The properties for the App Menu are:
Specifies the button style for application bar.
Styles include play button style and pause button style.
Platform Availability
Specifies the event for the App Menu item. For more information, see Kony Visualizer User Guide.
Platform Availability
Specifies the look and feel when there is focus on the App Menu.
For iPhone and Android, you cannot set a focus skin for the default App Menu items.
Platform Availability
Specifies the i18n Key to be used for internationalization.
When an application supports more than one locale and you require different text for a different locale, you have to destroy the form before locale change. Even if the forms are destroyed, the App Menu still remains in the old locale. To overcome this behavior, you have to re-create the App menu every time locale is changed. To recreate the App menu, use the createAppMenu method.
Platform Availability
Specifies the image to be displayed for the App Menu item.
Platform Availability
Available in the IDE
Available on all platforms
A unique identifier of App Menu consisting of alpha numeric characters.
Platform Availability
Specifies the position of the button for application bar.
Following are the available options:
Platform Availability
Specifies if the widget code must be included in the platform when the code is generated.
You can use the Render property to specify the platforms on which the widget will not be available.
By default, the Render property includes all the platforms. You must explicitly clear the check box against the platforms that you want to exclude.
The following illustration shows the render option:
Unlike the Visible property, the Render property does not include the widget in the code generated for the excluded platforms and so the generated code results in an optimized application for the excluded platforms.
When two widgets are placed side by side in an HBox, and you exclude one widget from code generation, the widget which is rendered respects its container weight and does not expand. However, on Mobile Web advanced platform, due to the browser behavior, the widget which is rendered does not respect the container weight and expands to occupy the available width.
Platform Availability
This property is used to retain the content alignment property value, as it was defined.
Note: Locale-level configurations take priority when invalid values are given to this property, or if it is not defined.
The mirroring widget layout properties should be defined as follows.
function getIsFlexPositionalShouldMirror(widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue) { return (isI18nLayoutConfigEnabled && localeLayoutConfig[defaultLocale] ["mirrorFlexPositionalProperties"] == true && !widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue); }
The following table illustrates how widgets consider Local flag and Widget flag values.
Properties | Local Flag Value | Widget Flag Value | Action |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | false | Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | not specified | Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | false | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | not specified | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | false | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | not specified | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
No (only during widget-construction time)
//This is a generic property that is applicable for various widgets. //Here, we have shown how to use the retainContentAlignment property for Button widget. /*You need to make a corresponding use of the retainContentAlignment property for other applicable widgets.*/ var btn = new kony.ui.Button({ "focusSkin": "defBtnFocus", "height": "50dp", "id": "myButton", "isVisible": true, "left": "0dp", "skin": "defBtnNormal", "text": "text always from top left", "top": "0dp", "width": "260dp", "zIndex": 1 }, { "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT, "displayText": true, "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0], "paddingInPixel": false, "retainFlexPositionProperties": false, "retainContentAlignment": true }, {});
Platform Availability
This property is used to retain flex positional property values as they were defined. The flex positional properties are left, right, and padding.
Note: Locale-level configurations take priority when invalid values are given to this property, or if it is not defined.
The mirroring widget layout properties should be defined as follows.
function getIsFlexPositionalShouldMirror(widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue) { return (isI18nLayoutConfigEnabled && localeLayoutConfig[defaultLocale] ["mirrorFlexPositionalProperties"] == true && !widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue); }
The following table illustrates how widgets consider Local flag and Widget flag values.
Properties | Local Flag Value | Widget Flag Value | Action |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | false | Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | not specified | Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | false | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | not specified | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | false | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | not specified | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
No (only during widget-construction time)
//This is a generic property that is applicable for various widgets. //Here, we have shown how to use the retainFlexPositionProperties property for Button widget. /*You need to make a corresponding use of the retainFlexPositionProperties property for other applicable widgets.*/ var btn = new kony.ui.Button({ "focusSkin": "defBtnFocus", "height": "50dp", "id": "myButton", "isVisible": true, "left": "0dp", "skin": "defBtnNormal", "text": "always left", "top": "0dp", "width": "260dp", "zIndex": 1 }, { "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER, "displayText": true, "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0], "paddingInPixel": false, "retainFlexPositionProperties": true, "retainContentAlignment": false }, {});
Platform Availability
This property is used to convert Flow Horizontal Left to Flow Horizontal Right.
Note: Locale-level configurations take priority when invalid values are given to this property, or if it is not defined.
The mirroring widget layout properties should be defined as follows.
function getIsFlexPositionalShouldMirror(widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue) { return (isI18nLayoutConfigEnabled && localeLayoutConfig[defaultLocale] ["mirrorFlexPositionalProperties"] == true && !widgetRetainFlexPositionPropertiesValue); }
The following table illustrates how widgets consider Local flag and Widget flag values.
Properties | Local Flag Value | Widget Flag Value | Action |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | false | Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | true | not specified | Use Mirror FlexPositionProperties since locale-level Mirror is true. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | false | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | false | not specified | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | true | Use the designed layout from widget for all locales. Widget layout overrides everything else. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | false | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
Mirror/retain FlexPositionProperties | not specified | not specified | Use the Design/Model-specific default layout. |
No (only during widget-construction time)
//This is a generic property that is applicable for various widgets. //Here, we have shown how to use the retainFlowHorizontalAlignment property for Button widget. /*You need to make a corresponding use of the retainFlowHorizontalAlignment property for other applicable widgets. */ var btn = new kony.ui.Button({ "focusSkin": "defBtnFocus", "height": "50dp", "id": "myButton", "isVisible": true, "left": "0dp", "skin": "defBtnNormal", "text": "always left", "top": "0dp", "width": "260dp", "zIndex": 1 }, { "contentAlignment": constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_CENTER, "displayText": true, "padding": [0, 0, 0, 0], "paddingInPixel": false, "retainFlexPositionProperties": true, "retainContentAlignment": false, "retainFlowHorizontalAlignment ": false }, {});
Platform Availability
Specifies the look and feel of the App Menu.
When you apply a skin for an App Menu item for Windows Desktop, the menu items overflow outside the emulator width. The items shown outside the App Menu bar are called the overflow items. When the App Menu contains more items than can fit into its area, it enables the overflow button. To see the overflow items, the user can click the overflow button and the items are shown in a pop-up window below the App Menu.
For iPhone and Android, you cannot set a skin for the default App Menu items.
In iOS 7 and 7.1, App Menu supports only single color. If the color is not specified, by default, native color (transparent) is applied to iOS 7 and cyan color is applied to iOS 7.1.
Platform Availability
Specifies a general or descriptive text for App Menu.
Platform Availability
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prem | Copyright © 2012 Kony, Inc. All rights reserved. |