Kony Fabric console User Guide: Appendix App Servies - Kony Fabric User Guide

Appendix - App Services

App Services console provides you with the following details:

App Services console consist of the following tabs:

Kony Studio Apps

Click Kony Studio Apps from the left pane of the console to view a list of Kony Studio applications available in your cloud environment.

For each of these Apps, following details are available:

  1. App Name: Name of the Kony Studio application.
  2. Services: List of all the services that are added to the app.
  3. Web App: List the channels (Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet) on which the app is available.
  4. Status: Specifies if the deployment of the app is successfully.

For each of the apps, you can perform following actions:

Invoking an operation

To invoke an operation, follow these steps:

  1. In the Kony Studio Apps page, select an operation from the Services list of an application.

    The Service Details page is displayed.

  2. Enter the input parameters,if required.

  3. Click Get Response. The Response Body tab appears.

  4. Click Headers to view the headers response.

Launching an App

To launch an application, follow these steps:

  1. In the Kony Studio Apps page, click the down-arrow next to the channel (Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet).

    Following information is available:

    • Platforms for which the app is built. For example, iOS and Android.
    • URL of the application.
  2. Click the URL to launch the application.

Deleting an app

To delete an app from the cloud, follow these steps:

  1. In the Kony Studio Apps page, select an application.

  2. Click Delete.

    A Confirm Delete window is displayed.

  3. Click OK to delete the application.

Integration Services

Click Integration Services from the left pane of the console to view a list of Integration services that are available across the applications within your Kony Fabric environment.

For each of the services, following details are available:

  1. Service name: Name of the Integration service.
  2. URL: Select an operation from the URL list to display the URL link of the operation. This link is used for invoking the corresponding operation.

Invoking an operation

To invoke an operation, follow these steps:

  1. In the Integration page, select an operation from the URL list of an application.

    The URL of the operation is displayed.

  2. Click the URL to open the Service Details page.

  3. Enter the input parameters,if required.
  4. Click Get Response. The Response Body tab is displayed.

  5. Click Headers to view the headers response.

Orchestration Services

Click Orchestration Services from the left pane of the console to view a list of Orchestration services across the applications within your Kony Fabric environment.

For each of the services, following details are available:

  1. Service name: Name of the Integration service.
  2. URL: Link to invoke the corresponding operation.

Invoking an operation

To invoke an operation, follow these steps:

  1. In the Orchestration page, click the corresponding URL of the operation to open the Service Details page.

  2. Enter the input parameters, if required.

  3. Click Get Response.The Response Body tab is displayed.

  4. Click Headers to view the headers response.


Logs are automatically generated reports containing a list of activities that are performed based on the Logger Levels.

Logs show a list of instances with Instance ID, IP Address along with the links to view the Archived and Snapshot Logs. If the number of logs is more than ten, you can use the Next or Previous options to view other logs.

There are two types of cloud logs:

Archived Logs

The log files for the server instance that are archived every hour and stored for seven days. You can view and download these archived log files. If the number of archived log files is more than 10, you can use Next or Previous to move to view other archived logs.

On Cloud Logs tab, you can view the list of archived logs and manage them. You can perform the following tasks:

Viewing Archived Logs

To view the archived logs, click View Archived Logs under Archived Logs. The Archived Logs pop-up appears with a list of the archived log files.

Downloading Selected Logs

To download the selected logs, follow these steps:

  1. On the Archived Logs page, select the checkbox of desired archived file that you want to download and click Download Selected.

    A Confirmation pop-up appears.

  2. Click OK to download the selected archived log files.

    A pop-up appears to choose the location to save the downloaded archived log files.

  3. Select the location to save the downloaded archived log files, and click OK.

Downloading all the Logs

To download all the archived log files, follow these steps:

  1. On the Archived Logs page, click Download All.

    A Confirmation pop-up appears.

  2. Click OK to download the selected archived log files.

    A pop-up appears to choose the location to save all downloaded archived log files.

  3. Select a location, and click OK.

Refreshing Archived Logs

To refresh the archived logs, on the Archived Logs page, click Refresh.The Archived Logs are refreshed.

Snapshot Logs

You can access real-time logs through the snapshot logs page. Snapshot logs comprise the last manual log snapshot fetched from the server.The logs listed in the table are periodic snapshots of the log files and may not contain the very latest log data. You can view and download these snapshot log files. If the number of snapshot log files is more than ten, you can use Next or Previous options to move to more number of snapshot log files.

On Cloud Logs tab, you can view the list of snapshot logs and manage them.

You can perform the following tasks:

Viewing Snapshot Logs

To view the snapshot logs, click View Snapshot Logs under Snapshot Logs. The Snapshot Logs pop-up appears with all the snapshot log files.

Requesting Latest Snapshot Logs

To request latest snapshot logs, follow these steps:

  1. On the Snapshot Logs page, to initiate a manual snapshot of all logs on all servers, follow these steps:
  2. Click Request Latest Logs.

    A Confirmation pop-up appears.

  3. Click OK to download the latest log files.

    The manual snapshots of the logs are typically available within five minute

Downloading Selected Logs

To download the selected log files, follow these steps:

  1. On the Snapshot Logs page, select the checkbox of desired snapshot file that you want to download and click Download Selected.

    A Confirmation pop-up appears.

  2. Click OK to download the selected snapshot log files.

    A pop-up appears to choose the location to save all downloaded archived log files.

  3. Select a location, and click OK.

Downloading all the Logs

To download all the snapshot log files, follow these steps:

  1. On the Snapshot Logs page, click Download All.

    A Confirmation pop-up appears.

  2. Click OK to download the selected snapshot log files.

    A pop-up appears to choose the location to save all downloaded snapshot log files.

  3. Select the location, and click OK.

Refreshing Snapshot Logs

To refresh the snapshot logs and to reload the table with new snapshots available for download, on the Snapshot Logs page, click Refresh.

The Snapshot Logs are refreshed.

Logger Levels

Logger levels enable you to specify the type of logs recoded for Integration Services and Orchestration Services.

Following type of loggers are supported:

Assigning a logger level

To assign logger levels for the services, follow these steps:

  1. On the Logger Levels page, select the type of service from the Select Application list.
  2. Update the levels for all the required loggers.
  3. Click Save.

Health Check

The Health check view denotes the connection properties for App Server in a cloud environment.

The following are the various connection properties that denote the health of a App Server:


Enables you to create Standard Reports, and Custom Reports.

To view or generate reports, follow these steps.

  1. From the left pane of the console click Reports. A Confirmation pop-up appears.

  2. Click Yes. You are directed to the Reports page.

For more information on generation reports refer to:


Enables you to download the middleware-system.jar file.

Click on the image to download the middleware-system.jar file.

The downloaded file is used to write the custom code for preprocessor, postprocessor and custom Java services.

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