Kony Fabric console User Guide: Kony Fabric Command Line Utility - Continuous Integration > CI Cloud Build

Continuous Integration for Cloud Build

Build is a command introduced in MFCLI V8 SP4. You can use the command to build and generate native app binaries for the selected native platforms. The Build command helps you build native client binaries on Cloud.

build command

To build and generate native client binaries on a Cloud (manage.kony.com) environment

  java -jar mfcli.jar build -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -e <environment name> -pp <properties path> -sp <src-code path> -od <output directory> [ -pt <timeout in seconds>]
java -jar mfcli.jar build -u abc@kony.com -p password -t 100054321 -e MyEnv -pp "D:\WorkDir\prop.json" -sp "D:\WorkDir\src.zip" -od "D:\WorkDir\output" -pt 20


Additional commands supported for Build command

You can perform individual stages of build process by using the following sub-commands of the build command:

     build-cancel       Command to cancel build for viz project
    build-download     Command to download artifacts for given build
    build-status       Command to check build status or fetch status url for given build
    build-trigger      Command to trigger build for viz project
    build-upload       Command to upload viz project for build

1. build-upload command

To upload artifacts from a local path to a workspace, run the following build command:

 java -jar mfcli.jar build-upload -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -e <environment name> -sp <src-code path> -pp <props path>
 For example:

java -jar mfcli.jar build-upload -u abc@kony.com -p password -t 100054321 -e MyEnv -sp "D:\WorkDir\src.zip" -pp "D:\WorkDir\prop.json"

2. build-trigger command

To start build binaries, run the following build command:

 java -jar mfcli.jar build-trigger -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -e <environment name> -bid <build identifier> -pp <props path>
For example:

java -jar mfcli.jar build-trigger -u abc@kony.com -p password -t 100054321 -e MyEnv -bid sample-guid -pp "D:\WorkDir\prop.json"

3. build-download command

After a client binary is uploaded, to download artifacts to your local system, run the following build-download command:

 java -jar mfcli.jar build-download -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -e <environment name> -dl <download link> -od <out dir path> -f <file name> [ --relative ]
 For example:

java -jar mfcli.jar build-download -u abc@kony.com -p password -t 100054321 -e MyEnv -od "D:\WorkDir\src.zip" -dl "http://example.com/" -f Demo.apk --relative

build-status command

To view an app build progress during any of the stages, run the following build command:

 java -jar mfcli.jar build-status -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -e <environment name> -bid <build identifier> -ps -pt <timeout in seconds>
 For example:
java -jar mfcli.jar build-status -u abc@kony.com -p password -t 100054321 -u abc@kony.com -p password -t 100054321 -e MyEnv -bid sample-guid -ps -pt 30

build-cancel command

To cancel an app build process during any of the stages, run the following build command:

  java -jar mfcli.jar build-cancel -u <user> -p <password> -t <account id> -e <environment name> -qid <queue id>
 For example:
  java -jar mfcli.jar build-cancel -u abc@kony.com -p password -t 100054321 -e MyEnv -qid sample-queue-id
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