Import a Quantum Visualizer Project

You can import a project that is located locally on your computer or you can import a project from a cloud account to Quantum Visualizer.

For more information, click any of the following sections:

Import a Local Quantum Visualizer Project

Import a Quantum Visualizer Project from a Cloud Account

If the project you are importing includes Cordova content, ensure that the Cordova content is available in the <ProjectName>/web/cordova location. Also the Cordova folder must be structured in the following manner.

Import a Local Quantum Visualizer Project

When you import a local Quantum Visualizer project, you are essentially locating the project file from your local system, which Quantum Visualizer then extracts into the proper location of your workspace.

IMPORTANT: If your project was created using Kony Studio version 6.0, you must first import it into Kony Visualizer Classic version 8.4 (with the latest hotfix) and then you can import it into Quantum Visualizer.

To import a local Quantum Visualizer project, follow these steps:

  1. On the Project menu, point to Import, and then point to Local Project.
  2. You can do any of the following:
    • Click Open as New Project to import the local project as a new Quantum Visualizer project.
    • Click Add to Current Project to import the local project to the current Quantum Visualizer project.
  3. You can do any of the following:
    • Click From an Archive to import the local project from an archive (.zip) file.
    • Click From a Folder to import the local project from a folder.
  4. Locate the file that you want to import, select it, and then click Open.
    The project is imported to your new or current project.
    On successful import, Quantum Visualizer opens the app in the Storyboard view, and the startup form is displayed on the Visualizer Canvas.

Important Considerations

  • If the project contains Quantum Fabric Services associated with the app, Quantum Visualizer displays a dialog box, prompting if you want to import the Services as part of the project import. Click Continue to import the Quantum Fabric Services associated with the app. Click Skip to import the project without importing the Quantum Fabric Services associated with the app.

    NOTE: You can import the Quantum Fabric services at any time by using the Data Panel > Export App option.
    The Export App option is only enabled if the Quantum Fabric app is not linked to the project, and the <workspace>/<project>/Fabric/Apps folder is present in the project's workspace.

  • If your Quantum Fabric account contains Services with the same name as the Services present in the imported project, Quantum Visualizer displays a dialog box, prompting if you want to import the Services as part of the project import. Click Replace to import and associate the Quantum Fabric Services associated with the app. Click Skip to use the Services present in your Quantum Fabric account.

  • If a project with the same name exists already, the Conflict dialog box appears, prompting you if you want to overwrite the existing project. Click OK to overwrite the existing project. Click Cancel to end the import process.

Import a Quantum Visualizer Project from a Cloud Account

It is assumed that you have access to the cloud account where the project is located. For access, contact someone with admin privileges to the cloud account. They can invite you by referring to Invite Users to a Cloud Account.

To import a Quantum Visualizer project from a cloud account, follow these steps:

  1. In Quantum Visualizer, if you are not already signed in, sign in to your Quantum account.
  2. On the Project menu, point to Import, and then click Cloud Project. The Import Project dialog box appears.
  3. Scroll through the list of available projects, and then click Import for the project you want to download.
  4. In the list of projects, hover over the project you want to import. The project's field highlights, and an Import button appears along the right-edge of the project's field. Click Import. The project is imported to your current project.
    On successful import, Quantum Visualizer opens the app in the Storyboard view, and the startup form is displayed on the Visualizer Canvas.

NOTE: If a project with the same name exists already, a dialog box appears, prompting if you want to overwrite the existing project or rename the project you're importing with a different name. Click Overwrite to overwrite the existing project. Click Rename to open a dialog box where you can enter a new name for the app that you are importing. Then you can either click OK to proceed with the import process from the cloud or click Cancel to end the import process without downloading the project from the cloud.