Kony Management User Guide: Self Service Console > Content

Content Management - Self-Service Console

Through the self-service console, users can access their user space, enterprise space, and shared space.


Folders help organize the content files available into logical groups. Every managed content file should be associated with a folder. Distributing the content to an appropriate audience is easier through a folder.

A managed content file can be added to multiple folders or none at all. If a file is not associated with any folder, it is not targeted to any users and is unavailable to them. Policies do not apply to such files. In the self-service console, a file cannot exist without a folder.

You can do the following with/to folders:

The Folders details page displays three tabs.

User Space

User space contains details of content uploaded by a user.

User Folder Details

The User Folder details page consists of actions a user can take on a folder and also provides details about the folder.

Folder details are available in three tabs.

For user space folders, you can take the following actions.

Details Tab

The Details tab displays details about the folder.

Content Tab

The Content tab displays files and folders within the folder.

Sharing Tab

Use the Sharing tab to share content with other users and groups.

Enterprise Space

Enterprise space displays enterprise content created by an administrator and targeted to the user. A user can view folders and file names available in the enterprise space tab.

Shared Space

The Shared Space contains files and folders shared with the user by other users from their user space.

Applying Features of the Self-Service Console

How to Create a New Folder

To create a new folder, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The User Space tab appears.
  2. Click Create Folder. The Add a Folder dialog appears.
  3. In the Folder Name text box, enter a name for the folder.
  4. In the Description text box, enter a description about the folder.
  5. Click Create. A success message appears.
  6. Click OK. The User Space page appears with newly created folder details.

How to Search Folders

To search for folders, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. In Search Folders text box, enter the name of the folder you want to search. Search results turn up a list of folders that match the details you entered.
  3. Select the folder you want to open.

How to Search for a Folder by its Path

To search for a folder by its path, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. In the Search Path text box, enter the name of the path you want to search. Search results turn up a list of folders in paths that match the details you entered.
  3. Select the folder in the path you want to open.

How to Search for a Folder Using Last modified By

To search for a folder Using last modified by feature, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. In the Search Last Modified by text box, enter the name of the user who last modified the folder. A list of folders last modified by the user appears.
  3. Select the folder you want to open.

How to Search for a Folder by Last Modified Date

To search for a folder by the last modified date feature, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. In the Search Last Modified Date text box, enter the date the folder was last modified. A list of folders last modified on the specified date appears.
  3. Select the folder you want to open.

How to Copy a Folder to Another Location

To copy a folder to another location, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click Copy To. Copy Folder window appears.
  4. In the Destination Folder text box, enter the name of the destination folder.
  5. Click the folder name to select the folder, and then click Copy.
  6. A Copy to Successful message appears. Click OK.

How to Move a Folder

To move a folder from one location to another, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click Move To. The Move Folder window appears.
  4. In the Destination Folder text box, enter the name of the folder you selected. Folder name appears.
  5. Click the folder name to select the folder, and then click Move.
  6. A Move to Successful message appears. Click OK.

How to Copy a Folder From Another Folder

To Copy a folder from, another folder, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click Copy From. The Copy From window appears.
  4. In the Source Folder(s) text box, enter the name of the folder you want to copy from. The Folder name appears.
  5. Click the folder name to select the folder.
  6. In the Source File(s) text box, enter the name of the file you want to copy. The file name appears.
  7. Click the file name to select the file and then click Copy.
  8. A Copy From Successful message appears. Click OK.

How to Change a Folder's Location

To move a folder from one location to another, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click Move From. The Move From window appears.
  4. In the Source Folder(s) text box, enter the name of your designated source folder. The folder name appears.
  5. Click the folder name to select the folder.
  6. In the Source File(s) text box, enter the name of the file you want to move. The fle name appears.
  7. Click the file name to select the file, and then click Move.
  8. A Move From Successful message appears. Click OK.

How To Add Files

To add file(s) to a folder, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM-Self Service console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click + Add File(s). The Add File(s) dialog appears.
  4. Select file(s). Click to add, or Drag and drop.
  5. Click Add. The Open dialog appears.
  6. Navigate to the location where the file you want to upload is located, and select the file. Or drag and drop the file you want to add.
  7. Click Upload.
  8. In the Description text box, enter a brief description about the document.
  9. Click Save. The new file is uploaded to the system in the folder you have specified.

How To Create a Folder

To create a new folder, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click Create Folder. The Add Folder dialog appears
  4. In the Folder Name text box, enter a name for the folder.
  5. In the Description text box, enter a description about the folder.
  6. Click Create. A success message appears.
  7. Click OK. The Folders page appears with the newly created folder in it.

How To Rename a Folder

To rename a folder, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click Rename. The Rename Folder window appears.
  4. In New Folder Name text box, enter the new name for the folder, and then click Rename.
  5. Click Save. A success message appears.
  6. Click OK.

How to Delete a Folder

To delete a folder, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click Delete. The Delete Folder Confirmation window appears.
  4. Click OK to delete the folder. A success message appears.
  5. Click OK.

Note: If a folder is currently shared, a user must confirm that the folder shared is also removed.

File Details Page

The File Details page contains three tabs by default. If there is more than one version of the file, a Past Version tab is available.

Applying Actions to Files

How to Update a File

To update a file, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click on a file.The File details page appears.
  4. Click Update. The Update File window appears.
  5. From Update File, click Add. The Open window appears.
  6. Navigate to the file's location, and then click the file.

Note: You can only update a file if both versions have the same name and format. If you upload a file with a different name, the system asks to rename the file on the server with the existing name. If you accept the change, the file is updated and renamed. If you decline, the update fails.

  1. Click Save. A success message appears.
  2. Click OK.

How to Rename a File

To rename a file, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click on a file. The File details page appears.
  4. Click Rename. The Rename File window appears.
  5. In the New File Name text box, enter the new name for the file, and then click Rename.
  6. Click Save. A success message appears.
  7. Click OK.

How to Copy a File

To copy a file, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click on a file. The File Details page appears.
  4. Click Copy. The Copy File window appears.
  5. In Copy File text box, enter the name of the folder you want to copy the file into.
  6. The folder name appears. Click to select the folder.
  7. Click Copy. A success message appears.
  8. Click OK.

How to Move a File

To move a file from location to another, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click on a file. The File Details page appears.
  4. Click Move. The Move File window appears.
  5. In the Move File text box, enter the name of the folder you want to move the file into.
  6. The folder name appears. Click to select the folder.
  7. Click Move. A success message appears.
  8. Click OK.

How to Delete a File

You can delete a file in the Files page and in the File Details page.

In Files page, follow these steps:

  1. Select the file you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete icon at the bottom of the list of files to delete. A warning message appears.
  3. Click Yes to delete the file. A success message appears.

Note: If the file is currently shared or targeted, a user needs to confirm removal of file from sharing and targeting.

  1. Click OK.

In the Files Details page,

  1. Click on a file. The File Details page appears.
  2. Click Delete. A warning message appears.
  3. Click Yes to delete the file. A success message appears.
  1. Click OK.

To download a Previous Version

To download a previous version of a file, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click Content tab. The Files in the folder appear.
  4. Click on a file. The File Details page appears.
  5. In the Past Version tab, click in the Version text box. A search box opens.
  6. In the search box, enter the version of the document you want to view. A list of available versions appears.
  7. Click the version you want to download. The Download button is activated.
  8. Click Download. The file downloads.

How to Make a Previous Version as Current

To make a previous version of a file as the current version, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on any folder. The Folder details page appears.
  3. In the Past Version tab, click in the Version text box. A search box opens.
  4. In the search box, enter the version of the document you want to view. A list of available versions appears.
  5. Click the version you want to make current. The make current button is activated.
  6. Click Make Current. The Make Current window appears.
  7. Click Yes. A success message appears.
  8. Click OK.

Note: Note that the version number is incremental. For example, if the file has three versions and you chose to make the second version as current, the new version is No. 4.

How to Share a File

To share a file, follow these steps:

  1. In EMM Self-Service Console, click Content. The Content page appears.
  2. Click on the folder from where you want to share content. The Folder details page appears.
  3. Click on a file you want to share. The File details page appears.
  4. Click the Sharing tab. Sharing tab details appear.
  5. To add a user, in the Add User text box, add the name of the user with whom you want to share content. Details of the user appear.
  6. To add a group, in the Add Group text box, add the group name you want to share the content with. Details of the group appear.
  7. Click Add. Content is shared with the user/group, and details appear in the Target section.
  8. Click Save & Exit.
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