Create an App with Quantum Reference Architecture

When you create an app with Quantum Reference Architecture, you can start by building the app's data model in Quantum Fabric Console. You can add various back-end services and operations that your front-end client app requires. You can then build your front-end client app with Quantum Visualizer. Quantum Visualizer provides you with a way to interface your front-end client app with your back-end Quantum Fabric app, as described on Quantum Visualizer User Guide and in Quantum Fabric User Guide.

Build Your Front-End Client App

After you have created your Object services by using Quantum Fabric, you can build your front-end client app with Quantum Visualizer.

You can connect your front-end client app to your back-end Quantum Fabric app and the services it offers, and then generate the object model. To do so, on the Data & Services panel, click the hamburger menu near the Refresh button, and then click either Create New App or Link to Existing App.

You can select the channels for which you want to build your app, such as Desktop, Mobile, Android Wear, or Tablet. You can then design the user interface of your app by using various widgets available on Quantum Visualizer.

For more information on channels, widgets, and API functions that are available on Quantum Visualizer, refer Quantum Visualizer User Guide, Quantum Visualizer Widget Programmer's Guide, and Quantum Visualizer API Programmer's Guide.

Create a Quantum Reference Architecture Project With Extensions

You must follow these steps to create a Quantum Reference Architecture project with extensions on Quantum Visualizer:

  1. On Quantum Visualizer, click File, and then click New Project. Quantum Visualizer displays the What do you want to start with now? dialog box with the types of apps that you can create.
  2. Select the type of app that you want to create. You can select either Web App or Native App, and click Next. Quantum Visualizer again displays the New Project dialog box with the available project types. For more information about how to create a project in Quantum Visualizer, click here.
  3. If you want Quantum Visualizer to automatically create Reference Architecture Extensions in your project, from the Project Name window, select Advanced Project Settings. The Select Project Type dialog box appears.

    IMPORTANT: The Reference Architecture Extensions are used in packaged applications to customize and extend the standard MVC architecture by adding extra layers. The Reference Architecture Extensions feature is not available for the Apple Watch channel.

  4. From the Select Project Type window, enable the option for Reference Architecture Extensions . You can hover over the info icon for more information about the reference architecture extensions.

  5. Click Choose.
  6. Type the name of your project in the Project Name field. You must follow these guidelines while specifying the name of your project:
    • The name must always start with an alphabet.
    • The name should contain only alphabets and digits.
    • Special characters and reserved words are not allowed.
    • The name must contain more than three characters.
  7. Click Create. Quantum Visualizer creates the project with the Reference Architecture Extensions node in the Project Explorer.

If you had not enabled the Reference Architecture Extensions option while creating your project, the Reference Architecture Extensions node will not be available in Project Explorer.

NOTE: Prior to V9 SP2 version of Quantum Visualizer, Reference Architecture Extensions option can be added to your project by setting the enableMVCExtensions flag to true. This flag must be provided in the following file at the installation folder of Quantum Visualizer: <installation folder>/install_config.json

Create FormController Extensions

In addition to the existing JavaScript features, Quantum Visualizer provides extensions that can be configured on the existing features to extend the feature or to create a new feature.

NOTE: Support for Form Controller Extensions is only available on MVC 2.0 projects.

To create a Form Controller Extension, follow these steps:

  1. From the Project Explorer, expand the Controllers node.
  2. Expand the Module that contains the From Controller that you want to add the extension to.
  3. Right-click the Form Controller, and select Create New Extension.
    A new FormControllerExtension node appears in the Module, and is opened on the Visualizer Canvas.
  4. Enter the code that you want to add, or paste it in from another source by pressing Ctrl+V.
  5. Save the file by pressing Ctrl+S.

Application Group in Reference Architecture Extensions

Application groups are a collection of similar application elements and forms. You can create two types of Application groups under Reference Architecture Extensions. You can learn more about app groups here.

NOTE: If your application was created before Quantum Visualizer V9 SP 2 version, after importing it to the latest version, you can view the controllers and build your application. The App Groups or controllers that were created in the previous versions does not support the options for Create/ Rename/ Delete in the context menu. When a new app group or controller is created, the latest method of App group creation is followed.

UI Module

A UI Module app group contains logic for the presentation layer of the Reference Architecture extension. It consists of two folders.

Presentation Controller

The Presentation Controller contains the view logic required to display content and the logic for the reaction to various user inputs or events. Presentation Controllers can also request for new data from Business controllers.

Presentation Controller consists of a PresentationController.js file in your Quantum Reference Architecture project. You cannot rename or delete the PresentationController.js file.

You can open the PresentationController.js file to either view the default code or manually write new code. The PresentationController.js file contains the following generic code by default.

define([], function() {
     * User defined presentation controller
     * @constructor
     * @extends kony.mvc.Presentation.BasePresenter
    function PresentationController() {;

    inheritsFrom(PresentationController, kony.mvc.Presentation.BasePresenter);

     * Overridden Method of kony.mvc.Presentation.BasePresenter
     * This method gets called when presentation controller gets initialized
     * @method
    PresentationController.prototype.initializePresentationController = function() {

    return PresentationController;

The Config folder by default has the ModuleConfig.json file. The main use of this file is to help you add any controller extensions to your application. When you have to add or customize the presentation controller of an application, you must set the path of the controller extensions using the ControllerExtensions key in the ModuleConfig.json file.

NOTE: In apps that use the Micro App Architecture, ensure that you append ../ before the file name of the Form Extension to generate the absolute path of the require file.

The ModuleConfig.json file contains the following generic code by default.

  "PresentationControllerConfig": {
    "Default": {
      "PresentationExtensions": [],
      "PresentationControllerClass": "AppGroup/PresentationControllers/PresentationController"
  "Forms": {},
  "ModuleType": "UIModule",
  "ModuleName": "AppGroup"

NOTE: You must not modify the ModuleType key in the ModuleConfig.json file. For a UI Module App Group, the value of this key must be "UIModule".

How to create a UI Module App Group

You can add an application group in the Reference Architecture Extensions node by following these steps:

  1. Open the application in Quantum Visualizer.
  2. From the Project explorer, right-click on Reference Architecture Extensions. A context menu appears.
  3. Select New. A new context menu appears.

  4. Select UI Module. A new folder, called AppGroup is added under the Reference Architecture Extensions node. The AppGroup, contains the PresentationControllers and Config folders.
Creating a Channel-specific Presentation Controller

You can create a channel-specific (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop, and Android Wear) Presentation Controller. This feature is not available for the Apple Watch channel. You can add only one Presentation Controller for any specific channel.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the PresentationControllers node. A context menu appears.
  2. Hover the cursor of your mouse on New Controller. Quantum Visualizer displays the list of available channels.
  3. Select the required channel. If you select the Mobile option, Quantum Visualizer creates a PresentationController_Mobile.js file under the PresentationControllers node. You can either open the PresentationController_Mobile.js file and view the default code/manually write new code or delete the Presentation Controller file. You cannot, rename the Presentation Controller file.
Create an Extension for a Presentation Controller

You can create an extension for the PresentationController.js file or any of the channel-specific Presentation Controllers, if created.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the PresentationControllers node. A context menu appears.
  2. Hover the cursor of your mouse on Create New Extension. Quantum Visualizer displays the list of available Presentation Controllers.
  3. Select the required Presentation Controller, whether the PresentationController.js file or any of the channel-specific Presentation Controllers that you created. Quantum Visualizer creates an Extension.js file under the PresentationControllers node. You can create multiple Extensions for multiple Presentation Controllers.
  4. You can either open the Extension.js file and view the default code/manually write new code, rename, or delete the file.


Manager App group consists of the Business Controller layer. The business controller later contains the business logic of the application. Business Controller uses the delegate pattern to execute the logic provided in the controller.

Business Controller consists of a BusinessController.js file in your Quantum Reference Architecture project. You cannot rename or delete the BusinessController.js file.

You can open the BusinessController.js file to either view the default code or manually write new code. The BusinessController.js file contains the following generic code by default.

define([], function() {
    * User defined business controller
    * @constructor
    * @extends kony.mvc.Business.Delegator
  function BusinessController() {;
  inheritsFrom(BusinessController, kony.mvc.Business.Delegator);
  return BusinessController;

How to create a Manager App Group

You can add an application group in the Reference Architecture Extensions node by following these steps:

  1. Open the application in Quantum Visualizer.
  2. From the Project explorer, right-click on Reference Architecture Extensions. A context menu appears.
  3. Select New. A new context menu appears.

  4. Select Manager. A new folder, called AppGroup is added under the Reference Architecture Extensions node. This AppGroup, contains the BusinessControllers folder.
Create an Extension for a Business Controller

You can create an extension for the BusinessController.js file.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the BusinessControllers node. A context menu appears.
  2. Select Create New Extension. Quantum Visualizer creates an Extension.js file under the BusinessControllers node.
  3. You can either open the Extension.js file and view the default code/manually write new code, rename, or delete the file.

Locking Feature in Reference Architecture Extensions

You can "lock" module files and Reference Architecture Extensions files in MVC 2.0 projects, i.e., make the files as read-only. This is to ensure that certain files are non-editable for customers, while internal users can make changes to them. For all other projects such as non-MVC and MVC projects, this feature is not supported.

You can specify the read-only files from the projectProperties.json file. In the projectProperties.json file, assign the readOnly key to all the files that you want to make as read-only.

  • The structure for the readOnly key in the projectProperties.json file is as follows:
    "readOnly": [ ]
  • You must add the file paths in the readOnly key according to their respective file types, as shown here:
    "readOnly": [ "mvcextensions/AppGroup/BusinessControllers/BusinessController.js",
    "modules/Module.js", "modules/require/Module.js",
    "modules/Watch/Module.swift" ]


  • Rename and delete operations for the read-only files are not supported.
  • If you rename or delete the main AppGroup in which read-only files exist, the file information within the readOnly key is not updated.
  • Before you make any changes to the ProjectProperties.JSON file, close the Visualizer project. Once you are done with your updates, open the Visualizer project to view the updates.
  • You cannot make the ModuleConfig.json file as read-only.

Build the App's User Interface

Your client app's user interface displays one or more screens, also called views. Views can be forms, templates, or masters. Every view must have at least one of these. More typically, a view requires multiple forms, templates, or masters. The process of creating views is described in the Quantum Visualizer User Guide.

After creating at least one screen for your app using forms, you can add widgets to the forms. Widgets provide your app with the user interface elements that it needs. These include buttons, menus, text labels, calendars, and more. They also give your app access to the functionality of the user's device through the use of a camera widget, a phone, widget, and so forth. The process of populating your app's forms with widgets is presented in the Quantum Visualizer User Guide.

Add Functionality to Your App

Each time you add forms to your app, Quantum Visualizer automatically adds a controller for each form and creates a folder in your project to put it in. You'll find the controllers for your forms in the project tree under the channel that you're developing the app for. So if you add a form called frmMain to your project and you're developing the app for Android and iOS, you'll find folders for the frmMainController in the Android and iOS branches of the project tree. Whenever you change the names of your forms and templates, Quantum Visualizer automatically renames the controllers associated with them.

Likewise, when you add templates to your apps, Quantum Visualizer adds the corresponding controller for each template. Renaming your template automatically renames its controller.

To add functionality to your app, you add your custom JavaScript code to the controllers in your app. The controller for a form or template is the only object that has access to the form or template. Only the controller can performs actions on it.

Your app may also contain models, one for each backend data source. The data sources can be local on the device or remote servers that are accessed across the network. If you need to, you can add custom code to your app's models to enhance or customize the model's functionality.

In addition, you can add actions to your forms just as you would with any other Quantum Visualizer app. When you do, Quantum Visualizer automatically creates an action controller for your actions. However, this is an autogenerated file and you should not make any changes to it. If you do, they will be overwritten the next time the file is regenerated.

Build Your App's Data Model

The steps required to build the data model of your app are as follows:

Build a Quantum Fabric App

To integrate your front-end client app with the back-end services that you want the app to access through Quantum Fabric, you must first create a Quantum Fabric app by using Quantum Fabric Console. For more details on how to do so, refer Quantum Fabric documentation.

In this walkthrough, we will create a simple service that integrates with SAP data in the back end. Although your data may reside in a different backend storage system, the basic workflow for building your app's data model will be very similar to what's shown here. In this walkthrough, we will assume that you have already created your Quantum Fabric app.

For our example, the Quantum Fabric app is called Work Order. The Work Order Quantum Fabric app gets its data from SAP. In the Quantum Fabric console, the results will resemble the following illustration.

Configure Identity Services

  1. Select the app you just created. In this example, it's the Work Order app.
  2. Click the Configure Services tab.
  3. Choose Identity Services.
  4. Click the Configure New button.
  5. Set the identity's name.
  6. Select the Type of Identity. In this example, it will be Quantum SAP Gateway.
  7. Set the address and port of the gateway server.
  8. Supply the remaining information such as the login credentials and so forth. You screen will resemble the following.

Create an Object Service

Next, you create an object service that will provide your front-end client app with access to the data in the data store. In this example, the client app on the device or desktop will access the work order data in the SAP database.

  1. In the Configure Services tab in the Quantum Fabric console, click Objects.
  2. Select the Configure New button.
  3. Set the name and endpoint type. In this example, the endpoint type is SAP.
  4. Select Existing Identity Provider and enter the name of the identity service you create in Step 2. This example uses the name identitysap.
  5. Fill in the other information such as User ID, Password, and so forth.

  6. Click the Save & Configure button.

Configure the Data Model

At this point, you need to configure the data model your service will use.

  1. Continuing from #6 in Step 3, click the Generate button.
  2. In dialog box that appears, select the object service you want to use. The Quantum Fabric console then displays a list of objects offered by the selected object service.
  3. Choose the object or objects that you want your client app to have access to. In this example, we will select only one object, as shown in the following figure.

  4. Click Next.
  5. In the dialog box that appears, click Generate. Your data model is now generated automatically by the system.
  6. Click the Publish button to publish your Quantum Fabric data service app.

Generate Controllers and Extensions

Collectively, the views, controllers, models, and model extensions are known as Reference Architecture artifacts. The Quantum Fabric channel is not available on Quantum Visualizer.

You can generate Reference Architecture models and model extensions by following these steps:

  1. Right-click the Quantum Fabric node in the Project pane of Quantum Visualizer Classic. A context menu appears.
  2. Click either the Use Existing App or the Create New App option. Quantum Visualizer displays a Sign In dialog box requesting you to log on to Quantum Fabric.
  3. Sign in to Quantum Fabric by entering your login credentials. After you successfully sign in, Quantum Fabric displays the list of created apps .
  4. Click Associate for the required app. Quantum Fabric displays the details of the app.
  5. Click Workspace at the upper left corner of the screen. You are navigated back to Quantum Visualizer.
  6. Right-click the Quantum Fabric node and from the context menu that appears, click Generate Object Model. Quantum Visualizer generates the object model and creates the Models node in the Project pane.
  7. a. For new projects, Quantum Visualizer displays the generated object models for all project types (non-MVC, MVC, and MVC 2.0) under the Models node. To enable this hierarchical folder-structure, you must navigate to Project Properties of your app, create a new flag named enableMVCExtensions, and set the flag as true. All files are read-only and the structure of the Model folder is as follows:
    Models: <Service-name>/ <Object-name>/ <Model.js> / <MF_Config>/ <Repository.js>

    b. For existing projects, where models already exist under the previous folder structure (Modules for non-MVC and Models for MVC), Quantum Visualizer follows the older format and flat folder-structure even if you re-generate the models.

A Sample FormController

The following sample code shows the partial implementation of a FormController object. Note that the implementation is in RequireJS format, which is mandatory for Quantum Reference Architecture applications.

    onIPRecievedFromIPControl: function (masterController1, newtext) 
        if (null != newtext) 

    AS_Button_6c7c9d022bcc4a61a603aa3c89110efe: function (eventobject) 
        this.view.defaultAnimationEnabled = false;
        this.view.master1.onIPAddressSet = this.onIPRecievedFromIPControl;
        this.view.master1.IPAddress = "";

NOTE: In an MVC project, a top-level FlexContainer is added by default when you create a new template.