App Menu Widget

The Application Menu (App Menu) is a bar that is displayed at the bottom of an app, containing icons for features that apply to the application, rather than to a specific application screen or window.

Following are the real-time use cases of AppMenu widget:

  • In many banking applications, AppMenu widget is used for features such as Accounts, payments, transfers, atm locations, and services that must be available on every form of the application.

  • Some social media applications have a menu bar at the bottom, containing home, search, and profile icons.

The AppMenu widget capabilities can be broadly categorized into the following:

UI Appearance

Focus Skin Specifies the look and feel when there is focus on the App Menu.
Skin Specifies the look and feel of the App Menu.

Data Management

addAppMenuItemAt Adds an App Menu item at the given index.
createAppMenu Allows you to create App Menu dynamically through code.
getAppMenuBadgeValueEnables you to read the badge value (if any) attached to the given Appmenu item.
getCurrentAppMenu Returns the unique identifier of the current app menu that is set through setCurrentAppMenu.
removeAppMenuItemAt Removes the specified App Menu item.
setAppMenuBadgeValue Allows you to set a badge value to the given app menu item at the upper, right corner of the menu item.
setAppMenuFocusByID Takes ID (which is set using createAppMenu) instead of index and sets the focus on the menu item of the current app menu.
setCurrentAppMenu Uses the unique identifier which represents the App Menu and sets it as current app menu.


i18n Key Specifies the i18n Key to be used for internationalization.

3D Touch

registerForPeekandPop Registers a widget to enable 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.
setOnPeek Sets and overrides the existing onPeekCallback for the widget.
setOnPop Overrides the existing onPopCallback for the widget.
unregisterForPeekandPop Unregisters a widget from 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.

User Input Handling

addGestureRecognizerAllows you to set a gesture recognizer for a specified gesture for a specified widget.
removeGestureRecognizer Allows you to remove the specified gesture recognizer for the specified widget.
setGestureRecognizerAllows you to set a gesture recognizer for a specified gesture for a specified widget.


AnimateApplies an animation to the widget.


getBadge Enables you to read the badge value (if any) attached to the specified widget.
setBadge Enables you to set the badge value to the given widget at the upper, right corner of the widget.
Appbar Button Style Specifies the button style for application bar.
Event Specifies the event for the App Menu item.
Icon Specifies the image to be displayed for the App Menu item.

Specifies the position of the button for application bar.

Render Specifies if the widget code must be included in the platform when the code is generated.
Title Specifies a general or descriptive text for App Menu.

Enabling RTL

retainContentAlignmentHelps to retain the content alignment of the widget while applying RTL.
retainFlexPositionPropertiesHelps to retain the left, right and padding properties while applying RTL.
retainFlowHorizontalAlignmentEnables you to change the horizontal flow of the widget from left to right.

Configurations common to all widgets

convertPointFromWidget Allows you to convert the coordinate system from a widget to a point (receiver's coordinate system).
convertPointToWidgetAllows you to convert the coordinate system from a a point (receiver's coordinate system) to a widget.
removeFromParent Allows you to remove a child widget from a parent widget.
setEnabled Specifies the widget that must be enabled or disabled.
setFocus Specifies the widget on which there must be focus.
setVisibility Use this method to set the visibility of the widget.
ID A unique identifier of App Menu consisting of alpha numeric characters.

AppMenu Widget Basics

Android Specific Behavior

  • If you add more than six App Menu items, the menu items beyond the fifth App Menu item are grouped under the Menu item More (added automatically by the Android platform) and if you select More, the rest of the Menu items are displayed in a list without any icons (even if the icons are set through code). This is a limitation in the Android platform support.
  • You cannot specify a skin for the App Menu.

iOS Specific Behavior

  • In iOS 7 and iOS 7.1, AppMenu supports only single color. If the color is not specified, then by default native color ( transparent) is applied to iOS 7 and cyan color is applied to iOS7.1.
  • If you add more than five App Menu items, the menu items beyond the fourth App Menu item are grouped under the Menu item “More” (added automatically by the iOS platform) and if you select More, the rest of the Menu items are displayed in a list with the icons set for them.
  • Create a customizable more controller using KonyForm, which would give you the appmenu look & feel and navigation perspective.
  • Use show/hide app menu items as required.
  • You should always show a form in closure execution of app menu item.

  • Transition Animations are not supported when a flow of transitions from a form with AppMenu to a form without AppMenu.