kony Namespace

The kony namespace provides the following API elements.


The kony namespace provides the following functions.

kony.nosql APIs

Available Constants

Constant Used in
kony.nosql.AND condition.addRule or condition.addCondition API.
kony.nosql.OR conditionInstance.addRule or conditionInstance.addCondition API.
kony.nosql.EQ While instantiating kony.nosql.Rule class, represents "=" operator.
kony.nosql.NEQ While instantiating kony.nosql.Rule class, represents "!=" operator.
kony.nosql.GT While instantiating kony.nosql.Rule class, represents ">" operator.
kony.nosql.GTE While instantiating kony.nosql.Rule class, represents ">=" operator.
kony.nosql.LT While instantiating kony.nosql.Rule class, represents "<" operator.
kony.nosql.LTE While instantiating kony.nosql.Rule class, represents "<=" operator.
kony.nosql.READ kony.nosql.openTransaction API. The kony.nosql.READ constant specifies that the transaction is to be opened in read mode.
kony.nosql.READ_WRITE kony.nosql.openTransaction API. The kony.nosql.READ_WRITE constant specifies that the transaction is to be opened in read/write mode.
kony.nosql.ASCENDING result.sort API. The kony.nosql.ASCENDING constant sorts the records in ascending order.
kony.nosql.DESCENDING result.sort API. The kony.nosql.DESCENDING constant sorts the records in descending order.


NOTE: Performing update, delete, or fetch operations on a table that contains a large number of records may have an affect on the performance when the condition object contains more than one rule/condition.

NOTE: Usage of Boolean values in the condition object may also cause a performance issue. You must use either 0/1 or 'false'/'true', instead of Boolean false/true.

The functions of the kony.nosql namespace are as follows.