
Use a Video widget to stream video within a form.

To learn how to use this widget programmatically, refer Kony Visualizer Widget guide.

Important Considerations

The following are important considerations for a Video Widget:


Look properties define the appearance of the widget. The following are the major properties you can set:

For descriptions of the properties available on the Look tab of the Properties pane, see Look.


Skin properties define a skin for the widget, including background color, borders, and shadows. If the widget includes text, you can also specify the text font.

For a Video widget, you can apply a skin and its associated properties for the following state:

For more information about applying skins, see Understanding Skins and Themes.

Video Properties

Video properties specify properties that are available on any platform supported by Kony Visualizer, and assign platform-specific properties.


Specifies the video's source. You can add the videos that you want to be part of the app in its respective channels common folder. For example, Native>Android>Common>Video.

Prior to Kony Visualizer V8 SP1 release, video files were inside the raw folder. Video files are now moved into a separate video folder. Project built on versions lower that 8.1 will continue to work without any changes.

Note: The supported video formats are MP4, WebM and OGV. The device will play video only if the format is compatible with the underlying SDK


Specifies whether to display the default video controls. When this property is set to false, video is playable by clicking anywhere on the Poster.

Note: This property is specific to the SPA and Desktop Web platforms.


Specifies an image to be displayed as a poster or as a starting image for the video. The image location must point to an external URL. For example,

Note: This property is specific to the SPA and Desktop Web platforms


Displays review feedback. For more information, see Capture Product Requirements with Review Notes.

Placement Inside a Widget

The following table summarizes where a Video widget can be placed:

Widget Video placement inside a widget
Flex Form Yes
VBox Form Yes
FlexContainer Yes
FlexScrollContainer Yes
HBox Yes
VBox Yes
ScrollBox Horizontal Orientation -Yes
Vertical Orientation- Yes
Tab Yes
Segment No
Popup Yes
Template Header- No
Footer- No

Specifying a Video

To specify a video:

  1. Click the Edit button to open the Source dialog box.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Click Open. The Source property displays the file name or URL of the video.



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