Kony Management User Guide: Device Management > Device Statuses


The primary purpose of Devices page is to provide all the information about devices and perform different activities to manage them efficiently.

From the Device Management section, click the Devices from the left panel. The Devices page appears with a list of theregistered devices. The view displays a list of all the devices along  with other details. You can search the devices based on each column and also sort on each column.

The Devices list view displays the following columns:

 Columns                                          Description     
Device Name

Displays the device name with the domain name as given to the device by the system. The device list can be sorted on the following:

  • Device name
  • IMEI
  • Serial number
  • SIM ID

You can also search for a device based on the device name, IMEI number, serial number, and SIM ID.

Status Displays the current status of the device. Devices Statuses are as follows:
  • Enrolled: The Device is registered with EMM Console.
  • Deactivated: The Device status is changed from active to inactive.
Device Owner Displays the name of User with whom the Device is registered.
  • Displays the ownership of the device. Options are Corporate, Employee, and Shared.
  • OS Displays the Operating System version present on the device.
    Last Check-in Time Stamp of the last time the device communicated with the EMM Server.
    Date Enrolled of First Login Displays when the device was enrolled to EMM Console, for example, Today, Yesterday or Last 7 Days.
    Action Displays the action taken on the device.

    Device Statuses

    Displays the current status of the device are as follows:

    Deleting Device List Entries

    An administrator can select one or more entries in the Device List and delete those entries. Those entries will no longer appear on the Device List.

    To delete Device List entries, follow these steps:

    1. Select the check box next to the specified Device Name.

      The Delete button is active only if the Device Status is set to one of the statuses below:

      • Control Removed
      • Deactivated
      • Device Lost
      • Retired

      For any other status, the Delete button is not active:

    2. Click the Delete button. The system displays the following message:

      The chosen device(s) shall be removed from the device list. Are you sure you want to do this?

    3. Click Yes to confirm. The selected entry removed.

    Note: Suspended devices are always shown in the Device List but cannot be deleted.

    Important: When an enrolled device is purged from the Admin Console and the device gets the notification as purged; and a user tries to login the device in offline mode, the user can still login and access to the Launchpad still works. Therefore, whenever the device enrolment status changes, you need to login again to update the status on the device. The scenario also applies to Enterprise Wipe, Purge, and Blocked Devices.


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