Kony Fabric console User Guide: SDKs > Kony Visualizer SDK > Invoking an Object Service > getObjectService Method

getObjectService Method

The getObjectService Method gets the current instance of the object service. The getObjectService method is invoked on the sdk instance; init must already have been successfully run before invoking this method.




Parameter Type Description
serviceName string Name of the object service
serviceType JSON object

One of the following:

  • "access" : "online" [default]
  • "access" : "offline"
  • "access" : "registeredObjectServiceName" [This is the name of the object service defined in the application]


Returns the object service instance based on the value specified in serviceType. The default value is "online", which returns an OnlineObjectService Class instance. A value of "offline" returns an OfflineObjectService Class instance.

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