Kony Fabric console User Guide: Identity > Configure the Identity Service > Kony Custom Identity Service > How to Configure a Custom Identity Service by using an Integration Service

How to Configure a Custom Identity Service by using an Integration service

A custom identity service is configured by pointing to an endpoint, which follows a custom identity protocol/contract.

An external back-end server can be used to configure a custom identity service, if it implements the identity protocol/contract. Otherwise you can make use of Kony Fabric Integration Service, which internally points to the authentication/login API of the back-end server.

For example,

To create a custom auth service by pointing to an end-point that, follow these steps:

  1. Create a JSON integration service with the custom back-end server's base URL.
  2. Create an operation by name login.
    1. In the Target URL field of the operation, enter the login/authentication API of the custom back-end server.
    2. In the Operation Security Level list, select one of the Authenticated App User option. The Authenticated App User option restricts the access to clients who have successfully authenticated using an Identity Service associated with the app.
    3. In Request Input, configure the login parameters for Body, Header, and Request Template (for example, name and password.)

    4. In the Response Output, configure the following parameters.

  3. Similarly create an operation by name logout as in the previous step.
  4. Publish the app.
  5. Copy the service URL from the App Service Document in the Publish > Environment page.
     "services_meta": {
      "custom": {
       "type": "integsvc",
       "version": "1.0",
       "url": "https://test11.testtest.net:11111/services/custom"
  6. Now, create a custom identity service.
  7. In the Custom Identity Service Endpoint, paste the service URL that you copied from the App Service Document.

    You can now test the login from your authentication server of the custom back-end.

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