas, right-click it, and then select one of the action sequences, such as onTouchStart. Doing so opens the Action Editor and creates an action sequence for you to configure.
  2. From the list of actions available along the left column of the Action Editor, click Send SMS from the External section. The action is added to the action sequence and is the current action of focus.
  3. In the bottom pane of the Action Editor, in the Send SMS to number text field, enter the phone number to where you want the SMS message sent.
  4. In the SMS Content text field, enter the text of the message you want sent.
  5. Save the action by pressing Ctrl+S.

Send Email

To configure an action that sends an email message, do the following:

  1. From the Project tab of the Project Explorer, select the widget you want to apply the action to. Once it’s highlighted on the Visualizer Canvas, right-click it, and then select one of the action sequences, such as onTouchStart. Doing so opens the Action Editor and creates an action sequence for you to configure.
  2. From the list of actions available along the left column of the Action Editor, click Send Email from the External section. The action is added to the action sequence and is the current action of focus.
  3. In the bottom pane of the Action Editor, enter the appropriate values for the following:
  4. Field Description
    To The email address of the recipient or recipients (separated by semicolons) that the email message is being sent to.
    Cc The email address of the recipient or recipients that are to receive a "carbon copy" of the email message being sent.
    Bcc The email address of the recipient or recipients that are to receive a "blind carbon copy" of the email message being sent (i.e. the other recipients of the email message are not able to see that the Bcc recipients are included.
    Subject The text that you want to appear in the subject line of the email message.
    HTML Formatted Body

    Check this check box if the body of your email message includes HTML code, otherwise, the email message is sent using simple text formatting.

    Note: If you check the HTML Formatted Body check box, you must ensure that the HTML code that you use in the body of your email message is correct. Otherwise, your message may not display correctly.

    Body The text that you want to appear in the body of the email message. This text appears in simple text format unless you check the HTML Formatted Body check box and format the body with correct HTML code.
  5. Save the action by pressing Ctrl+S.

Show Alert

To configure an action that shows an alert, do the following:

  1. From the Project tab of the Project Explorer, select the widget you want to apply the action to. Once it’s highlighted on the Visualizer Canvas, right-click it, and then select one of the action sequences, such as onTouchStart. Doing so opens the Action Editor and creates an action sequence for you to configure.
  2. From the list of actions available along the left column of the Action Editor, click Show Alert from the External section. The action is added to the action sequence and is the current action of focus.
  3. In the bottom pane of the Action Editor, enter the appropriate values for the following:
  4. Field Description
    Alert Type From the Alert Type drop-down list, select either Confirmation, Error, or Info.
    Alert Title The text that the user will see in the title bar of the alert. Alternately, if you are localizing the app and have set up an internationalization (i18n) key for this value, select the key you want from the Alert Title i18n drop-down list.
    Yes Label The button text that the user will see to accept the information of the alert, commonly configured as Yes or OK. Alternately, if you are localizing the app and have set up an internationalization (i18n) key for this value, select the key you want from the Yes Label i18n drop-down list.
    No Label The button text that the user will see to reject the information of the alert, commonly configured as No or Cancel. Alternately, if you are localizing the app and have set up an internationalization (i18n) key for this value, select the key you want from the No Label i18n drop-down list.
    Alert Icon

    If you want an icon to accompany the alert message, click Browse, select the .png format image you want to use (or provide a URL to an externally located image), and then click OK.

    Message Type From the Message Type drop-down list, select either Constant or Expression.
    Alert Message The body of the alert, informing users of what you want them to know. Alternately, if you are localizing the app and have set up an internationalization (i18n) key for this value, select the key you want from the Alert Message i18n drop-down list.
  5. Save the action by pressing Ctrl+S.

Open URL

To configure an action that opens a URL, do the following:

  1. From the Project tab of the Project Explorer, select the widget you want to apply the action to. Once it’s highlighted on the Visualizer Canvas, right-click it, and then select one of the action sequences, such as onTouchStart. Doing so opens the Action Editor and creates an action sequence for you to configure.
  2. From the list of actions available along the left column of the Action Editor, click Open URL from the External section. The action is added to the action sequence and is the current action of focus.
  3. In the bottom pane of the Action Editor, in the URL to Open text box, enter the URL that you want to open.
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