You are here: Building and Viewing an Application > Build a Universal Application

Build a Universal Application

Applies to Kony Visualizer Classic.

For iOS and Android platforms, you can build an application in universal binary format, allowing the application to run on both mobile and tablet channels.

To build a universal application:

  1. On the Product menu, click Build.
  2. In the Build Generation dialog box, select the channels and platforms in the Universal column for which you want to build your app. For example, to build a universal application for the iOS platform only, select the iOS box in the Universal column for either mobile or table channels:
  3. Kony Visualizer automatically selects the iOS box for both mobile and tablet channels. Similarly, Kony Visualizer automatically selects the Android box for both mobile and tablet channels if you select the Android box in the Universal column. To select mobile and table channels for both iOS and Android platforms, select the top box in the Universal column, or the boxes on the MOBILE or TABLET row.

  4. Select the build mode, either debug or release.
  5. Click Build.
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