Generating the Provisioning Profile

A provisioning profile is needed to identify the devices on which the developed application can be deployed. The following steps describe the creation of the provisioning profile for KMS demo application.

  1. Log in to your account with your credentials (user ID and password).
  2. Click Sign In to continue.
  3. On the Developer Account page, click Certificates, IDs and Profiles in the left pane to continue.

    The Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles page appears.

  4. Click All under the Provisioning Profiles header in the left pane to view all the existing profiles or create new profiles.

  5. On the upper-right corner of the screen, click the plus sign next to the iOS Provisioning Profiles header to create a new profile.

    The What type of provisioning profile do you need? page appears.

  6. Select the iOS App Development option under the Development section. Click Continue.

  7. Select the App ID for which the profile is created from the drop-down list and click Continue.

  8. The Select certificates page appears. Select the required certificate from the list-view to include in the profile.

    NOTE: To install the application on a device, the signed certificate should be included in the profile.

  9. Click Continue.
  10. The Select devices page appears. Select the device on which you need to install the application.

  11. Click Continue.

    The Name this profile and generate page appears.

  12. Profile Name: Enter the profile name and click Continue to create the provisioning profile for the selected certificate and the device.

    The Your provisioning profile is ready page appears.

  13. Click Download to download the profile.

  14. Click Done. The system displays the newly added provisioning profile in the list-view.