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ScrollBox Widget

A ScrollBox is a scrollable container which allows you to scroll the content within horizontally and vertically.

A ScrollBox can contain any widget except a Tab pane. It can contain any number of widgets within it.

Note: In Desktop Web platform, ScrollBox is displayed in browser native mode.

You can add the ScrollBox Widget only to the VBox form. This widget will be available in the Widgets palette when the VBox form is selected in the app canvas.

ScrollBox provides you with an option to set Basic Properties, Layout Properties, Platform Specific Properties, an Event, and Methods.

ScrollBox Overviews

Creating a ScrollBox using a constructor: kony.ui.ScrollBox

var scrollbox1 = new kony.ui.ScrollBox(basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf)

Note: The configuration properties should be passed only in the respective configuration objects otherwise they are ignored.


//Defining properties for a ScrollBox.
var scrollBasic = {id :"scrollBox",skin:"scrlSkin", isVisible:true, orientation:constants.BOX_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, position:constants.BOX_POSITION_AS_FOOTER, scrollDirection:constants.SCROLLBOX_SCROLL_VERTICAL};

var scrollLayout = {padding:[2,2,2,2], containerWeight:100, margin:[5,5,5,5], containerHeight:100, percent:true};

var scrollPSP = {scrollArrowConfig:["leftArrow.png", "topArrow.png", "rightArrow.png", "bottomArrow.png"]};

//Creating the ScrollBox.
var scrollBox = new kony.ui.ScrollBox(scrollBasic, scrollLayout, scrollPSP);

Adding a ScrollBox Widget using Widgets Palette

The steps involved in adding a ScrollBox widget are:

  1. From the Widgets palette, drag and drop the ScrollBox widget onto a form or any other container widget.
  2. ScrollBox widget enables horizontal scrolling by default. You can stack all the widgets horizontally when the orientation is set as horizontal. To stack widget vertically within the ScrollBox, set the orientation as vertical.
  3. Drag and drop the required number of other widgets into the Scroll Box widget.
  4. Set the scrollDirection as horizontal, vertical, both, or, none. Using the Scroll option, you can define the scrolling direction of the ScrollBox.

Customizing Appearance

You can customize the appearance of the ScrollBox using the following properties:

Important Considerations:

The following are the important considerations of a ScrollBox:

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