You are here: Designing an Application > Time and Effort Savers > Display a List of JavaScript Code Elements

Display a List of JavaScript Code Elements

When you are editing a JavaScript file in the Code Editor, Kony Visualizer gives you the ability to display a list of the code elements in that file, in the order that they appear. These code elements include globally available objects, functions, arrays, numbers, and strings. By double-clicking a code element in the list, the insertion point navigates to that code element.

Note: This functionality does not apply to popups or code snippets.

To display a list of code elements in a JavaScript file, do the following:

  1. Open a JavaScript file in the Code Editor. To do so, in the Project Explorer, on the Projects tab, expand the Modules section, and then click the JavaScript file you want to open.
  2. Press Ctrl+O ( + O on the Mac). A list of code elements displays.
  3. Navigate to any code element by double-clicking it from the list.





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