Kony Management User Guide: Device Management > Device Details > Overview for iOS

Device Details

The primary purpose of the Device Details page is to display complete information of a device and manage the device through various actions available.

The Device Details Page includes the following screen elements:

Note: For iOS, even after the SIM card is removed from a device, the Home Carrier field and the Current Carrier field in the Device Details page under Overview tab display the existing carrier details.

The Device Details Page content is divided into the following sections.

Device Details Page Tabs

Device details page displays the following tabs:


By default Overview tab is set to active. This tab displays the various attributes of the device. You can update the ownership details only.

Overview for iOS

Overview for Android


This option is used to send a message to a device user. The administrator can send a message to a Device User for various reasons, for example,

To compose a message, follow these steps:

  1. Click the New Message button to open the Compose Message window. Enter the following details:

  2. Send As: By default this option is set to Email. You can modify it to Push Notification.
  3. Compose from Template: Select the required option from the drop-down menu.

    To automate the work-flow process, you create message templates under Device Settings > Message Templates section. You can access these messages in Compose Message window through Compose from Template dropdown list.

  4. Personalization Attributes: Select the required attribute from the dropdown list. These details are populated through Active Directory.

    The Personalized Attributes are predefined and system displays the related details as per the selected attributes. For example, if you select Device OS, Device Name, and the Device Model No from the dropdown list. The respective details are picked up from the device and appended in the sent message.

  5. Click the  Add button. The details appear in the Message Box.
  6. Click  the Send button to submit the message. In the confirmation message (Send Message – Success) that appears, click OK to continue.

    The message appears in the message window

  7. Personalization Attributes: Select the required attribute from the dropdown list. These details are populated through Active Directory.

    The Personalized Attributes are predefined and system displays the related details as per the selected attributes. For example, if you select Device OS, Device Name, and the Device Model No from the dropdown list. The respective details are picked up from the device and appended in the sent message.

  8. Click the  Add button. The details appear in the Message Box.
  9. Click  the Send button to submit the message. In the confirmation message (Send Message – Success) that appears, click OK to continue.

    The message appears in the message window.


The Locate Tab displays the location details. You may wish to know the location of a device under several situations. For example,

You can view the most recently polled location of the device both in terms of coordinates as well as the address as indicated by the used maps service.

You can also view the last 5 locations of the device as per the location samples collected.The system displays the following location information about the device:

You can zoom in and zoom out as required.

Important: If location is turned off on device, then portal does not display the map with last five locations.

Note: If you are using a free Google Maps license, when the limit is reached you will see an error - 'Geo coder failed due to:OVER_QUERY_LIMIT'. In such cases it is recommended to move to a business license.

App Monitor

The App Monitor displays the installed apps on a device. It does not display default apps that are installed with OS.

There are types of Apps shown.

App Monitor for iOS

The App Monitor list view for iOS has the following details:

App Monitor for Android

You can search a desired app through search filters based on all grid columns. You can apply a single or a combination of search filters to define the search criteria and get the refined outcome.

The App Monitor list view for Android SAFE devices has the following details:

To search for an app, follow these steps:

  1. Name: Displays the Name of the application.
  2. Version: Displays the Name of the application.
  3. Package Name: Displays the package name of the application.

Device Details Page Actions

You can perform the following activities from Device List page.

Searching for Devices

You search for devices through search filters based on all grid columns. You can apply a single or a combination of search filters to define the search criteria and get the refined outcome. To search a device, follow these steps:

  1. Enter or select details for the following search filters:
    1. Device Name: Enter partial or a complete device name in the Search Device Name text field.
    2. Status: Select the desired option from the drop-down list.
    3. Device Owner: Enter partial or a complete owner name in the Search Device Owner text field.
    4. Ownership: Select the required category from the dropdown list.
    5. OS: Enter desired operating system version in the Search OS text field.
    6. Last Log in: Shows several options to shortlist the Last Log in by.
    7. Date of First LoginThis is the date of registration of the device.
  2. According to your search filter criteria, the list view is updated with respective device details. By default, the list view displays ten devices according to Display settings, which you can modify through Display dropdown list. You can also scroll the list view through Previous and the Next buttons.

Remove App Data

Remove App Data is only applicable to Enterprise Apps that are wrapped-signed and pushed through EMM and not for side-loaded apps. This action is performed to remove all the data from the apps. This action is performed by an enterprise store to retain the apps but remove the app data to retain safety.

To remove the data from the apps, follow these steps:

  1. Click the required device in the list view.

    The Device Details page appears.

  2. Click the Remove App data button.

    The System displays the warning message (Remove App Data) asking the user, if really wishes to remove all the corporate data from the device.

  3. Click the Remove button to remove the app data.In the confirmation message (Remove App Data)that appears,click OK to return to the page.

    Note: For Windows Phone 8.x devices, the remove app data policy will not work if the app is in use. The policy command will apply when the app is closed and relaunched.

Note: If this is applied for non-supervised devices, the command will not execute.


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