Menu path for integration service designer:
The Integration page displays the following sections for an endpoint adapter:
Number | Section | Description |
1 | Add | Allows you to add the following:
2 | Clone | Allows you to duplicate an existing service. Changes made to a cloned service will not impact the original service. |
3 | Sample Code | A dynamic code is generated based on the configuration of a service. You can use this code in your SDK. |
4 | Unlink | Allows you remove the service from the Integration services section of an app. When a service is unlinked, it is disassociated from a particular app. |
5 | Delete button | Allows you to delete a service. |
6 | Search button | Allows you to search services and operations in the Services section. |
7 | Services section | Configured services for an app. You can click the expand or collapse button of a service to show or hide operations in the services. |
8 | Show / Hide button | Allows you the show or hide the tree. When you hide the tree section, the right pane is used for service definition or operations details. |
9 | Service Definition tab | Allows you to configure service defection for an integration service. |
10 | Operations List tab | Allows you to configure operations for an integration service. The Operations List tab appears only after you save the details in the service definition tab. |
For more information, refer supported Integration Endpoint Adapters.
Note: For more information on existing integration services, refer Manage Existing Integration Services.
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