Prerequisites for PostgreSQL

Applicable for Engagement services

The Report job (reports_job) is a procedure in the Engagement services that runs other procedures to get data from subscribers and channels (SMS, Push, and Email). The data is then put into report tables and then displayed on the dashboard.

To run the procedures, the Engagement service executes events. For PostgreSQL, you need to set up pgAgent jobs as an alternative to events. For more information, refer to Installing pgAgent.

After installing pgAgent, follow these steps:

  1. In the reports.sql file, search for <Database Name> and replace it with the name of your database.
  2. In the reports.sql file, search for <Schema Name> and replace it with the name of your schema.
  3. Execute the content of the reports.sql file.

IMPORTANT: Ensure that the pgAgent service is running to use Quantum Fabric.