Kony Fabric console User Guide: Identity > Configure the Identity Service > Social Identity Providers

Social Identity Providers

Kony Fabric provides a set of preconfigured OAuth 2.0 services under Social Identity. With Social identity services, a user can access resources through Kony Fabric applications. The Social Identity provides various popular services that include Google, Instagram, Microsoft, BOX, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, and Yahoo.

How to Configure a Social Identity Service

To configure Google identity service, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Identity service designer page, type a name for the service in the Enter Service Name text box.
  2. From the Type of Identity list, select Google under the Social Identity.

    Note: Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

  3. In the Authorize Endpoint text box, the default URL (https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth) is displayed. You can modify these details.
  4. In the Token Endpoint text box, the default URL (https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token) is displayed. You can modify these details.
  5. In the Callback URL text box, the default URL is displayed. You cannot modify these details (https://<accountID>.auth.konycloud.com/OAuth2/Callback).

Important: Configure your Google app to accept requests from authentication service by typing the auth.konycloud.com in the App Domain text field.

  1. In the Scope text box, the default list of permissions is provided. The list can be modified. The list can contain more than one permission. The list must contain valid permissions separated with a space.
  2. In the Client Id text box, enter the app key of the app instance that you created on Google.
  3. In the Client Secret text box, enter the app secret key of the app instance that you created on Google.
  4. After entering the above details, click on the TEST LOGIN button to verify the credentials.

    If you have not logged in to your the social identity service (for example: Gmail), the Console redirects you to the back-end identity provider’s log-in page. Enter your credentials as required.

    The test results are displayed in the Identity Response dialog.

  5. After entering the details in the Client Secret field, click Save to save the service. The system displays the Identity page. The Google identity provider is configured.

Note: You can view the service in the Data Panel feature of Kony Visualizer. By using the Data Panel, you can link back-end data services to your application UI elements seamlessly with low-code to no code. For more information on Data Panel, click here.

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