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SegmentedUI Widget

The Segment widget is a UI component commonly used to display lists or pages of data. Segment widget is a container that provides the capability to define a row template that repeats for every row or page of the specific segment.

You can use the Segment widget to display data from services, group services together, use templates to create the layout of each row, perform actions such as animations and form navigation when users click on a record, and more. These features have been explained in detail here:

Data Handling: Display data from various services in the Segment. For example, if you have a service that contains the data of all the employees in an organization, you can display it in your application by using a Segment widget.

Group Data: Group data into different sections by using Segment widgets. For example, after you have retrieved all employees’ data from the service mentioned earlier, you can categorize employees based on their respective departments by using another Segment widget.

Define Templates: Create templates to define reusable structure for Segment widgets. Templates help you to attain a consistent look-and-feel for the rows and sections of a Segment widget.

Animations: Add animation effect to the rows of a Segment widget in order to perform a specific task. One of the main uses of this capability is to enable the option that allows users to delete a Segment row, by swiping the row from right to left.

Row Click events: Assign a variety of actions to Segment widgets, which are performed when users click on a Segment row. Actions such as animations, form navigation, and more, can be applied to any row in a Segment. For example, if you have a Segment that contains the list of all employees in an organization, you can click on any row to move to another form where the details of the specific employee are displayed.

Widgets are normally added to your Kony application using Kony Visualizer, but can also be added from code. For general information on using widgets in Visualizer, see Designing an Application in the Kony Visualizer User Guide.

For general information on the SegmentedUI widget, refer the Segment2 topic in the Kony Visualizer User Guide.

Note: For a more hands-on approach on the functionality of Segment widget, import and preview the Segment Widget Feature sample app by using Kony Visualizer.

The SegmentedUI widget capabilities can be broadly categorized into the following:

3D Touch

Methods Description
registerForPeekandPop Registers a widget to enable 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.
setOnPeek Sets and overrides the existing onPeekCallback for the widget.
setOnPop Overrides the existing onPopCallback for the widget.
unregisterForPeekandPop Unregisters a widget from 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.


Methods Description
animate Applies an animation to the widget.
animateRows Associates animations with a specific row and its elements.
setAnimations Associates animations to the rows at each operation.
resetSwipeMove This method is used to reset the widget swipe to its initial state.
onRowDisplayOverwrites the rows that are affected because of an operation on rows.


animateFocusChangesThis property is used to bring the row specified in the selectedRowIndex property to the visible region.
transformContains an animation transformation that can be used to animate the widget.
widgetSwipeMoveUsed to enable and configure the left or right swipe actions for a widget.

Data Management

addAllEnables you to add new data to the segment.
addDataAtEnables you to add one row of data at a given ind ex or with in a section.
addSectionAt Enables you to add one section with rows to the segment.
getFirstVisibleRow Returns a JavaScript object containing the first visible row section index and row index.
getLastVisibleRowReturns a JavaScript object containing the last visible row's section index and row index.
removeAllEnables you to remove all the existing rows and sections in a segment.
removeAtEnables you to remove the row at the given index or a row with in a section.
removeSectionAtAllows you to remove a section at the given index within a segment.
setDataAllows you to set new data to the segment.
setDataAtAllows you to set data or modify an existing data of a row or within a section.
setSectionAtAllows you to set or modify a section with rows to the segment.
metaInfoAllows to capture row level attributes.
stopRerenderOnSetDataAtAllows only the modified content of a row to be updated when setDataAt method is used.


pullToRefreshI18NKey Specifies the i18N key for "pull to refresh" title.
pushToRefreshI18NKey Specifies the i18N key for "push to refresh" title.
releaseToPullRefreshI18NKey Specifies the i18N key for "release to refresh" title that appears for pull to refresh.
releaseToPushRefreshI18NKey Specifies the i18N key for "release to refresh" title that appears for push for refresh.


anchorPoint Specifies the anchor point of the widget bounds rectangle using the widget's coordinate space.
bottomDetermines the bottom edge of the widget and is measured from the bottom bounds of the parent container.
centerXDetermines the center of a widget measured from the left bounds of the parent container.
centerYDetermines the center of a widget measured from the top bounds of the parent container.
heightDetermines the height of the widget and measured along the y-axis.
left Determines the lower left corner edge of the widget and is measured from the left bounds of the parent container.
maxHeightSpecifies the maximum height of the widget and is applicable only when the height property is not specified.
maxWidthSpecifies the maximum width of the widget and is applicable only when the width property is not specified.
minHeightSpecifies the minimum height of the widget and is applicable only when the height property is not specified.
minWidthSpecifies the minimum width of the widget and is applicable only when the width property is not specified.
orientationSpecifies how you can stack the widgets within the SegmentedUI.
right Determines the lower right corner of the widget and is measured from the right bounds of the parent container.
rowHeightSpecifies the height of the row of a SegmentedUI.
rowWidthSpecifies the width of the row of a SegmentedUI.
topDetermines the top edge of the widget and measured from the top bounds of the parent container.
widthDetermines the width of the widget and is measured along the x-axis.

Specifies the stack order of a widget.

doLayout Invoked for every widget when the widget position and dimensions are computed.


retainScrolledPageEnables you to retain the page of the Segment widget after the widget has been reloaded in iOS platform.
needPageIndicatorA Page Indicator is a succession of docs centered below the SegmentedUI widget.
pageOnDotImageSpecifies the image to indicate that the page is currently being viewed.
pageOffDotImageSpecifies the image to indicate that the pages that are not been currently viewed.

State Configurations

defaultSelectionSpecifies if the first clickable element (Image or Label) of the segment is selected by default.
retainSelectionSpecifies if the segment should retain the selection made even when the user navigates out of the form and revisits the form.
selectedRowIndexIndicates the currently selected row in single select or multi select modes in the SegmentedUI.
selectedRowIndicesSpecifies an array of indexes which indicates the selected rows.
selectedRowItemsReturns the data of the selected rows in the segmentedUI.
selectionBehaviorSpecifies if the segment can support single or multiple selection.
selectionBehaviorConfigEnabled if you select either singleselect or multiselect.

UI Appearance

alternateRowSkinSpecifies the skin that is applied to every alternate even numbered row in the segment.
blockedUISkinSpecifies the skin that must be used to block the interface until the action in progress (for example, a service call) is completed.


Specifies the border to the SegmentedUI.
displayTypeSpecifies the display type of segmentPageView, either in PivotView or FlipView.


Specifies the indicator type as rowSelect, rowClick, or none.
opacitySpecifies the opacity of the widget.
pageSkinSpecifies the skin for page indicator.
pressedSkinSpecifies the skin to indicate that the row of the segment is pressed or clicked.
progressIndicatorColorSpecifies the color of the progress indicator as white or grey.
pullToRefreshSkinSpecifies the skin to be applied to the pull to refresh title.
pushToRefreshSkin Specifies the skin to be applied to the push to refresh title.
rowFocusSkinSpecifies the skin that must be applied when user selects the row.
rowSkinSpecifies the skin that must be applied for each row.
sectionHeaderSkinSpecifies the skin to be applied to the Section Header.
separatorColorSpecifies the color of the separator between row of segmentedUI.
separatorRequiredSpecifies if the segment should display the separator between the rows of the SegmentedUI.
separatorThicknessSpecifies the thickness of the separator in pixels.
showProgressIndicator Specifies if the progress indicator must be displayed.
viewType You can use this property to select the view type of a segment.

You can use this property to select the view type of a segment.

widgetSkinSpecifies the skin to be applied to the entire SegmentedUI.

User Input Handling

addGestureRecognizerAllows you to set a gesture recognizer for a specified gesture for a specified widget.
removeGestureRecognizerAllows you to remove the specified gesture recognizer for the specified widget.
onDragCompleted Invoked when the drag and drop of a row in the Segment is complete.
onReachingBeginningCalled when scrolling reaches the beginning of the SegmentedUI widget.
onReachingEndCalled when scrolling reaches the end of the SegmentedUI widget.
onRowClickTriggered when the user click any row of the SegmentedUI.
onSwipeTriggered when you swipe a row in a segment.
onScrollStartIndicates that scroll container started scrolling.
onScrollTouchReleasedIndicates that user scrolling touch on the display is released.
onScrollingIndicates that segment scrolling is in progress.
onScrollEnd Indicates that segment scrolling has come to an end.
onScrollWidgetPositionCallback is invoked by the platform when the widget location position gets changed on scrolling.

Enabling RTL

retainContentAlignmentHelps to retain the content alignment of the widget while applying RTL.
retainFlexPositionPropertiesHelps to retain the left, right and padding properties while applying RTL.
retainFlowHorizontalAlignmentEnables you to change the horizontal flow of the widget from left to right.


clearSearchThis method clears the filtered results of the Segment widget.
getBadgeEnables you to read the badge value (if any) attached to the specified widget.
getUpdatedSearchResultsThis method is used to return the filtered list after applying search on Segment.
searchTextThis method provides a method to search the data given inside the Segment widget.
setBadgeEnables you to set the badge value to the given widget at the upper, right corner of the widget.
autogrowMode Property (Deprecated)Used to set the height of a widget dynamically based on the derived height of the widget’s content, or from the child widget’s contents.
bouncesSpecifies whether the scroll view bounces past the edge of the content and back again.
contentInsetAdjustmentTypeOn scroll view, this property automatically adds the required SegmentedUI insets to the scroll view.
contextMenuA context menu is a menu that appears upon clicking a widget.
contentOffsetMeasuredReturns the current coordinates of the top left corner of the scrollable region in the segment.
cursorTypeSpecifies the type of the mouse pointer used.
dockSectionHeadersEnables you to dock or place the section header at the top of the segment while scrolling the section content.
editStyleSpecifies the editing style to be applied to the rows in the SegmentedUI.
enableDictionarySpecifies if dictionary must be enabled for easy navigation.
enableHapticFeedback Allows you to enable or disable haptic feedback on the Segment widget.
enableReorderingAllows you enable or disable reordering the rows in a Segment.
groupCellsSpecifies if all the rows in the segment should grouped using a rounded corner background and border.
isMasterSpecifies whether the container is a master container.
rowTemplateIndicates the common template to be used for each row while creating the row and filling the data.
sectionHeaderTemplate Specifies the common template to be used for each section while creating the section header and filling the data.
screenLevelWidget (deprecated)This property specifies whether the widget should occupy the whole container or not.
scrollsToTopThis property enables you to scroll the Segment to top on tapping a device’s status bar.
searchByIndicates the identifier of the widget placed inside the row of the SegmentedUI.
searchCriteriaSpecifies the search criteria to be applied when searching has been enabled on the SegmentedUI.
showScrollbarsSpecifies if the scrollbars must be visible all the time.
onDidFinishDataLoadingTriggered when data is finished loading in the segmentedUI using the setData method.
onEditingTriggered when a user indicates his desire to edit the row (delete or insert).

Configurations Common to All widgets

accessibilityConfig Enables you to control accessibility behavior and alternative text for the widget.
enableCacheEnables you to improve the performance of Positional Dimension Animations.
id A unique identifier of Segment consisting of alpha numeric characters.
infoA custom JSObject with the key value pairs that a developer can use to store the context with the widget.
isVisibleControls the visibility of a widget on the form.
convertPointFromWidget Enables you to convert the coordinate system from a widget to a point (receiver's coordinate system).
convertPointToWidgetEnables you to convert the coordinate system from a point (receiver's coordinate system) to a widget.
removeFromParentAllows you to remove a child widget from a parent widget.
setEnabledSpecifies the widget that must be enabled or disabled.
setFocusSpecifies the widget on which there must be focus.
setVisibilityUse this method to set the visibility of the widget.
preOnclickJSAllows the developer to execute custom javascript function before the onClick callback of the widget is invoked.
postOnclickJSAllows the developer to execute custom javascript function after the onClick callback of the widget is invoked.

SegmentedUI Widget Basics

A SegmentedUI can contain Box , Button, Calendar, Canvas, Image, Label, RichText, Phone, Slider, Switch, TextArea, and TextBox widgets. In addition, the following widgets are supported only on the Desktop Web Platform:

Note: For ComboBox, RadioButton,and CheckBox widgets masterData should be provided only if the masterDataMap set to the widget initially is different for a particular row.

Note: Textbox widget in Segment is not supported for Windows Phone 8 and 8.1. It is only supported in Windows10.

The data returned when selectedItem is called on the SegmentedUI widget when the row has the following widgets:

Widget NamePropertiesDescription
CheckBoxGroupselectedKeys, selectedKeyValuesAn array of key value pairs with the keys as mentioned.
RadioButtonGroupselectedKey, selectedKeyValue 
ComboBoxselectedKey, selectedKeyValue 
CalendardataComponentsAn array of the date components

Each of the above widgets is allowed to have its own skin and control. This gives the flexibility to design a segment with separate interconnected widgets and expose their properties for mapping.

When a SegmentedUI template is created based on the input data, the segment is repeated in the Segmented UI.

Creating a SegmentedUI by using a constructor: kony.ui.SegmentedUI2

var seg = new kony.ui.SegmentedUI2 (basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf)

Note: The configuration properties should be passed only in the respective configuration objects otherwise they are ignored


//Defining properties for a Segment
var basicConf = {
    id: "segId",
    isVisible: true,
    widgetSkin: "widSkin",
    rowSkin: "rowSkn",
    rowFocusSkin: "rowFSkn",
    alternateRowSkin: "altSkin",
    sectionHeaderSkin: "secHSkin",
    widgetDataMap: {
        widgetId1: "dataid1",
        widgetId2: "dataId2",
        widgetId3: "dataId3",
        widgetId4: "secDataId1",
        widgetId5: "secDataId2"
    rowTemplate: box1

var layoutConf = {
    padding: [5, 5, 5, 5],
    margin: [5, 5, 5, 5],
    containerWeight: 100

var pspConf = {
    border: constants.SEGUI_BORDER_TOP_ONLY,
    defaultSelection: true

//Creating the Segment
var segment = new kony.ui.SegmentedUI2(basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf);

//Reading the alternateRowSkin of the SegmentedUI	
alert("SegmentedUI alternateRowSkin:" + segment.alternateRowSkin);

For backward compatibility with support for all deprecated properties and behaviors, use the constructor kony.ui.SegmentedUI.

var seg1= new kony.ui.SegmentedUI (basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf)

Important Considerations

The following are the important considerations for the segment widget:

Note: In general Android SDK does not support the bounce-back feature (rubber band effect). But there are some OEM's which extended the Android SDK to support bounce-back like samsung devices. So to summarize this is a device specific feature rather than an Android SDK feature.

Adding a ListBox Widget inside a Segment

You can add a ListBox widget inside a Segment by using the onSelection event.

Note: By default, a ListBox contains some masterData. If you want to change the data for a particular ListBox row, you must update the required details in the Segment data.

onSelection Event

This is an event callback that is invoked by the platform when you select or deselect an item.



The onSelection event callback accepts an additional parameter (context) when a ListBox is placed in a Segment row or section template. The syntax for the context parameter is as follows:



widget [widgetref]

Handle to the widget instance that raised the event.

Context [Object]

This is an optional parameter. It is applicable only when you place a ListBox in a Segment rowTemplate or sectionTemplate. The Context Object argument has the following parameters:

Platform Availability


Row Animation

This section provides a brief introduction to the new row animation features in the following topics.

Available Animations

In Segment rows, you can move (translate), rotate, or scale child widgets. For example, you can display a rotating logo or a hand icon that simulates waving by moving back and forth.

Also, your app can slide interface controls into a row from off screen. Or it can simulate the hands of an analog clock moving onscreen.

Row Animations and Flex Layout Properties

With the row animation capabilities, users can programmaticaly update the Flex layout properties of widgets in the Segment’s row. Specifically, event handlers and widget methods can change the following properties.

The values above are set relative to the location of the row that contains them, not the Segment widget. For example, setting the top property to zero means that the top of the child widget is aligned with the top of the row that contains it. This means that whenever your code updates the child widget’s x position or scale, it is relative to the row’s width. Likewise, whenever your app changes the y position or scale of a widget within a row, it does so relative to the row’s height.

Even though you set the Flex layout properties of child widgets relative to their containing row, you can still specify a position for the child widget that is outside the bounds of the clipping rectangle of the row or page. So you can have some widgets outside the visible area of the row and slide them into the viewable rectangle when a particular event occurs, such as a button click.

In addition, you can also set the width and height values of child widgets in such a way as to place them outside the viewable area. As with the Flex layout position properties, you can alter the width and height values in the event handlers for events such as button clicks.

Please note that animating the position or size of widgets only applies to the child widgets within a row, not to the row itself.

Row Animation Events

The Segment widget now provides events that are specific to row animations. For example, suppose that your app enables a swipe gesture in the rows of a Segment widget. Imagine that the user of your app has just swiped across a row and your app has made visible changes to the row. If the user then swipes or touches in a different row, whatever was happening in the first row should probably be canceled. The row the user swiped should return to its original position and condition.

In this example, the row that the user first swiped receives an event telling it that the user has touched or swiped something else. Therefore, it knows that the action in progress should not be completed and it restores the row to its original state.

Essentially, with the SegmentedUI row events, a row being updated can react when properly when the user scrolls the SegmentUI widget or touches something in another row.

As of version 7.0, the Segment widget also supports animation in its doLayout event. Specifically, the doLayout event now received the context information it needs to perform animation updates.

Row Animation API Elements

To support SegmentedUI row animations, the Kony Visualizer API includes the following elements.

SegmentedUI Templates

The SegmentedUI widget enables you to create templates to increase the re-usability of your efforts.

What is a Template for SegmentedUI

SegmentedUI template enables you to define a template for section headers. Only one template can be used for each segment. This is primarily useful for developers to achieve common look and feel of section headers along with few widgets added as part of section header of a segment.

On iOS platform, when a FlexContainer is used as a template for SegmentedUI, the below properties are not applicable:

Positional PropertiesDimensional Properties



Where to use a SegmentedUI (section) Template

SegmentedUI sections are used to differentiate or group a set of rows.

The section templates are used:

Creating a Template for SegmentedUI

When you want the same information to be displayed across all the Section Headers of a Segment in the application, you have a provision to add a Segment Template using Kony Visualizer. For more information about section headers refer Kony Visualizer User Guide.

To create a segment template at the application-level, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Applications View.
  2. Expand the application for which you want to create the SegmentTemplate.
  3. Navigate to templates > segments, right-click mobile/desktop/tablet and select New Segment Template. The Create a New Segment window appears.
  1. Enter a Name for the template.
  2. Click Finish. A new form is created.
  3. Drag and drop an HBox or a Scrollable Box onto the form.

Note: Only HBox and Scrollable box are supported on the form. You can put other widgets within these widgets.

  1. Drag and drop the required widgets onto the HBox/Scrollable Box. Set the properties of these widgets. For more information, see Kony Widget User Guide.
  2. A segment template is created.

For more information on setting a Section Header template for a segment, click here.

Using SegmentedUI Section Template

You can define only one template for each segment using the above process.

To use section template in an application, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Applications view.
  2. Expand the application for which you want to use section template.
  3. Navigate to forms > mobile/tablet/desktop , right-click and select New Form. The Create a New Form window appears.
  4. Enter a name for the Form and click Finish. A new Form is created.
  5. If you are building for desktop, select the Form in desktop and right-click on the Form. Select Fork. The Platform Selection window appears.
  6. Select Desktop_web and click OK. The form is now forked for Desktop_web and new window appears as web_<formname>.

Note: The development activities for desktop web should happen in web_<formname> only. Although the newly created form, remains accessible in the desktop forms.

  1. Drag-drop a SegmentedUI on the Form and add widgets to the segment as required. Click Save.
  2. To set the template to a segment, select the segment and go to Properties window.
  3. Select sectionHeaderTemplate and Select/Search Segment Template window appears. Select the template, which you want to set to the segment.
  4. Click OK.
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premCopyright © 2012 Kony, Inc. All rights reserved.