A developer should register with Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android services to get the deviceToken that is used to register with Kony Fabric Messaging. Also a developer should fetch the deviceId and userfriendlyId to create an instance of messaging service.
The following are the methods you can use for a messaging service.
Register API registers to the engagement server.
register = function(osType, deviceId, regID, UFID,successCallback, failureCallback, options)
Name | Type | Description | Required |
osType | String | Type of operating system | Yes |
deviceID | String | Device ID of the device | Yes |
regID | String | Registration ID of the user | Yes |
UFID | String | User friendly ID configured in messaging service console | Yes |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
options | JSON | Map for optional parameters | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
authToken | String | Authorization token configured in messaging service console. | Optional |
// Get an instance of SDK var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var deviceId = kony.os.deviceInfo().deviceid; var UFID = "user_friendly_id"; var osType = "iphone"; /*"androidgcm" for android, "iphone" for iphone, "ipad" for ipad, "ipod" for ipod*/ var options = { "authToken": "authorization_token" }; //To get regID, use kony.push.register() method var regID = kony.push.register(); messagingSvc.register(osType, deviceId, regID, UFID, function(response) { kony.print("register with auth token success: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("register with auth token failed: " + JSON.stringify(error)); }, options);
The registerWithAuthToken API registers with an Auth Token for the messaging service.
registerWithAuthToken = function(osType, deviceId, regID, UFID, authToken, successCallback, failureCallback)
Name | Type |
Required |
osType | String | Type of operating system | Yes |
deviceId | String | Device ID of the device | Yes |
regID | String | Registration ID of the user. | Yes |
UFID | String | User friendly id or reconciliation key which is configured in engagement console. | Yes |
authToken | String | Authorization token configured in engagement console | Yes |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
// Sample code to register with an Auth Token // Get an instance of SDK var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); messagingSvc.registerWithAuthToken("osType", "deviceId", "regID", "UFID", "authToken", function(response) { kony.print("Subscription Success: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Subscription Failure: " + JSON.stringify(error)); });
Important: You must register to a messaging service at least once to use the following APIs.
Unregister API unregisters with the engagement server.
unregister = function(successCallback, failureCallback, options)
Name | Type | Descroption | Required |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
options | JSON | Map for optional parameters | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
authToken | String | Authorization token configured in messaging service console. | Optional |
// Get an instance of SDK var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var options = { "authToken": "xyz" }; messagingSvc.unregister(function(response) { kony.print("Unregistration Success: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Unregistration Failure: " + JSON.stringify(error)); }, options);
The unregisterWithAuthToken API unregisters from the messaging service with the Auth Token.
unregisterWithAuthToken = function(authToken, successCallback, failureCallback)
Name | Type | Descroption | Required |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
options | JSON | Map for optional parameters | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
authToken | String | Authorization token configured in messaging service console. | Optional |
// Get an instance of SDK var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var authToken = "Authorization token configured in messaging service console"; messagingSvc.unregisterWithAuthToken(authToken, function(response) { kony.print("Unregistration Success: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Unregistration Failure: " + JSON.stringify(error)); });
The registerGeoBoundaries API registers geoboundaries to be monitored by the Engagement Service. The parameters of this API specify the radius and number of geoboundaries to monitor.
Suppose you have a product that is being sold in several retail locations throughout the area. You have a special offer and you want to send an alert to customers when they are near one of the retail locations. The registerGeoBoundaries API is called during the app initialization. The API gets the geoboundaries based on the user's current location and stores them in the device OS. The OS will prompt the SDK when the user reaches a geoboundary and the application will check what action is to happen. The possible actions are:
Suppose that the radius parameter was specified as 5 miles when the user launched the app from his home. As the user moves away from his home, there is a point at which the set of geoboundaries that is being monitored should be refreshed. This is referred to as the refreshBoundary. In this example, when the user has moved 2.5 miles, the SDK will prompt the server for a new set of location data.
registerGeoBoundaries(options, successCallback, failureCallback);
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||
options | jsonObject |
The jsonObject has the following geoBoundary options
successCallback | function | Callback method on success | |||||||||||||||
failureCallback | function | Callback method on failure |
There are additional settings that must be enabled for this API to work correctly.
Note: Exceptions are thrown if location is switched off on the device, or user does not allow permission to retrieve location, or the SDK is not able to retrieve the current location on the device. For more information on SDKs for Messaging Service docs, refer to Kony Visualizer API Developers' Guide > Notifications > Push Notifications
To enable the registerGeoBoundaries API for the Android platform perform the following steps in Kony Visualizer.
In Push Notifications section, select either GCM or FCM for the engagement APIs to work.
Enable Local Notifications
Use Google Play Location Services
The page will look like the following example.
To enable the registerGeoBoundaries API for the iOS platform, add the following keys to the info.plist file.
For information about how to access and edit the info.plist file, refer to Build an App for iOS.
and NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription
keys in your app's Info.plist
file. NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription
key is required. If those keys are not present, authorization requests fail immediately.To obtain the geolocation callbacks, run the following code in the preappinit of your application.
var msgObj = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance().getMessagingService(); var cback = msgObj.manageGeoBoundariesCallback; kony.location.setGeofencesCallback(cback);
Important: Before building the application, link your Fabric application to your Visualizer project.
To enable the registerGeoBoundaries API for the Windows platform perform the following steps in Kony Visualizer.
The Capabilities page will look like the following example.
The following example shows how to register geoboundaries.
// Get an instance of SDK var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); messagingSvc.register("osType", "deviceId", "regID", "UFID", function(response) { kony.print("Register Successful"); var options = {}; options.radius = "radius"; //radius in miles options.pageSize = "pageSize"; options.authToken = "Authorization_Token"; options.tags = "Array of tags"; //TODO options.customLogicCallback = function(data) { // data is geoBoundary Data received from Kony Messaging Service //custom logic implementation }; function successCallback(response) { //Registered Successfully. } function failureCallback(error) { //Registration failure. } messagingSvc.registerGeoBoundaries(options, successCallback, failureCallback); //if ksid is already available, register is not required. // If either location is switched off or the SDK is not able to retrieve current location, exceptions are thrown. }, function(error) { kony.print("Register Failure" + JSON.stringify(error)); });
updateGeoLocation API updates the geoLocation for the messaging service.
updateGeoLocation= function (latitude, longitude, locationName, successCallback, failureCallback, options)
Name | Type |
Description |
Required |
latitude | String | Latitude | Yes |
longitude | String | Longitude | Yes |
locationName | String | Location name | Yes |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
options | String | Map for optional parameters | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
authToken | String | Authorization token configured in messaging service console. | Optional |
//Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var latitude = "latitude_value"; var longitude = "longitude_value"; var locationName = "location_name"; var options = { "authToken": "authorization_token" }; messagingSvc.updateGeoLocation(latitude, longitude, locationName, function(response) { kony.print("Geolocation update successful: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Geolocation update failure: " + JSON.stringify(error)); }, options);
The updateGeoLocationWithAuthToken API updates the geoLocation with the Auth Token for the messaging service.
updateGeoLocationWithAuthToken= function(latitude, longitude, locationName, authToken, successCallback, failureCallback)
Name | Type |
Description |
Required |
latitude | String | Latitude | Yes |
longitude | String | Longitude | Yes |
locationName | String | Location Name | Yes |
authToken | String | Authorization token that is configured in messaging service console | Yes |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
//Sample code to update the geoLocation with the Auth Token for the messaging service. //Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var latitude = "latitude_value"; var longitude = "longitude_value"; var locationName = "location_name"; var authToken = "authorization_token"; messagingSvc.updateGeoLocationWithAuthToken(latitude, longitude, locationName, authToken, function(response) { kony.print("Geolocation update successful : " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Geolocation update failure: " + JSON.stringify(error)); });
The fetchAllMessages API fetches all messages with/without the Auth Token.
fetchAllMessages = function(startIndex, pageSize, successCallback, failureCallback, options)
Name | Type | Descroption | Required |
startIndex | Number | Starting index of a page | Yes |
pageSize | Number | Page size | Yes |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
options | JSON | Map for optional parameters | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
authToken | String | Authorization token configured in messaging service console. | Optional |
//Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var startIndex = 0; var pageSize = 1000; messagingSvc.fetchAllMessages(startIndex, pageSize, function(response) { kony.print("Fetched all messages: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Failed to fetch messages: " + JSON.stringify(error)); }, { "authToken": "authorization_token" });
The markMessageRead API marks a message as read with/without the Auth Token.
markMessageRead = function(fetchId, successCallback, failureCallback, options)
Name | Type | Descroption | Required |
fetchID | String | A unique ID assigned to a message | Yes |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
options | JSON | Map for optional parameters | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
authToken | String | Authorization token configured in messaging service console. | Optional |
//Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var fetchID = "message ID to mark as read"; messagingSvc.markMessageRead(fetchID, function(response) { kony.print("Message marked as read successfully: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Failed to mark message as read: " + JSON.stringify(error)); }, { "authToken": "authorization_token" });
The fetchMessageContent API fetches a message with/without the Auth Token.
fetchMessageContent = function(fetchId, successCallback, failureCallback, options)
Name | Type | Descroption | Required |
fetchID | String | A unique ID assigned to a message | Yes |
successCallback | Function | Method invoked on success | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | Method invoked on failure | Yes |
options | JSON | Map for optional parameters | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
authToken | String | Authorization token configured in messaging service console. | Optional |
//Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var fetchID = "message ID to be fetched"; messagingSvc.fetchMessageContent(fetchID, function(response) { kony.print("Message content is:" + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Failed to fetch message content: " + JSON.stringify(error)); }, { "authToken": "authorization_token" });
The Subscribe Audience (Create or Update) API creates a new audience. This API also updates the parameter details of an audience member.
subscribeAudience = function (firstName, lastName, emailId, mobileNumber, country, state, successCallback, failureCallback, options)
Input Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
firstName | String | First name of the user | Yes |
lastName | String | Last name of the user | Yes |
mobileNumber | Number | Mobile number of the user. If mobileNumber is specified as the reconciliationKey, then it is a required value and must be specified for all users. An empty value will cause an error. | Yes |
String | Email ID of the user | Yes | |
state | String | If the selected country is USA, the state option is mandatory | Yes |
country | String | Country to which the user belongs | Yes |
options | JSON | Map for optional parameters and any dynamic properties | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
active | Boolean | Defines whether the subscription is active or inactive | Optional |
emailSubscription | Boolean | Defines whether a user is subscribed to send and receive emails or not | Optional |
smsSubscription | Boolean | Defines whether a user is subscribed to send and receive SMS or not | Optional |
//Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var options = {}; options["smsSubscription"] = true; options["emailSubscription"] = true; options["active"] = true; messagingSvc.subscribeAudience("FirstName", "LastName", "EmailID", "MobileNumber", "Country", "State", function(response) { kony.print("Subscribe audience Success: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Subscribe audience Failed: " + JSON.stringify(error)); }, options);
Note: You can add dynamic properties to the API using options.
Code | Description |
Status 200 | Details added successfully |
Status 400 |
One of the following error messages will be displayed:
Status 500 | Server failed to process request |
The Get Subscribed Audience Details API returns the details of the Audience.
getSubscribedAudienceDetails = function(successCallback, failureCallback)
Output Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique ID assigned to the audience member |
firstName | String | First name of the audience member |
lastName | String | Last name of the audience member |
mobileNumber | String | Mobile number of the audience member |
String | Email ID of the audience member | |
active | Boolean | Defines if the audience member is active or inactive |
state | String | If the audience member is not a USA national, the response displays a blank string |
country | String | Country to which the user belongs to |
createdDateStr | String | The date and time when the user was initially created |
smsSubscription | Boolean | Defines if the SMS subscription is true or false |
emailSubscription | Boolean | Defines if the email subscription is true or false |
lastModifiedDateStr | String | The date on which a user was last modified |
lastActiveDateStr | String | The date when the user is last active |
Note: Apart from the above parameters, the user-defined parameters are also fetched.
//Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); messagingSvc.getSubscribedAudienceDetails(function(response) { kony.print("Get subscribed audience details Success: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Failed to get subscribed audience details: " + JSON.stringify(error)); });
Code | Description |
Status 200 | Array of Audience details |
Status 400 | No audience member found mapping to the given KSID |
Status 500 | Failed to process the request |
The Unsubscribe Audience or Delete Audience API deletes an Audience from Engagement server.
unSubscribeAudience = function(successCallback, failureCallback)
//Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); messagingSvc.unSubscribeAudience(function(response) { kony.print("UnSubscribe audience Success: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("UnSubscribe audience Failed: " + JSON.stringify(error)); });
Code | Description |
Status 200 | Audience member deleted successfully |
Status 400 | No Audience Member found mapping to the given KSID |
Status 500 | Server failed to process request |
The Update List of Beacons for a Device API updates the list of beacons for a device.
updateListOfBeacons = function(uuId, major, minor, successCallback, failureCallback, options)
Input Parameter | Level- Two | Type | Description | Required |
beacon | JSON |
An array of beacon objects Note: You can only create one beacon at a time. |
Yes | |
uuid | string | Universally Unique Identifier Number (UUID) assigned to the Beacon.
UUID contains 32 hexadecimal digits, split into 5 groups, and separated by dashes, for
example, f7826da6-4fa2-4e98-8024-bc5b71e0893e By default, beacon format consists of three values: UUID, Major, Minor. Beacons broadcast their IDs, which can be recognized by mobile apps to trigger specific actions. |
Yes | |
major | string | Major ID is a major identifier of a Bluetooth beacon. | Yes | |
minor | string | Minor ID is a minor identifier of a Bluetooth beacon. | Yes | |
options | JSON | Map for optional parameters | Optional |
Key | Type | Description | Required |
ufid | string |
The User Friendly Identifier or UFID is used when you subscribe to Kony Fabric Engagement Services. Based on your requirement, you can provide an UFID. It is alphanumeric, for example xxx@kony.com or 2890XZCY. It can be used to map devices to the user using the value as a reconciliation key |
optional |
appid | alphanumeric |
Unique ID assigned to an app |
optional |
// Sample code to update list of Beacons //Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var options = {}; options["ufid"] = "<user_friendly_identifier>"; //configured in MF server
options["appid"] = "<Unique ID assigned to an app>" messagingSvc.updateListOfBeacons("uuid", "major", "minor", function(response) { kony.print("Updated beacons list successfully: " + JSON.stringify(response)); }, function(error) { kony.print("Updated beacons list failed: " + JSON.stringify(error)); }, options);
Code | Description |
Status 200 | Beacons updated successfully |
Status 400 | Invalid request format |
Status 500 | Server failed to process request |
The Get Rich Content API fetches rich content from the Kony Fabric Engagement server.
The Get Rich Content API requires the pushId to retrieve the data. The pushId is fetched from the response of the push notification.
getRichPushContent = function(pushId, successCallback, failureCallback){
Input Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
pushID | number | Unique ID that identifies the push message. | Yes |
//sample code for Get Rich Push Content. //Get an instance of SDK. var client = kony.sdk.getCurrentInstance(); var messagingSvc = client.getMessagingService(); var pushId = "pushid"; messagingSvc.getRichPushContent(pushId, function(response) { kony.print("get rich push content success: " + JSON.stringify(response)); var htmlString = response.rawResponse; var dataConfig = { "mimeType": "text/html" }; Form1.browser.loadData(htmlString, dataConfig); }, function(error) { kony.print("get rich push content failed: " + JSON.stringify(error)); });
Code | Description |
Status 200 | Rich content |
Status 400 |
One of the following error messages will be displayed:
Status 500 | Server failed to process request |
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