Kony Fabric console User Guide: Orchestration Service - Kony Fabric User Guide
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Orchestration Services leverage the concept of combining multiple integration services, object services or orchestration services into a single service to simplify business logic in client apps and reduce the number of service invocations.

Use Case

An HR executive wants to fill a vacancy in the company available for a developer with 3-6 years of experience. The HR uses an HR tool to search for the suitable candidates. The tool sends the initial request to an Orchestration service which then invokes other services that connect to various data sources, for example, Naukri, LinkedIn, Monster, Indeed and get the list of suitable candidates.

Finally, the orchestration service gets the list of eligible candidates suitable for the vacancy and the data is displayed in the HR tool.

Orchestration Service Operations

Operations are the functional entities that are invoked from the client-side core functions that define the capabilities of any service. Operations in an orchestration service can be defined to invoke operations from multiple services. You can create Orchestration service operations from the existing Integration service operations, Object service operations, and other Orchestration service operations; and assign an execution strategy to these operations so that they are executed in the defined order.

There are two major execution types for Orchestration service Operations:

Important: You cannot add any service to an Orchestration Service in which the Enable Pass-through feature is enabled.

Orchestration Service Tab

To go to the Orchestration tab from the Kony Fabric Console dashboard, click Add New or select any existing app > Configure Services > Orchestration.

If you have not configured any Orchestration service before, the Kony Fabric displays a message that there are no Orchestration services configured on the Orchestration tab landing page.

You can do the following from the Orchestration service landing page:

Create a New Orchestration Service

Note: If you want to create an Orchestration service without associating it with any Kony Fabric app, from the side menu, click API Management > APIs > Orchestration > Configure New. For more information on API Management, refer API Management.

To configure a new Orchestration service, you must first create a service definition and add operations to that service definition.

Create a Service Definition

To create a new Service Definition, in the Orchestration page click Configure New or in the left pane click the “+” icon and select Add New Service. The Kony Fabric displays the Service Definition screen. You can do the following on the Service Definition screen:

In Kony Fabric, you can upload a custom code library in the form of a .jar file. These uploaded files can be used across all the services.

If you want to associate this new service with a custom code library or apply a throttling limit, expand the Advanced section. This section contains two tabs, which are Custom Code and Throttling. By default, the Custom Code tab is selected.

Custom Code

From the Custom Code tab, you can select the .jar file you want to associate with your new service. You can do the following to select the .jar file:

Important: If you have access to multiple accounts in Kony Fabric Console, the uploaded .jar files are available only in that account where they were uploaded. The .jar files uploaded in one account will not be available in another account. These files will be accessible to anyone who has access to that accounts.


From the Throttling tab, you can provide the number of times you want to invoke an API per minute. If the API exceeds its throttling limit, it will not return the service responses. You can do the following to provide the throttling limit:

Note: If both the values are given, the throttling limit which is met first will take precedence.

Once all the required parameters are configured in the Service Definition page, click Save if you want to save the new service and add operations to it later. Click Save and Add Operation if you want to add operations to that service immediately.

The new service is added to the All Services list and to the Orchestration tab landing page.

Create an Operation

If you have clicked Save on the Service Definition page, Kony Fabric displays an Operations List tab when you open the service next time. Select the Operations List tab and click Add Operation or in the left pane, click the “+” icon and select Add New Operation. Kony Fabric displays the NewOperation tab.

If you have clicked Save and Add Operation in the Service Definition page, it directly opens the NewOperation tab.

You can do the following to add an operation to the service:

Use Existing Service to Create a New Orchestration Service

This feature helps you to use an existing Orchestration service in a Kony Fabric account and use it to configure a new Orchestration service. You can either clone or add existing services and make changes to them accordingly.

To create a new Orchestration service from the available services, perform the following steps:

Manage Services

All the services related to a service type are listed on the landing page of the respective service type. You can manage the details of a service from the Contextual menu available adjacent to each service. The following options are available in the Contextual Menu:

Service Versions

You can use Service Versioning if you want to save the changes made to a service as another version of the same service. When you create a new version for a service, the Kony Fabric app associated with the service will use the latest version of the service automatically.

Note: A Kony Fabric app can be associated with only one version of an orchestration service.

You can do the following in the Service Definition (link) tab to create a new version for a service:

  1. In the Version list, select Save as New Version. The Save as screen is displayed.

  2. In the Version box, type the required version number. This field is mandatory.

    Note: The format for version number is major.minor. The value of major can be between 1 to 999, and the value of minor can be between 0 to 99. For example, 1.0 or 999.99.

  3. In the Description box, type the required notes for the new version. This field is optional.

  4. Click OK. The version of the service is updated to the latest version number.

If you want to select any previous versions, in the Version list, select the required version and then click OK on the Alert dialog box. The version of the service is updated.

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