kony.push Namespace
The kony.push
namespace provides the following API elements.
The kony.push
namespace contains the following functions.
This API allows an application on a device to deregister from Push Notifications. This API takes an empty object as the parameter.
If the deregistration is successful, the platform invokes the onsuccessfulderegistration function. If the deregistration is a failure, the platform invokes the onfailurederegistration function.
Input Parameters
Parameter | Description |
emptyObject [Object]- Mandatory |
Is an empty Object. |
To deregister from Push Notifications, use the following code snippet:
/** * Name : deRegisterMyPush * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function helps to de-register from push notifications. **/ function deRegisterMyPush() { var myhash = new Hash(); kony.push.deRegister(myhash); }
Return Values
The following error codes are applicable to onfailureregistration and onfailurederegistration functions:
- 1402 - Unable to connect to push service - PNS service is not available
- 1403 - Registration failed by PNS - Account related or device restrictions (thrown by push.register() API during an onfailureregistration callback).
- 1404 - Deregistration failed - Unable to close channel or PNS internal error while deregistration (thrown by push.deregister() API during an onfailurederegistration callback).
- 1405 - Duplicate Registration - Actual registration details should be provided? (thrown by kony. push.register() API during an onfailureregistration callback)
- 1406 - Platform-specific issue. Full details are available in the errormessage. For example, received payload but payload is in incorrect format.
- An error is thrown if input type is invalid or does not follow the expected structure.
- 102-Invalid input error
API Usage
You must use this API to deregister the application and the device from the Push Notifications service.
Platform Availability
- Android
- iOS
- Desktop Web
This API allows you to register the application and the mobile device for Push Notifications. This API takes an object as a parameter (the values in the table differ across platforms).
If the registration is successful, the platform invokes the onsuccessfulregistration function. If the registration is a failure, the platform invokes the onfailureregistration function.
kony.push.register(configObject)(iOS/Android/Desktop Web);
Input Parameters
Parameter | Description |
configObject [Array] - Mandatory (iOS) |
The Array for iOS must contain any or all of the following:
configObject [Object] - Mandatory (Android) |
A Hash table for Android must contain the following key value pairs:
configObject [Object] - Mandatory (Desktop Web) |
A Hash table for Desktop Web must contain the following key value pairs:
The following are the examples of this API on various platforms:
The following code snippet uses the senderid to register for Push Notifications:
/** * Name : registerMyAndroidPush * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function registers the senderID on the Google cloud. **/ function registerMyAndroidPush() { var config = { senderid: "4815162342" }; kony.push.register(config); }
The following code snippet uses the notification types to register for Push Notifications:
/** * Name : registeriPhonePush * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function register the senderID on the Google cloud. **/ function registeriPhonePush() { var config = [0, 1, 2]; kony.push.register(config); }
Desktop Web
/** * Name : registerDesktopWebPush * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function registers the senderID on the Google cloud. **/ function registerDesktopWebPush() { var configRegister = { messagingSenderId: "88888888888", publicKey: "BKf0xO2plAvCNtblOcgeTeyMleGcOnhetKe3Birx4aqhR-Wh3-D8Px7kPYa1YyMBIECg_tKz7droMbGNjFwyUMw" }; kony.push.register(configRegister); }
NOTE: Only network URLs are allowed. MPNS allows only images from trusted domains (registered to MPNS) to be displayed to avoid image policies. There is no such restriction on local images.
The following error codes are applicable to onfailureregistration and onfailurederegistration functions:
- 1402 - Unable to connect to push service - PNS service is not available
- 1403 - Registration failed by PNS - Account related or device restrictions (thrown by push.register() API during an onfailureregistration callback).
- 1405 - Duplicate Registration - Actual registration details should be provided? (thrown by kony. push.register() API during an onfailureregistration callback)
- 1406 - Platform-specific issue. Full details are available in the errormessage. For example, received payload but payload is in incorrect format.
- An error is thrown if input type is invalid or does not follow the expected structure.
- 102-Invalid input error
API Usage
You must use this API to register the application and the device for Push Notifications with the Push Notifications service provider.
Platform Availability
- Android
- iOS
- Desktop Web
When an application on a device registers or deregisters for Push Notifications, or if the device receives a notification, the device executes the function of your choice.
You can specify the functions to be executed for Push Notification in an object of the kony.push.setCallbacks API.
Input Parameters
A Hash table has the following key-value pairs:
Key | Description |
onsuccessfulregistration [Function] - Mandatory | Specifies the function to be executed when the Push Notifications registration is successful. |
onfailureregistration [Function] - Mandatory | Specifies the function to be executed when the Push Notifications registration fails. |
onlinenotification[Function] | Mandatory for iOS and Android. Specifies the function to be executed when the device receives a message when the application is running. The message types for which this function is executed varies. The message type on various platforms are as follows: iOS: Sounds, Alerts, or Badges. |
offlinenotification [Function] | Mandatory for iOS and Android. Specifies the function to be executed when the device receives a message when the application is not running. The message types for which this function is executed varies. The message type for iOS is as follows: iOS: Sounds, Alerts, or Badges |
onsuccessfulderegistration [Function] - Mandatory | Specifies the function to be executed when the Push Notification deregistration is successful. |
onfailurederegistration [Function] | Mandatory for Android. Optional for iOS. Specifies the function to be executed when the Push Notification deregistration is a failure. |
offlinecallback [Function] - Mandatory. |
Specifies the function to be executed when an action is invoked.
/** * Name : regSuccessAndroidCallback * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function is the callback for the successful registration of the device to the FCM server. It returns the callerID. **/ function regSuccessAndroidCallback(regId) { kony.print("** JavaScript regSuccessCallback() called **"); kony.print(regId); } /** * Name : regFailureAndroidCallback * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function is the callback for the registration failure to the FCM server. **/ function regFailureAndroidCallback(errormsg) { kony.print("* JavaScript regFailureCallback() called *"); kony.print(errormsg.failurereason); kony.print(errormsg.description); }
/** * Name : onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function is the callback for the registration failure to the FCM server. **/
function onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback(msg) { kony.print("* JavaScript onlinePushNotificationCallback() called *"); kony.print(msg); kony.print(msg.message); } /** * Name : offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function is the callback for the received push msg event while offline. **/ function offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback(msg) { kony.print("* JavaScript offlinePushNotificationCallback() called *"); kony.print(msg); } /** * Name : unregSuccessAndroidCallback * Author : Kony * Purpose : This is the callback for the successful unregistration from the FCM server. **/ function unregSuccessAndroidCallback() { kony.print("* JavaScript unregSuccessCallback() called *"); } /** * Name : unregFailureAndroidCallback * Author : Kony * Purpose : This is the callback for the unsuccessful deregistration from the FCM server. **/ function unregFailureAndroidCallback(errormsg) { kony.print("* JavaScript unregFailureCallback() called *"); kony.print(errormsg.errorcode); kony.print(errormsg.errormessage); } /** * Name : callbackAndroidSetCallbacks * Author : Kony * Purpose : This function sets the callback for registration, deregistration, and pushnotification events. **/ function callbackAndroidSetCallbacks() { kony.push.setCallbacks({ onsuccessfulregistration: regSuccessAndroidCallback, onfailureregistration: regFailureAndroidCallback, onlinenotification: onlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback, offlinenotification: offlinePushNotificationAndroidCallback, onsuccessfulderegistration: unregSuccessAndroidCallback, onfailurederegistration: unregFailureAndroidCallback }); }
The kony.push.setCallbacks API contains the following property:
This property is used to trigger online and offline notification callbacks based on whether your application is in the background, foreground, or is in an unused (dead) state. The default value of this property is false, and it is available only for the iOS platform.
The following table illustrates when online and offline notification callbacks are triggered depending on the value of the defaultRemoteNotificationCallbackBehaviour
Application Status | When defaultRemoteNotificationCallbackBehaviour is true/yes | When defaultRemoteNotificationCallbackBehaviour is false/no |
When the application is in the foreground | Online notification callback is triggered | Online notification callback is triggered |
When the application is in the background | Online notification callback is triggered | Offline notification callback is triggered |
When the application is unused (dead state) | Offline notification callback is triggered | Offline notification callback is triggered |
Return Values
The following error codes are applicable to onfailureregistration and onfailurederegistration functions:
- 1403 - Registration failed by PNS - Account related or device restrictions (thrown by push.register() API during an onfailureregistration callback).
- 1404 - Deregistration failed - Unable to close channel or PNS internal error while deregistration (thrown by push.deregister() API during an onfailurederegistration callback).
API Usage
You must call this API after the application is launched as this API will not be explicitly called by the user.
Implementation Details
The following are the implementation details of this API:
Based on the status of the registration or deregistration attempt (success or failure) and the state of the application on the device (active or inactive) when the Push Notifications arrive, use the following snippet to call the associated functions:
object = { onsuccessfulregistration: onsuccess, onfailureregistration: onfailure, onlinenotification: onlineCallback, offlinenotification: offineCallback, onsuccessfulderegistration: onderegsuccess, onfailurederegistration: onderegfailure }; kony.push.setCallbacks(object);
If the registration for Push Notifications is successful, this callback is executed by the underlying platform.
The callback takes string as the parameter.
The following code snippet is an example of the onsuccessfulregistration callback.
function onsuccess(identifier) { kony.print("Registered SUCCESSFULLY :" + identifier); //Send the identifier to the Push Notifications Sender. }
NOTE: If there are spaces in the identifier (device token), you must replace the spaces with an empty string to successfully communicate with the APNS Server.
If the registration for Push Notifications is a failure, this callback is executed by the underlying platform.
The callback takes an Object as the parameter.
The following code snippet is an example of the onfailureregistration callback:
function onfailure(errortable) { kony.print("Registration Failed"); kony.print(errortable.errorcode + errortable.errormessage); }
If the device receives a message when the application is running, this callback is executed by the underlying platform.
This callback can be used for silent push notifications, as described in the overview Silent Push Notifications. With silent push notifications, your app can perform operations in the background, such as downloading data from across the Internet, and not interrupt users by displaying notifications about the download.
The callback takes an Object as the parameter.
The following code snippet is an example of the onlinenotification callback:
function onlineNotification(payload) { /*payload is an Object that contains a set of key-value pairs provided by the respective Push Notification Server*/ }
If the device receives a message when the application is not running, this callback is executed by the underlying platform.
The callback takes an Object as the parameter.
The following code snippet is an example of the offlinenotification callback:
function offlineNotification(payload) { /*payload is an Object that contains a set of key-value pairs provided by the respective Push Notification Server*/ }
If the deregistration for Push Notifications is successful, this callback is executed by the underlying platform.
The callback takes string as the parameter.
The following code snippet is an example of the onsuccessfulderegistration callback:
function onderegsuccess() { kony.print("Deregistered Successfully :"); }
If the deregistration for Push Notifications is a failure, this callback is executed by the underlying platform.
The callback takes an Object as the parameter.
NOTE: This function is not applicable on iOS platform.
The following code snippet is an example of the onfailurederegistration callback:
function onderegfailure(errortable) { kony.print("Deregistration Failed"); kony.ui.Alert("Message : " + errortable["errorcode"] + errortable["errormessage"], null, "info", null, , "Info"); }
Specifies the permission status of the resource authorization.
Parameter | Description |
response | A dictionary that contains the authorization status of the requested resource. This argument contains the following key:
status [Constant] Resource status constant that indicates the status of the resource authorization. The possible values for status are as follows:
Registering the Callback in kony.push.setCallbacks API
Kony.push.setCallbacks({authorizationCallback:permissionStatusCallback, : : : : : : : : });
function permissionStatusCallback(response) { if (response.status == kony.application.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { //PERMISSION_GRANTED Logic } else if (response.status == kony.application.PERMISSION_DENIED) { //User-defined PERMISSION_DENIED Logic } }
NOTE: This callback is called when you invoke the kony.push.register(notificationtypes) API.
Platform Availability
- Android
- iOS
- Desktop Web