Install Finalizer Utility

To use the Protected Mode option for iOS applications, you have to install a utility component called Finalizer. The Finalizer utility patches the Xcode and protects your application binaries.

Note: From the Kony Visualizer V8 Service Pack 3 release, it is not mandatory to install the Finalizer tool to build iOS applications in protected mode.

In this topic, you will learn about:

  1. Installation Requirements
  2. Installing the Finalizer Package
  3. Uninstalling the Finalizer Package

Installation Requirements

To run the Finalizer on a Mac machine, the software requirements are:

Installing the Finalizer Package

To install the Finalizer package, follow these steps: 

  1. Click here and scroll down to the end of the page and click Finalizer link.
  2. Extract the contents of the Finalizer package.
  3. Run the following script.

    This script integrates the Finalizer into the Xcode.

    <path_to_finalizer_pkg>/ <path_to_Xcode_installation>

  5. Launch Xcode.
  6. Select KProtected > Run.
  7. In the Build Configuration list, select Protected.
  8. Select Archive and in the Build Configuration list, select Protected.

Important: If you select the Protected Mode option and do not patch the Finalizer utility with Xcode, your app will crash.

Uninstalling the Finalizer Package

To uninstall the Finalizer Package, follow these steps: 

  1. Run the script with the -uninstall argument.
  2. <path_to_finalizer_pkg>/

    -uninstall <path_to_Xcode_installation>

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