Kony Management User Guide: Dashboard


The Dashboard is a visual summary of information. System administrators can use the dashboard to get a comprehensive graphical view of total enrolled devices, total non-compliant devices and app downloads.

The Dashboard is the first page you visit after logging in. you will initially see a Certificate Status box.

The Certificate Status screen displays information on all certificates that are about to expire. Based on the information on a Certificate Status screen, an administrator can renew certificates before they expire.

Expiry dates for all certificates used across the Kony Management suite are calculated and notifications are sent. The first notification is sent four weeks before the certificate expiry date. A second notification is sent to the administrator two weeks before the certificate expiry date. A notification is sent every day in the last week of certificate expiration.

The following table describes the components of the Dashboard:

Component                       Description                          
Map The Map displays the actual location of the total enrolled devices, total non-compliant devices and the total number of downloaded apps. You can view the location details in map or satellite format.
Total Enrolled Devices Label This label displays the total number of the enrolled devices to EMM. For example, the label in above image indicates that total 19 devices are enrolled on that particular day.
Total Non-Compliant Devices Label This label displays the total number of non-compliant devices. For example, if the label displays 1 device. It indicated that only once device is out of compliance.
Total Downloaded Apps Label

This label displays the total number of downloaded apps on devices.

Important: The App Downloads count will increase when an app policy is targeted to a user or group irrespective of whether the app (publicly available on a store) is actually installed on the device or not.

Pie Charts A circular chart that represents the distribution or participation of each item (represented by a slice) of a certain total that is represented as the overall pie value. For example, Enrollment Summary Chart, Compliance Summary Chart, and App Downloads Summary Chart.

You can perform the following activities from the Dashboard:

Using the Map View

This window displays the location details on a map. You can also view it in satellite format. You can freely scroll through the area through hand tool. You can use the zoom tool to change the size of the visible area.

The view menu gives the following options:

Viewing the Enrollment Summary Chart

Enrollment Summary Chart displays the number of Users with enrolled devices versus Users with not enrolled devices. Click the pie chart to view Enrollment Summary chart.

The Enrollment Summary chart includes the following components:

Components                     Description                          
Color Codes The color codes indicates the distribution of each item (represented by a slice) For example, in above pie chart, orange color represents the Users with enrolled devices and blue color represents the Users with not enrolled devices
Chart Context Menu Double-click the pie chart to view the chart details. Click the Chart Context menu in the top right corner of the chart. You get following options: Click the Chart Context menu to
  • Print the chart.
  • Download the chart in PNG, JPEG or SVG vector format.
  • Download the chart in PDF format.
Chart Details
  • By default, the chart displays the one week activities. You can view the chart based on Monthly, Half yearly or yearly basis.
  • The X axis represents the specific dates on which the devices are enrolled.
  • The Y axis represents the no of enrolled devices.

Viewing the Compliance Summary Chart

Compliance Summary chart displays the number of devices in compliance versus not in compliance in the pie graph.Click the pie chart to view Compliance Summary chart.

The Compliance Summary chart includes the following components:

Components                     Description                          
Color Codes The color codes indicates the distribution of each item (represented by a slice)
Chart Details Double-click the pie chart to view the Reasons for Compliance Failure chart details.
  • Click the Chart Context menu to
    • Print the chart.
    • Download the chart in PNG, JPEG or SVG vector format.
    • Download the chart in PDF format.
  • The X axis represents the reasons.
  • The Y axis represents the number of violations.

Viewing the App Downloads Summary Chart

App Download Summary Chart displays the number of downloaded apps for all the supporting platforms. This shows the total number of app downloads from the system. This includes all enterprise apps and any others pushed through the system. Click the pie chart to view App Downloads Summary Chart.

Important: The App Downloads count will increase when an app policy is targeted to a user or group irrespective of whether the app is actually installed on the device.

The App Download Summary chart includes the following components:

Components                     Description                          
Color Codes The color codes indicates the distribution of each item (represented by a slice).
Chart details Double click the pie chart to view the Reasons for Compliance Failure chart details.
  • Click the Chart Context menu to
    • Print the chart.
    • Download the chart in PNG, JPEG or SVG vector format.
    • Download the chart in PDF format.
  • The X axis represents the platforms.
  • The Y axis represents the Public and the Enterprise apps.

Note: App Download Summary dashboard displays an incorrect number of downloaded apps due to following reasons.
It also counts apps pushed through the app policy even though apps are not downloaded on a device.

If a user clicks the Cancel button, it increments the download count

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