You are here: Prerequisites


The following sections provide you the information to understand the hardware and software required to install Kony Fabric Engagement Services.

Hardware Requirements (Per Physical Instance)

Component Requirement
Processor Quadra Core 2.2 MHz
memory 16 GB
Internal Storage 146 GB (15K RPM) with 2 Drives (Raid 1)
Network 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports
IP Configuration Statically assigned IP addressing

Software System Requirements (Per Physical Instance)

For software system requirements, click here

Database System Requirements (Per Physical Instance)

Component Requirement
Processor Dual Core Processor
memory 16 GB
Internal Storage 73 GB (15K RPM) with 4 Drives (Raid 5)
External Storage 200 GB (RAID 5 + HS) SAN Storage with HA Fiber HBA Connection
Network 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports

Corporate Firewall Settings

The following firewall settings need to be configured for successful Kony Fabric Engagement Services installation.

Source Destination Ports Protocol Direction Action Description
Engagement Server ( to 443 TCP Both Allow Allow the Engagement Server to access Apple APNS HTTP2 production URL
Engagement Server 443 TCP Outbound Allow Allow the Engagement Server to access the JPush notification server URL
Engagement Server ( to 443 TCP Both Allow Allow the Engagement Server to access Apple APNS HTTP2 development URL
Engagement Server 443 TCP Outbound Allow Allow the Engagement Server to access Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service
Engagement Server,, ( to 2196 TCP Outbound Allow Allow the Engagement Server to access APNS feedback service
Engagement Server,, ( to 2195 TCP Outbound Allow Allow the Engagement Server to access Apple's APNS
Engagement Server All subdomains of Sample Push URL: https://cpxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 443 TCP Outbound Allow Allow connect to Blackberry Cloud through this port
Engagement Server 443 TCP Outbound Allow Allow connect to Windows Cloud (MPNS) through this port
Engagement Server 443 TCP Outbound Allow Allow connect to Windows Cloud (WNS) through this port
Internal Corporate WiFi router for Android Mobile Devices Allow your firewall to accept outgoing connections to all IP addresses contained in the IP blocks listed in Google's ASN of 15169. Reference link for the IP Addresses 5228, 5229,5230 TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, UDP Both Allow Android devices will connect to GCM through this port
Internal Corporate WiFi router for iOS Devices,,,, ( to 5223 TCP Both Allow Apple devices connect to APNS servers through this port
Internal Corporate WiFi router for iOS Devices, 80, 443 TCP Both Allow Apple devices will connect to public Apple OCSP and iTunes service through this port
Internal Corporate WiFi router for Window Devices Add the list IPs specified in the following WNS URL   TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, UDP Both Allow Windows devices will connect to WNS through this port
Internal Corporate WiFi router for Window Devices

Add the list IPs specified in the following MPNS URL:

  TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, UDP Both Allow Windows devices will connect to MPNS through this port



APNS works only with SOCKS proxy type. It is because of the current technical limitation from Apple to communicate the below push notification ports when a proxy server is in place between Kony Fabric Engagement server and the firewall.

Alternatively, as a workaround, to communicate with the above ports, the system on which the Kony Fabric Engagement server is installed should bypass the proxies and communicate with the firewall directly.

Downloading Artifacts

Important: The database scripts are available on the Kony Developer Portal at:

Navigate to appropriate major GA version and Download Engagement service from kony community portal. It contains the below artifacts:

- db2.tar
- mysql.tar
- oracle.tar
- sqlserver.tar
- kms.war
- kpns-resources.tar
- sharedlib.tar

Installation Note

The domain/server/configuration names mentioned in this document are used for the convenience of this document. You may use any name suitable for your installation needs.

Make sure that each resource type within a domain must have a name and a JNDI name that is unique for all configuration objects in the domain. Within a domain, each server, machine, cluster, and JDBC connection pool, and any other resource type must be named uniquely and must not use the same name as the domain. Therefore, the name you provide for the Managed Server, Cluster, JMS Server, JMS Topic, or any other resource should be unique in that domain. The JNDI name provided for JMS resources and JDBC resources must be unique.

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