Prerequisites for WebLogic

Heap and PermGen Settings

For Oracle Java 11, configure the heap settings for your application servers

  1. Go to the {Server directory}/user_projects/domains/bin/ folder, and open the file in a text editor.
  2. Search for the following comment line:
    # IF USER_MEM_ARGS the environment variable is set, use it to override ALL MEM_ARGS values
  3. Immediately after the comment line, add the following line:
    export USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms6144m -Xmx6144m"
  4. Save the file, and then restart the WebLogic Server.

Security Configurations

To add environments to the Quantum Fabric Console, add the following configuration inside the  security-configuration  tag of the config.xml file of WebLogic Server.

After configuring the security-configuration tag, restart the server from WebLogic console. In case of WebLogic cluster, restart all servers from WebLogic console.

Configure the Log Locations - WebLogic

To specify the log location where the logs for all Kony Fabric components will be generated, you must add the following parameter in the JVM arguments present in bin/startWebLogic.cmd( for Windows) or bin/ Unix):

-Duser.home="<log location>"