Kony Management User Guide: Self Service Console > Devices


The Device List page enables you to get all the information about devices and perform different activities to manage them efficiently. Various fields on this page are, Ownership , Check Compliance Status, Date Enrolled, Last Check-in etc. .

The Devices section pertains to role based device enrollment. Role based access control offers users their own specialized console to perform their job.

From the Enterprise App Store section, click the My Devices from the left panel. The Device List page appears with a list of the enrolled devices. The list view displays a list of all the devices along with other details. You can search the devices based on each column and also sort on each column.

The Device List view displays the following columns:

 Columns                                          Description     
Device Name Displays the unique identification name of the device.
Status Displays the current status of the device, for example, Enrolled, Deactivated, Retired, Lost, or Control Removed.
  • Displays the owner name, for example, Corporate owned, Employee owned or Shared.
  • Compliance Displays, if the device is compliant or non-compliant to the EMM console.
    OS Displays the operating system to which the device supports.
    Last Check-in Displays when the device was last checked in to EMM Console, for example, Today, Yesterday or Last 7 Days.
    Date Enrolled Displays when the device was enrolled to EMM Console, for example, Today, Yesterday or Last 7 Days.

    You can perform the following activities from this page:

    Adding a New Device

    This process falls under Device based Enrollment. These devices are enrolled to Mobile Device Management Server.

    The Add a Device window includes three steps to enroll a new device to EMM.

    Step 1: User Information

    To add a new device, follow these steps:

    1. To open the Add a Device window, click the + Add a Device button next to the Device List label at the top of the page.

      The Add a Device window appears.

    2. Enter the following details under Step One:
    3. User ID: This field pre-populates from the Active Directory or local database.

      The User Names are populated through Active directory or local database and as per enrolled user id; the respective email id is populated in to Email Address field.

    4. Email Address: As per enrolled User name, the corresponding email address is populated in the Email Address field.

      The enrollment request and registration instructions are sent to the user on this email address.

    5. Personal Email Address: Enter your personal email address for communication through email.
    6. IMEI: Enter the Mobile Equipment Identity number.

      If you enter wrong IMEI, you receive warning message stating that only digits with at least 15 characters should be entered.

    7. Phone Number: Enter your Phone number.

      If you enter wrong phone number, you receive warning message stating that at least 11 characters should be entered.

    8. Ownership Details: Select the appropriate ownership details from the drop-down list under which device falls, for example, Corporate, Employee or Shared.

      This pertains to ownership of the device. The device can be owned by an employee, or Corporate, or shared between an employee and the Corporate.

    9. Email Notification: Select the appropriate option for email notification, for example, User or Admin and User.

      Email notifications are sent to individual User or User Groups regarding enrollment of the device and what further actions are required to accomplish the task.

    10. Device OS: Select the appropriate Operating system, to which device supports, for example, Android, iPhone, iPad, or Windows.
    11. Click the Next Step button to open Step 2 window.

      Note: If you wish to enroll devices from the selected platform only, then select the check box" Only enroll devices from selected platform."

    Step 2: Asset Information

    1. Enter the following details in Step Two:

      1. Warranty Number: Enter the valid warranty number.

        Unique identification number to identify the warranty type.

      2. Warranty Expiration Date: Enter the cursor in the Warranty Expiration Date field. The Calendar window with current month and current date as active appears. Select the required date. The date is populated in the text field.

        Warranty expiration pertains to a service plan offered under which routine preventive and maintenance are done from the date of purchase until the stipulated time frame. After this period, the warranty expires.

      3. Warranty Type:  Select the appropriate warranty from the Select Warranty Type drop-down list.

        There are three warranty types respectively, the Manufacturer Warranty, Seller Warranty and the Extended Warranty.

      4. Custom Asset Number:  Enter the valid custom asset number in the Enter Custom Asset Number text field.

        This number is given by company to define asset information.

      5. Purchase Date: Enter the cursor in the Purchase Date field.

        Calendar window with current month and current date as active appears. Select the required date. The date is populated in the text field. Be aware that the purchase date cannot be a future date.

      6. Purchase Order No: Enter the purchase order number of the device in the Enter Purchase Order Number text field.

        A purchase order number is an alphanumeric code that is assigned to a particular request to buy something. PO numbers are used internally to track purchases.

      7. Purchase Price: Enter valid purchase price for the device.

        If you enter wrong purchase price, you receive a warning message stating that valid purchase price should be entered.

      8. Purchase Type:  Select Purchase Type as Single Purchase or Volume Purchase from the Select Purchase Type drop down list.

        There are two types, Single purchase and Volume purchase.

    2. Click the Back button to navigate to Step 1.
    3. Click the Submit button to open Step 3 window.

    Step 3: Confirmation

    Step Three window displays confirmation message stating that the enrollment request and registration instructions are sent at the specified email address of the administrator.

    1. Click the OK button to proceed.
    2. Click the Add Another Device button to open Step One window to enroll a new device with EMM.

    Searching for an Enrolled Device

    You can search a desired device through search filters available. You can apply a single or a combination of search filters to define the search criteria and get the refined outcome. To search for a device, do the following:

    1. Enter or select details for following search filters:
      1. Device Name: Enter partial or a complete device name in the Search Devices text field.
      2. Ownership: Select the category of the owner from the drop-down list.

        Provides a list about ownership details of the device, for example, Corporate Owned, Employee Owned or Shared.

      3. Compliance: Select the compliance type from the drop-down list.

        Provides a list of compliance (Policies) details of the device, for example, Compliant or Non-Compliant.

      4. OS: Enter desired operating system name in the Search OS text field.
      5. Last Check-in: Select the date on which the device is last checked-in to EMM from the drop-down list.

        Provides a list of dates the policy was last checked-in, for example, Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days and Last 90 days.

      6. Date Enrolled: Select the date on which the device is enrolled to EMM from the drop-down list.

        Provides a list of dates the policy was enrolled, for example, Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days and Last 90 days.

    2. According to your search filters criteria, the list view is updated with respective app details. By default, the list view displays ten apps according to Display settings, which you can modify through Display drop-down list. You can also scroll the list view through Previous and the Next button.

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