Kony Fabric console User Guide: SDKs > Kony Visualizer SDK > Invoking an Object Service > OfflineObjectService Class

OfflineObjectService Class

Provides methods that perform operations acting on the sync database, including basic CRUD, metadata, and binary-related functions. An instance of OfflineObjectService is returned by the getObjectService Method when the second parameter specifies {"access":"offline"}.


The following methods are used by the OfflineObjectService class and its instantiations.

create Method

Creates an object offline in the sync database.


create(options, successCallback, failureCallback);


Parameter Description

JSON object with the following parameters:

"dataObject" - a mandatory parameter which must be an instance of the kony.sdk.dto.DataObject Class

"httpRequestOptions" an optional parameter used for configuring thin rich network calls.


""xmlHttpRequestOptions" - an optional parameter used for configuring thin thin network calls.

The possible values for these options are:

"timeoutIntervalForRequest" - specifies the timeout interval.

"timeoutIntervalForResource" - specifies the timeout interval.


Function invoked when the operation succeeds, with the primary key of the created object

failureCallback Function invoked when the operation fails, with cause of failure


var objSvc = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance().getObjectService("serviceName", {
    "access": "offline"

var dataObject = new kony.sdk.dto.DataObject("ObjectName");
dataObject.addField("field1", "value1");

var options = {
    "dataObject": dataObject,
    "httpRequestOptions": {
        "timeoutIntervalForRequest": 60,
        "timeoutIntervalForResource": 600

    function(response) {
        kony.print("Record created: " + JSON.stringify(response));
    function(error) {
        kony.print("Error in record creation: " + JSON.stringify(error));

Note: When using object services for SAP, the general norm is to have character field values stored in upper case. However, if you need to pass in mixed/lower case values for an SAP field, ensure that this field is designated as mixed case in the SAP Add-in LDB workbench.

update Method

Updates an object offline in the sync database (local store).


update(options, successCallback, failureCallback);


Parameter Description
options JSON object with the mandatory parameter "dataObject", which must be an instance of the kony.sdk.dto.DataObject Class

Function invoked when the operation succeeds, with the number of records updated

failureCallback Function invoked when the operation fails, with cause of failure


var objSvc = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance().getObjectService("serviceName", {
    "access": "offline"

var dataObject = new kony.sdk.dto.DataObject("ObjectName")
dataObject.addField("field1", "value1");
dataObject.addField("primaryKeyField", "value");

var options = {
    "dataObject": dataObject

    function(response) {
        kony.print("Record updated: " + JSON.stringify(response));
    function(error) {
        kony.print("Error in record update: " + JSON.stringify(error));

delete Method

Deletes an object offline in the sync database.


deleteRecord(options, successCallback, failureCallback);


Parameter Description
options JSON object with the mandatory parameter "dataObject", which must be an instance of the kony.sdk.dto.DataObject Class

Function invoked when the operation succeeds, with the number of records deleted

failureCallback Function invoked when the operation fails, with cause of failure


var objSvc = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance().getObjectService("serviceName", {
    "access": "offline"

var dataObject = new kony.sdk.dto.DataObject("ObjectName");
dataObject.addField("field1", "value1");
dataObject.addField("primaryKeyField", "value");

var options = {
    "dataObject": dataObject

    function(response) {
        kony.print("Record deleted: " + JSON.stringify(response));
    function(error) {
        kony.print("Error in record deletion: " + JSON.stringify(error));

getMetadataOfAllObjects Method

Gets the metadata associated with the objects defined in the service from the local store.


getMetadataOfAllObjects(options, successCallback, failureCallback);


Parameter Description
options JSON object with the optional parameter "getFromServer"

Function invoked when the operation succeeds, with the number of records updated

failureCallback Function invoked when the operation fails, with cause of failure


var objSvc = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance().getObjectService("serviceName", {
    "access": "offline"

    function(response) {
        kony.print("Metadata: " + JSON.stringify(response));
    function(error) {
        kony.print("Error in metadata: " + JSON.stringify(error));

getMetadataOfObject Method

Gets the metadata associated with an object defined in the service from the local store.


getMetadataOfObject(objectName, options, successCallback, failureCallback);


Parameter Description
objectName The name of the desired object as defined in the service
options JSON object with the optional parameter "getFromServer"

Function invoked when the operation succeeds, with the number of records returned

failureCallback Function invoked when the operation fails, with cause of failure


var objSvc = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance().getObjectService("serviceName", {
         "access": "offline"

objSvc.getMetadataOfObject("objectName", {}, 
function(response) {
  kony.print("Metadata: " + JSON.stringify(response));
function(error) {
  kony.print("error in metadata: " + JSON.stringify(error));

executeSelectQuery Method

Executes a Select query on the sync database.


executeSelectQuery(queryString, successCallback, failureCallback);


Parameter Description
queryString SQL Select query string

Function invoked when the operation succeeds, with the number of records operated on

failureCallback Function invoked when the operation fails, with cause of failure


var objSvc = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance().getObjectService("serviceName", {
    "access": "offline"

var queryString = "select * from table";
    function(response) {
        kony.print("Metadata: " + JSON.stringify(response));
    function(error) {
        kony.print("Error in metadata::" + JSON.stringify(error));

getBinaryContent Method

Gets binary content from the sync database.


getBinaryContent(options, successCallback, failureCallback);


Parameter Description
options JSON object with the mandatory parameter "dataObject", which is an instance of the kony.sdk.dto.DataObject Class

Function invoked when the operation succeeds, with the number of records gotten

failureCallback Function invoked when the operation fails, with cause of failure


var objSvc = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance().getObjectService("serviceName", {
    "access": "offline"

var dataObject = new kony.sdk.dto.DataObject("ObjectName");
//primary key details to get object
dataObject.addField("primarykeyfield1", "value1");

var options = {};
options["dataObject"] = dataObject;
//binary column name to get the binary data
options["binaryAttrName"] = "data";
options["responsetype"] = "base64string/filepath";

//filepath is default if it is not set by developer 
objSvc.getBinaryContent(options, successcallback, errorcallback);

function successcallback(response) {
    //response will contain base64string or filepath
    //  based on responsetype
    //value provided by the developer.
    var content = response["records"][0]["data"];
    kony.print("Binary Content: " + JSON.stringify(content));

function errorcallback(error) {
    kony.print("Error in getBinary: " + JSON.stringify(error));
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