Undo and Redo an Operation

Quantum Visualizer includes the ability to undo and redo an operation.

The Undo command allows you to discard the most recent change in Quantum Visualizer. The Redo command reverses the most recent change made using Undo.

To undo an action, on the Edit menu, click Undo, or press Ctrl + Z. To redo an action, on the Edit menu, click Redo, or press Ctrl +Y.

The following are limitations of the Undo and Redo commands:

  • Undo and Redo cannot be used related to operations involving skins and action sequences.
  • You can use Undo to rollback all the widgets added to a form or pop-up, but you cannot rollback the addition of a form or pop-up.
  • Undo and redo cannot be used on custom widgets.
  • You cannot undo or redo an action performed from the shortcut menu of a form or pop-up.