Kony Fabric console User Guide: Integration > Configure the Integration Service > Kony SAP Gateway Adapter

Kony SAP Gateway Adapter

With Kony Fabric, you can access external Kony SAP services by using the Kony SAP Gateway adapter. Based on your Kony SAP Gateway authentication, you can use Kony SAP libraries and objects along with the supported HTTP methods in your app.

Configure Kony SAP Gateway Endpoint Adapter

To configure Kony SAP Gateway service in the Integration Service Definition tab, follow these steps:

  1. In the Name field, provide a unique name for your service.
  2. From the Service Type list, select Kony SAP Gateway.
  3. Provide the following details to create the Kony SAP Gateway service:
  4. Field Description
    Select Authentication Services
    • Use Existing Identity Provider - to select an identity provider. This drop-down lists all identity providers only if you have already created identity providers for SAP in the Identity page. Fill in the details for the following fields:

      1. From the Identity list, select your Kony SAP Gateway identity.

        The details for the selected identity are displayed in the Gateway address & port text box. You cannot modify these details.

      2. Under the User ID and Password, provide valid log-in credentials that you created while registering with Kony SAP services.
      3. In the Default Caller ID, provide the ID that Kony SAP Gateway uses for logging and auditing.
      4. In the Default Caller Group, provide the ID that Kony SAP Gateway uses for logging and auditing. This information is optional.

    • Specify Login Endpoint- to configure a new endpoint. Fill in the details for the following fields:
      1. In the Gateway address, enter the domain. For example, connect.kony.com.

      2. In the Port text box, enter a valid port number ranging from 1 to 65535.

      3. In the Header parameter name prefix * text box, enter the header. For example, KonySAP.

      4. Under the User ID and Password, provide valid log-in credentials that you created while registering with Kony SAP Gateway services.

      5. In the Default Caller ID, provide the ID that Kony SAP Gateway uses for logging and auditing.
      6. In the Default Caller Group, provide the ID that Kony SAP Gateway uses for logging and auditing. This information is optional.

  5. Note: All the fields in the Advanced section are optional.

  6. In the Description field, provide a suitable description for the service.

  7. To enable the proxy, select the Use proxy from settings check box. By default, the check box is cleared.
    The Use proxy from settings check box dims when no proxy is configured under the Settings > Proxy.

  8. Click Save to save your service definition.

Create Operations for Kony SAP Gateway

The Operations List tab appears only after the service definition is saved.

Note: Click Operations List tab > Configure Operation. The Configured Operations list appears.

Based on your Kony SAP Gateway authentication, the system loads all tables such as libraries and objects along with supported HTTP methods.

To create operation, follow these steps:

  1. Click SAVE & ADD OPERATION in your service definition page to save your service definition and display the NewOperation tab for adding operations.
    Click Add Operation to add a new operation or from the tree in the left pane, click Add > Add New Operation.
  1. Under Operations List tab, from the Libraries list, select a library - for example, CRM. The system loads available objects and operations for the selected library.
  2. From the Object list, select an object.
  3. From the Operations (HTTP Methods) list, select the required check boxes for each operation.
  4. To configure more operations for your Kony SAP Gateway integration service, repeat Steps a through b. You can select a new library and object, and supported operations.

  5. Click ADD OPERATION. The system adds your operation to the Operations List page, and it also adds your new Kony SAP Gateway service into the Integration page.

  6. To edit an operation, either click on the required operation name or click Edit from the Settings in the Operations List screen. The operation details page is displayed.
  7. To configure an operation, provide the following details:
  8. Field Description
    Name Enter a unique name for your operation.
    Operation Security Level

    It specifies how a client must authenticate to invoke this operation.

    Front End HTTP Method

    Select a HTTP method that you want to invoke on the integration server. By default, the field is set to Post method.

    Note: The front-end HTTP methods are used for all non-SDK clients such as API Management users.
    Invoking a service from an SDK will continue to use the POST method for operations.

    Target HTTP Method Select a HTTP method that you want to invoke on the back-end service from integration server.
    Operation Path

    Modify the path if required.

    Note: If you provide incorrect Salesforce endpoint details, the Object list will contain only _Login object.

  9. Note: All options in the Advanced section are optional.

Configure Request Operation for Kony SAP Gateway

Integration services accept only form-url-encoded inputs for all the input parameters provided in the service input parameters (request input).

You can perform the following actions in Request Input tab:

  1. Click Add Parameter to add an entry (if the entries for input and the output tabs does not exist).

  2. To make duplicate entries, select the check box for the entry, click Copy and Paste.

  3. To delete an entry, select the check box for an entry and click Delete .

  4. Under the Body tab, provide the following details:

    Field Description
    Name It Contains a Unique Identifier. Change the name if required.
    Test Value Enter a value. A test value is used for testing the service.
    Default Value Enter the value, if required. The default value will be used if the test value is empty.

    Select Request or Session. It is set to Request by default.

    • Request indicates that the value must be retrieved from the HTTP request received from the mobile device.
    • Session indicates that the value must be retrieved from the HTTP session stored on Kony Fabric.

    Select the check box to enable encoding of an input parameter. For example, the name New York Times would be encoded as New%20York%20Times when the encoding is set to True. The encoding must also adhere to the HTML URL encoding standards.

  5. Under the Header tab, provide the Custom HTTP Headers. For example, POST or GET. The following Custom HTTP Headers are required by the external source:

    • ID: The rows are created based on the selected operation. Change the value if required.

    • TEST VALUE: Enter a value. A test value is used for testing the service.
    • Scope: Select request or session. By default, this field is set to Request.

  6. To validate the operation details, click Save and Test. For more details, refer to Test a Service Operation.

Configure Response Operation for Kony SAP Gateway

  1. Click the Response Output tab to view the output test values, such as name, scope, data type.

    Note: If you define parameters inside a record as the session, the session scope will not get reflected for the parameters.

  2. To validate the operation details, click Save and Test. For more details, refer to Test a Service Operation.
  3. Click SAVE OPERATION to save the operation.

    Note: You can view the service in the Data Panel feature of Kony Visualizer. By using the Data Panel, you can link back-end data services to your application UI elements seamlessly with low-code to no code. For more information on Data Panel, click here.

How to Edit or Test an Existing Kony SAP Gateway Adapter

If you want to edit an existing Kony SAP service, you can edit details such as service name, authentication service information, operations.

Each operation contains four tabs, including input, attributes, output, and advanced. If you want to test an existing operation for Kony SAP service - for example, get or put - enter necessary test values in the input and the advanced tabs. The results are displayed in the JSON format. The input values can be data types, test values, and session keys.

To edit or test an existing Kony SAP integration service, follow these steps:

  1. In the Integration page, click one of your SAP services.
  2. Make the necessary changes in the Service Definition and Operations sections. You can test an operation by inputting values. To test an operation, refer to How to configure Kony SAP Gateway Operations.
  3. Click Done to save the changes. The system displays the Integration page.


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