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HBox Events

HBox Widget has the following events associated with it:

Note: In for the events preOnclickJS and postOnclickJS you will not be able to access application model or APIs, as these functions are executed in browser whereas the remaining JS modules are executed in server. For these events you can access browser objects ( window, document etc..) to change UI or perform some validation before server event. If the event preOnclickJS returns true, only then the request is sent to server for subsequent action. You have to specify the modules to be loaded in browser using import JS tab, only then these files get included in html script tag otherwise you will not be able to access the objects defined in those modules.


An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user performs a click action on the widget.

Note: If both onClick and a single tab gesture has been defined for a box then the behavior is undefined.



The onClick event callback accepts additional parameters when a HBox is placed in a segment row or section template.


onClick (context)

The argument context has the following parameters.


rowIndex [Number] - Optional

Index of the row that contains the HBox. It is not available if the HBox is placed in a section header.

sectionIndex [Number] - Mandatory

Index of the section row that contains the HBox.

widgetInfo [widgetref] - Mandatory

Handle to the parent widget instance(segment) that contains the HBox.


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//The below function is callBack for onClick event
function boxOnClickEventTest(box){
	alert("OnClick event is invoked successfully");
//Defining the properties for a Box
var basicConfBox = {id:"boxOnClickTest", 

var layoutConfBox = {contentAlignment:constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_TOP_CENTER, 
	containerWeight:100, vExpand:true};

//Creating the Box.
var boxOnClickTest = new kony.ui.Box(basicConfBox, layoutConfBox, {});

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms


An event callback is invoked by the platform based on the below actions:

Note: When the event callback is invoked, corresponding widget state is not updated as selected/unselected.

Important Considerations

Below are the points to be considered while using onHover event.


onHover (widget, context)


widget [widgetref] - Mandatory

Handle to the widget instance that raised the event.

context [Object] - Mandatory

Specifies the JSObject with the following key values.

eventType [Constant] - Mandatory

Following are the options available:

constants.ONHOVER_MOUSE_ENTER - When the mouse enters into the widget region.

constants.ONHOVER_MOUSE_MOVE - When the mouse move within the widget region.

constants.ONHOVER_MOUSE_LEAVE - When the mouse leaves from the widget region.

sectionIndex [Number] - Optional

Specifies the index of the section where the current focused row belongs. It is applicable only if parent is SegmentedUI.

rowIndex [Number] - Optional

Specifies the index of the current focused row relative to its section. It is applicable only if parent is SegmentedUI or DataGrid.

columnIndex [Number] - Optional

Specifies the index of the cell in DataGrid where the mouse exists. It is applicable only if parent is DataGrid.

selectionState [Boolean] - Optional

Specifies the selection state when the widget is placed inside a segmentedUI and its selectionBehavior property is set as SEGUI_MULTI_BEHAVIOR or SEGUI_SINGLE_SELECT_BEHAVIOR to indicate the current focused rows checked or unchecked state.

index [Number] - Optional

Specifies the index of the current focused image in ImageGallery or HorizontalImageStrip widgets. It is applicable only for ImageGallery or HorizontalImageStrip widgets.

key [String] - Optional

Specifies the key of the element in a CheckBoxGroup or RadioButton widgets.

pageX [Number] - Mandatory

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the onHover event relative to the whole document.

pageY [Number] - Mandatory

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the onHover event relative to the whole document.

screenX [Number] - Mandatory

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the onHover event relative to the screen width.

screenY [Number] - Mandatory

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the onHover event relative to the screen height.


//Sample code to use onHover event
function onHoverEventCallback(widget,context){
	kony.print("button hover event executed" + context.eventType);
	if (context.eventType == constants.ONHOVER_MOUSE_ENTER)
	{ = "yellow";
	else if (context.eventType == constants.ONHOVER_MOUSE_MOVE) 
	{ = "yellow";
	else if (context.eventType == constants.ONHOVER_MOUSE_LEAVE)
	{ = "blue";

function addHoverEvent(){
	kony.print("registering hover events");
	form1.button1.onHover = onHoverEventCallback;

function removeHoverEvent(){
	kony.print("removing hover events");
	form1.button1.onHover = null;

Platform Availability

Available on Desktop Web platform only


An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user performs a right click action on the widget.

Note: This event is enabled only when you select a template for contextMenu property.




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//The below function is callBack for onRightClick event
function boxOnRightClickEventTest(box)
alert("OnRightClick event is invoked successfully");

//Defining the properties for a Box
var basicConfBox = {id:"boxOnRightClickTest", isVisible:true, orientation:constants.BOX_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, onRightClick:boxOnRightClickEventTest};
var layoutConfBox = {contentAlignment:constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_TOP_CENTER, containerWeight:100, vExpand:true};

//Creating the Box.
var boxOnClickTest = new kony.ui.Box(basicConfBox, layoutConfBox, {});

Platform Availability

Available on Desktop Web platform only


This event allows the developer to execute custom javascript function before the onClick callback of the box is invoked. This is applicable only for Mobile Web channel. The function must exist in a javascript file under project>module>js folder.




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//The below function is callBack for preOnClickJS event
function preOnClickJSCallBack(box){
	alert("PreOnclickJs called successfully");

//The below two functions will test the preOnclickJS event.
var basicConf = {id:"lblPreEventSkinTC", 
	text:"Click here to test PreOnClick JS so that JS function will get called", 

var layoutConf = {contentAlignment:constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER, 
	containerWeight:100, widgetAlignment:constants.WIDGET_ALIGN_CENTER, 

//Creating the Label
var lblPreEventSkinTC = new kony.ui.Label(basicConf, layoutConf, {});

//Defining the properties for a Box.
var basicConfBox = {id:"boxPreEventSkinTC", 

var layoutConfBox = {contentAlignment:constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_TOP_CENTER, 

//Creating the box.
var boxPreEventSkinTC = new kony.ui.Box(basicConfBox, 

//Adding label to box

Platform Availability

Available on Server side Mobile Web (BJS and Advanced) platform only


This event allows the developer to execute custom javascript function after the onClick callback of the widget is invoked. This is applicable only for Mobile Web channel. The function must exist in a javascript file under project>module>js folder.




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//The below function is callBack for postOnclickJS event
function PostOnclickJSCallBack(box){
	alert("PreOnclickJs called successfully");

//The below two functions will test the postOnclickJS event.
var basicConf = {id:"lblPostEventSkinTC", text:"Click here to test postOnclick JS so that JS function will get called", isVisible:true};

var layoutConf = {contentAlignment :constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER, containerWeight:100, widgetAlignment:constants.WIDGET_ALIGN_CENTER, vExpand:true};

//Creating the Label.
var lblPostEventSkinTC = new kony.ui.Label(basicConf, layoutConf, {});

//Defining the properties for a Box.
var basicConfBox = {id:"boxPostEventSkinTC", 

var layoutConfBox = {contentAlignment:constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_TOP_CENTER, 

//Creating the Box.
var boxPostEventSkinTC = new kony.ui.Box(basicConfBox, 

//Adding label to box.

Platform Availability

Available on Server side Mobile Web (Advanced) platform only

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prem Copyright © 2012 Kony, Inc. All rights reserved.