Pre-Installation Tasks - Database

Configuring Flyway Command-line Tool

The following section helps you configure placeholders and properties in the flyway.conf file and execute SQL scripts for your database. The details that are required to configure flyway properties for a component's database are available in the database sections of an app server in the document.

NOTE: Before configuring flyway properties for your database, download the Flyway Command-line Tool from to your local system, and unzip the flyway-commandline-<x.x.x>-<Operating_Platform>. You can download the Flyway Command-line Tool specific to your Operating System. The supported version is Flyway 4.0.3.

  1. Go to the \flyway\conf folder and open the flyway.conf file.
  2. Configure your database properties for the current module with relevant data in the flyway.conf file.

    The following is a sample for configuring properties in the flyway.conf file.

    # --------
    # Most drivers are included out of the box.
    # * = driver must be downloaded and installed in /drivers manually
    # H2                : jdbc:h2:<file>
    # Hsql              : jdbc:hsqldb:file:<file>
    # Google Cloud SQL* : jdbc:google:mysql://<project-id>:<instance-name>/<database>
    # MariaDB           : jdbc:mariadb://<host>:<port>/<database>?<key1>=<value1>&<key2>=<value2>...
    # MySQL             : jdbc:mysql://<host>:<port>/<database>?<key1>=<value1>&<key2>=<value2>...
    # Oracle*           : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/<service>
    # PostgreSQL        : jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<database>?<key1>=<value1>&<key2>=<value2>...
    # solidDB*          : jdbc:solid://<host>:<port>?<key1>=<value1>&<key2>=<value2>...
    # SQL Azure*        : jdbc:sqlserver://<servername>;databaseName=<database>
    # SQL Server        : jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<host>:<port>/<database>
    # SQLite            : jdbc:sqlite:<database>
    # Vertica*          : jdbc:vertica://<host>:<port>/<database>
    #Flyway URL for MySQL
    #Flyway URL for MSSQL
    flyway.url=jdbcjdbc:sqlserver://<IP>:<PORT>/<database_name>:currentSchema=<schema_name>; # Fully qualified class name of the JDBC driver (autodetected by default based on flyway.url) # flyway.driver= # User to use to connect to the database (default: <<null>>) flyway.user=<DBAdminUserName> # Password to use to connect to the database (default: <<null>>) flyway.password=<DBAdminUserPassword> # Comma-separated list of schemas managed by Flyway. These schema names are case-sensitive. # (default: The default schema for the data source connection) # Consequences: # - The first schema in the list will be automatically set as the default one during the migration. # - The first schema in the list will also be the one containing the metadata table. # - The schemas will be cleaned in the order of this list. flyway.schemas=<DBName> Note: For Identity services, the schema name should be <authconfigdb_name>. # Replace placeholders for Quantum Fabric Components
    Placeholders for Console: Accounts, Workspace Services
    Placeholders for Identity Services
    Placeholders for Integration ServicesAdmin Server, Reports
    Placeholders for Engagement Services

    Placeholders for mfaccountsdb
    Placeholders for mfconsoledb
    Placeholders for idconfig
    Placeholders for admindb (admindb for Tomcat)
    Placeholders for reportsdb (reportsdb for Tomcat)

    Placeholders for kpnsdb
  3. Save the flyway.conf file.
  4. Add your database driver into the Flyway drivers folder. For example, flyway-4.0.3\drivers.

    The following jars are required for your database.

  5. To execute your database SQL scripts, copy all required database SQL files from Quantum Fabric_Plugins folder and paste them to the Flyway SQL (For example, C:\flyway\sql or /opt/flyway/sql   depending on Windows or Linux) folder of the Flyway Command-line Tool.
  6. For only identity services, to execute your database SQL scripts, do the following:
    1. Copy the migrations.jar from the QuantumFabric_Plugins\scripts\javamigrations-auth\ folder.
    2. Paste the migrations.jar to the C:\flyway\jars\, for example, C:\flyway\jars\migrations.jar.
    3. Go to the \flyway\conf folder and open the flyway.conf file.
    4. Add the following database class path: flyway.locations=com.kony.auth.migrations.<<db_name>>
  7. From the command line, execute the SQL scripts for your database:
    • For Oracle, execute the SQL scripts with the following Flyway migrate command along with the following placeholder parameters: <Product_Prefix>_DATA_TABLESPACE, <Product_Prefix>_INDEX_TABLESPACE, and  <Product_Prefix>_LOB_TABLESPACE

      NOTE:   While creating databases in Oracle, you can provide one name or separate names for tablespace, index space and lob space. If the same name is given, that name will need to be passed for all these parameters.

      For example, the following is the flyway command to execute SQL scripts for AUTH (identity services) with separate tablespace names:

      <commandprompt> flyway migrate -placeholders.AUTH_DATA_TABLESPACE="TS32K" -placeholders.AUTH_INDEX_TABLESPACE="IDX32K" -placeholders.AUTH_LOB_TABLESPACE="LOB32K"

    • For MySQL and SQL Server, execute the following Flyway migrate command:
      <commandprompt> flyway migrate

    The SQL files will be executed in the Flyway SQL folder. For example, C:\flyway\sql or /opt/flyway/sql   depending on Windows or Linux, or specific to your storage file path.