Kony Fabric console User Guide: Identity > Use Case One

Concurrent User Sessions

When an enterprise uses an identity service in the Fabric app, it would want to have control over how to handle concurrent logins. For example, a banking enterprise may not want the same user to log in concurrently from different channels of the app.

Kony Fabric provides a series of options to control concurrent user sessions. You can access the Concurrent User Logins functionality in the Advanced section of an identity service definition page.

Use Case One: For a banking enterprise, you (app developer) are building a retail banking app and have linked an identity service (for example, Microsoft Active Directory) with a Fabric app and built client app for different channels (Android, iOS, and Web). If the app user can log in to Android and decides to login into Web app by default user session would be working in both the channels. However, for better security you may want to restrict the user session to be active only in one channel then you can use the options available in the Concurrent User Logins section. By using the options in this section you can have the user session in Android invalidated once the user logs into Web session.

Use Case Two: For the same banking enterprise in next stage you plan to build a consumer lending application. You create a new Fabric application and link the same identity service used in retail banking app and build the client application for multiple channels. In this case for better security if you want to restrict the app user to login to only one of the user applications (for example, if the user logs into a retail banking application and then wanted to check his loans using consumer lending application you want to invalidate the retail banking application session), you can use the options available in the Concurrent User Logins section.

In the Concurrent User Logins section, you can select any one of the following three options to configure user sessions:

The following tables provide detailed information on Concurrent User Logins.

Option 1

Allow concurrent user sessions (no restrictions).

This is the default option.


For example, An app user using the unique identity service is allowed to log in to multiple apps simultaneously in all instances, such as iOS, Android, and Web browser.


Option 2 Allow only one active user session per app

For example, The Infinity RB, Infinity OnBoarding, and Infinity Customer 360 apps are linked to an identity service (for example, Microsoft Active Directory). A user logs in to the Infinity RB app on an Android device successfully. When the user tries to log in to another instance of the same app, the login is successful.However, the previous session of that identity service is ended (here, Infinity RB app session on Android).

Note: In this case, the Infinity Customer 360 App and Infinity RB App/Infinity OnBoarding App use two different Fabric apps. Hence the login behavior on Infinity Customer 360 App does not impact login sessions on the other two client apps.


Allow only one active user session per app. An app user with one identity provider can log into only one instance of the app. Logging to simultaneous instances of the same app is restricted.


Option 3 Allow only one active user session across all apps.

For example, The Infinity RB, Infinity OnBoarding, and Infinity Customer 360 apps are linked to an identity service (for example, Microsoft Active Directory). A user logs in to the Infinity RB app on an Android device successfully. When the user tries to log in to another instance of the same app or a different app, the login is successful. However, the previous active sessions of the apps are ended (here, Infinity RB app session).

Note: In this case, the Infinity Customer 360 App and Infinity RB App/Infinity OnBoarding App use two different Fabric apps. These two Fabric apps use the same identity service. Hence the login to Infinity Customer 360 App impacts login sessions on the other two client apps.


Allow only one active user session across all apps.

How to Configure Concurrent User Active Sessions for Apps

  1. Log in to Kony Fabric Console.
  2. In the Apps, click ADD NEW to create an app.

  3. In the Configure Services tab > Identity service tab > click CONFIGURE NEW
  4. In the service designer page of the identity service, configure the required details.
  5. Click the Advanced section > Concurrent User Logins section, select one of the following options:
    • Allow concurrent user sessions (no restrictions).
    • Allow only one active user session per app
    • Allow only one active user session across all apps.
  6. Click SAVE to save the service details.



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