Kony Fabric console User Guide: SDKs > Android SDK > Login with provider type as Basic

Invoking an Identity Service

The following are the methods you can use for an identity service.

Login with provider type as Basic

Import the following Libraries:

Sample Code

 // Sample code to log in using basic type provider
String providerName = "<your-provider-name>";
String username = "<username-for-your-provider>";
String password = "<password-for-your-provider>";

KonyClient myClient = new KonyClient();
IdentityService authClient = null;
try {
    authClient = myClient.getIdentityService(providerName);
} catch (KonyException exception) {
    Log.d("Failure", exception.getMessage());
authClient.loginInBackground(username, password, new LoginCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(KonyUser user) {
        Log.d("Login", "Success");       
    @Override       public void onFailure(IdentityServiceException identityServiceException) {
        Log.d("Login Failure", identityServiceException.getErrorMessage());

Important: When you select Kony User Repository as the identity type, the system does not allow you to provide identity name.

To use Kony User Repository as authentication service, ensure that the value for providerName must be set as userstore. If you set it with any other value (for example, Kony User Repository, User Store or Cloud Repository), the system throws an error.

Login with provider type as OAuth/SAML

Import the following Libraries:

Sample Code

 // Sample code to log in using Oauth/SAML type provider
String providerName = "<your-provider-name>";
String loginOptions = {};
Context context = getApplicationContext();
Webview webview = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview);
KonyClient myClient = new KonyClient();
IdentityService authClient = null;
try {
    authClient = myClient.getIdentityService(providerName);
} catch (KonyException exception) {
    Log.d("Failure", exception.getMessage());
authClient.loginInBackground(context, webview, new WebViewCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(KonyUser user) {
        Log.d("Login", "Success");       
    public void onFailure(IdentityServiceException identityServiceException) {   
        Log.d("Login Failure", identityServiceException.getErrorMessage());

Custom OAuth / Custom Login

Sample Code

 //Sample code for custom Auth or Custom Login

String servname = "<your-provider-name>";
Hashtable < String, String > customTable = new Hashtable < String, String > ();
customTable.put("userid", "<username-for-your-provider>");
customTable.put("custom1", "<custom-value-one>");
customTable.put("password", "<password-for-your-provider>");
customTable.put("custom2", "<custom-value-two>");
customTable.put("custom5", "<custom-value-five>");
customTable.put("custom3", "<custom-value-three>");
customTable.put("custom4", "<custom-value-four>");
authClient.loginInBackground(customTable, new LoginCallback() {
    public void onFailure(IdentityServiceException identityServiceException) {
        Log.d("Login Failure", identityServiceException.getErrorMessage());
    public void onSuccess(KonyUser user) {
        Log.d("Login", "Success");

Get Backend Token

Import the following Libraries:


Sample Code

// Sample code to get backend token for provider 
String backendtoken = authClient.getBackendToken().toString();

Note: This method returns a valid token only after login is successful.

User Profile

Import the following Libraries:

Sample Code

// Sample code to get user profile details
KonyUser user = < object - returned - in -login - success - callback > ;
String firstName = user.getFirstName();
String lastName = user.getLastName();
String email = user.getEmail();
String userid = user.getUserId();

Note: KonyUser object is returned after login is successful. The operations on the KonyUser object are given above.


Import the following Libraries:

Sample Code

 // Sample code to logout from auth service
authClient.logoutInBackground(new LogoutCallback {
    public void onSuccess(boolean result) {
        Log.d("Logout", "Successful");
    public void onFailure(IdentityServiceException exception) {
        Log.d("Logout failed", exception.getErrorMessage());
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