Runtime Configuration

The Runtime Configuration tab on the Settings screen of App Services enables you to view and edit the runtime configuration settings of the Fabric Server. The configuration details comprise of the following sections:

General Configuration

The General Configuration section displays the general settings of the Fabric server. You can modify any setting and click Save to update the change.

The following table describes the settings in the General Configuration section:

Property Name Description
JSON Array Support Enable this option to accumulate multiple JSON objects with same ID into an array. If not enabled, the latest JSON object will overwrite the previous one.
Send Default User Agent

Enable this to send the default user agent to the backend instead of user agent of the client. This is True by default.

The default user agent value is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729).

Accept only Gzip Compression for Endpoint Response If enabled, gzip is sent as one of the Accept-Encoding formats in the backend request.
Exclude Stacktrace from Logs Option to exclude exception stack trace from the logs.
Do Not Escape XML Special Characters A comma separated list of special characters that should not be escaped in the request template of XML and SOAP Services.
Exclude Parameters in Request and Response A comma separated list of sensitive keys in the request or the response to mask while logging any information.
Exclude Input Parameters from Log Context (NDC) A comma separated list of keys to exclude from the diagnostic thread context of the logs.
Server Time Frequency (milliseconds) The time period in milliseconds between successive load of any change in asset or configuration. If this value is too low, it could lead to performance issues. The default time is 10 seconds.
Server Timer Delay in Startup (milliseconds) The delay in milliseconds after server starts, and before the assets and configurations are loaded.
Number of Server Nodes for Throttling The number of nodes in this server cluster. It is used for calculating API Throttling values.
Kony Reports Year Drop down Offset The number of years to be displayed in the Reports tab of App Services.
Kony Services Context Path The context path of the current Fabric instance. The default path is /services.
Enable Proxy Enable proxy for communication with the backend. The proxy settings are part of the service definition.
Service Custom Response Headers

List of additional custom headers to return in every response. The list is in the following JSON array format:

[{"name": "Cache-Control", "value": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"}]

These headers will be appended to the response of integration service requests originating from applications.

Enable Custom Response Headers for all Service Endpoints

Select the check box "Enable Custom Response Headers for all Service Endpoints", to include custom response headers in the HTTP response for all service endpoints. For example:


  • Runtime published services: Integration, Orchestration, Object, Object metadata, Workflow, and Rules


  • Internal service endpoints: /ServerEvents, /ClientState, /IST, /CMS, /KonyFileServiceServlet/*, metadata/configurations/client/properties, /healthcheck

NOTE: This check box is deselected by default. When it is not selected, custom response headers are included in the HTTP response only for Runtime published services.


Log Configuration

The Log Configuration section displays the configuration settings related to the server logs. You can modify any setting and click Save to update the changes.

The following table describes the settings in the Log Configuration section:

Property Name Description
Server Log Option

Select the log option from the list to specify where the logs can be collected. The available log options are as follows:

  • Log file - User specified log file.
  • Database - Logs are stored in the database of the server_application_log table in your adminDB.
  • SYSLOG - Logs stored in the respective system logs.
Server Log Location

When log option is logfile, use this to specify the location of the log file.

NOTE: After upgrading the server to the latest version, verify that the specified log location on the Admin Console matches with the current log location.

Server Logger JNDI Name

When log option is database, use this to specify the JNDI name of the data-source.


CORS Configuration

The CORS Configuration section displays the configuration settings related to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) access. You can modify any setting and click Save to update the changes.

The following table describes the settings in the CORS Configuration section:

Property Name Description
CORS Enabled Enable this option for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support. It will allow users to access resources across internet domains.
Fabric Server Access Control Allow Origin Value

If you set the Fabric Server Access Control Allow Origin Value to

  • ALL. Sets the value as '*' for Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
  • NONE. Does not add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response.
  • ECHO. Adds the value of Origin header as the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response.

Fabric Server Access Control Echo Whitelist Domains

If Fabric Server Access Control Allow Origin Value is set to ECHO, then this whitelist (comma separated list) is used to specify the list of valid domains that you echo back in the response. The request should specify the domain to echo back as "Origin" header.

Control Allow Credentials If the value is not NONE and Fabric server Access Control Allow Origin Value is not ALL, then this value is set as Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header in the response.
Control Vary Header If the value is not NONE and Fabric server Access Control Allow Origin Value is not ALL, then this value is set as Vary header in the response.


SSL Configuration

The SSL Configuration section is used to connect the Fabric Server to the customer enterprise server using appropriate SSL certificates and settings. This type of configuration is required only when you want to connect the Fabric Server by using the HTTPS protocol. You can modify any setting and click Save to update the changes.

The following table describes the settings in the SSL Configuration section:

Property Name Description
SSL Trust Store The trust store location where the public SSL certificates are stored.
SSL Trust Store Password The password of trust store file.
SSL Trust Store Type The extension of the trust store file. If not specified, then the default value is jks.
SSL Key Store The key store location where the private SSL certificates are stored.
SSL Key Store Password The password of key store file.
SSL Key Store Type The extension of the key store file. If not specified, then the default value is jks.
SSL Algorithm

The SSL algorithm used.

For IBM application servers, the algorithm value is SSLv3.

For any other application server, the algorithm value is TLS.

SSL Socket Factory Provider The security provider of SSL Socket Factory.
SSL Server Socket Factory Provider The security provider of SSL Server Socket Factory.
SSL Socket Factory Host Name Verifier

Select the SSL Socket Factory Host Name Verifier:

  • BROWSER_COMPATIBLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER. Allows you to connect to the servers having wild card certificate as *,,

  • ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER. Allows you to connect to the servers having self-signed certificate. For self-signed certificate, change value to ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER.

  • STRICT_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER. Allows you to connect to the servers with the specific host name.

Storage Database Configuration

The Storage Database Configuration section displays the database properties of storage services of Fabric server. This is used only for on-premise installs. You can modify any setting and click Save to update the changes.

The following table describes the settings in the Storage Database Configuration section:

Property Name Description
Database Type The type of database to be used. By default, this will be same as the type of the Fabric database.
Database Host Name The host name of the database. By default, this will be same as the host name of the Fabric database.
Database Port The port number at which your database is running. By default, this will be same as the port number of the Fabric database.
Database User Name The username for accessing the database. By default, this will be same as the username of the Fabric database.
Database Password The password for accessing the database. By default, this will be same as the password of the Fabric database.
Database Instance

The name of the database instance, if the database type is Oracle database,

Data Tablespace Name

The name of the tablespace in which data is stored, if the database type is Oracle database,

Index Tablespace Name

The name of the tablespace in which index is created, if the database type is Oracle database,

LOB Tablespace Name

The name of the large object tablespace created in the server, if the database type is Oracle database,

SQL Server Default Schema

The default schema of the SQL Server database.

Max Allowed Connections The maximum number of allowed connections to access the database.
Connection Timeout in Seconds The time out interval in seconds for server to reply to the client request for the Storage services.


GDPR Policy

The GDPR Policy section provides settings that enable the protection of the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of a user. When the settings are enabled, data such as the User ID and the IP Address is not stored in the integration server logs. Additionally, a flag variable is sent to the metrics pipeline along with the PII to protect the data.

The GDPR Policy section contains the following settings:

Property Description

Protect PII

Enables or disables the protection of the PII that is sent for reporting.

If this setting is enabled, PII of the users is removed from the log files of the integration server. Additionally, the PII is sent to the metrics payload along with a key (protectpii) that notifies the Metrics pipeline to protect the data.


File Storage Configuration

The File Storage Configuration section displays the configuration properties related to File Storage adapter. It is applicable only for on-premise install.

The following table describes the settings in the File Storage Configuration section:

Property Description
File Storage Root Directory The root directory of Network File System (NFS) for storing the files.

Web Apps Configuration

The Web Apps configuration section displays the configuring properties of the new optimized web apps package format that improves the app performance and minimize the downtime during deployments. The section displays the properties such as Response Content Type Mappings, Cache Control age, HTTP session caching, and Custom Response Headers. You can modify any setting and click Save to update the changes.

The following table describes the settings in the Web Apps Configuration section:

Property Description
Response Content Type Mapping

The property is used to set the Content-Type header in the response based on the matching file extension.

Example: If the file extension is .css, the Content-Type header value of the response will be text/css. Similarly, there are other common extensions that are mapped by default.

NOTE: If the response header is not defined, the server displays an empty string leaving it to the browser to sniff the mime types placed in Quantum Fabric to intercept and alter the mime types of the requested resource.

Cache Control Age (in secs) The Cache-Control header in the response i.e. the maximum cache duration in seconds. The default value is 86400 seconds (i.e. 1 day).
HTTP Session Caching Enable this to cache the user session data. The value is set to True, by default.
Custom Response Headers

You can use the property to return additional custom headers in every response. For every requested resource of SPA application, the mentioned headers are added to the response. You can add the response header and its value to the field. It takes an array of JSON objects. Each JSON object contains two keys name and value. Name is the header name and value as the header value.


  {'name': 'X-Content-Type-Options', 'value': 'nosniff'}


  • The header key and the value are static.
  • The header and the value added are not specific for SPA application (or) resources (global).

NOTE: User is responsible to provide a valid header key and value.

The default value of the field is blank.

Enable iPad Redirect Enable this to redirect requests coming from iPad devices above iOS 13 to iPad view instead of Desktop view. By default, it is False.


Cache Configuration

Quantum Fabric supports EHCache, Memcached, and Redis cache vendors. An On-premise setup of Quantum Fabric uses EHCache as the default cache mechanism. A cloud environment uses Memcached as the default cache mechanism. The Cache Configuration section displays the configuration properties of the new cache mechanism. The section displays the properties such as Cache Type, Expiry time, Cache Server URLs, Advanced Cache properties, and Enable Session Distribution. You can modify any setting and click Save to update the change.

IMPORTANT: If Ehcache is chosen, the middleware automatically configures the cache to hold a maximum of 4000 entries. After reaching this limit, eviction will occur to make room for new entries.

To adjust this setting, you can specify a new value for "cacheSize" in the environment_properties section of the Advanced Properties.
For example: {"environment_properties": {“cacheSize" : “6000”},"jcache_configuration_properties":{},"additional_properties":{}}

The following table describes the settings in the Cache Configuration section:

Property Description
Cache Type The type of cache to use. The list displays the following possible options - EHCACHE, MEMECACHED, and REDIS.
Cache Expiry

The cache expiry time in seconds for each cache entry. The default value is 20 minutes.

NOTE: The default cache expiry time is 20 minutes.

Cache Server URLs

The URLs of the external cache servers.

For example,


  • For single node - <IP address/hostname>:<port>.
  • For Multi-node - <IP address1/hostname1>:<port1>, <IP address2/hostname2>:<port2>


  • For single node - <IP address/hostname>:<port>.
  • For a Cluster Redis setup, provide the list of master nodes (separated by commas) in multimode memcached nodes.

    <IP address1/hostname1>:<port1>,


• For a Redis Sentinel setup, provide the list of sentinel node ip/port (not the redis server ip:port)

<IP address1/hostname1>:<port1>,

For example:


For the above three modes, you can also provide node details in the format:

redis:// <IP address1/hostname1>:<port1>,
redis:// <IP address2/hostname2>:<port2>

For example:


For TLS, it is mandatory to provide cache server urls in the format

rediss:// <IP address1/hostname1>:<port1>,

rediss:// <IP address1/hostname1>:<port2>

Advanced Properties

The advanced properties, specific to cache type, in JSON format.

Default JSON template property: {"environment_properties": {},"jcache_configuration_properties": {}, "additional_properties": {}}

environment_properties: Add the cache properties that are utilized by Quantum Fabric.

From V9 ServicePack 4, you can enable secure connections to Redis. To do so, add the following parameter: ENABLE_REDIS_SSL: true

For example, to identify the mode of the Redis server, you must add the following property.

The REDIS_CACHE_MODE property will have the value as "SINGLE", "CLUSTER" or "SENTINEL" based on the Redis server mode.

Advanced properties of REDIS cluster mode: {"environment_properties":
"jcache_configuration_properties": {},"additional_properties": {}}


Advanced properties of REDIS SENTINEL mode

"jcache_configuration_properties":{},"additional_properties": {}}


Environment properties for providing redis password and username (Any of the 3 Redis cache mode)

{ "REDIS_PASSWORD" : "MyRedisMasterPassword", 
"REDIS_USERNAME" : "MyRedisMasterUsername"}

Note: Please note that REDIS_CACHE_MODE is mandatory. For Sentinel, REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER_NAME is mandatory. REDIS_PASSWORD/ REDIS_USERNAME needs to be added if configured in your Redis Server.


NOTE: If REDIS_CACHE_MODE is not defined in Advanced Properties, Quantum Fabric considers REDIS as the single node setup.

jcache_configurations_properties: Custom properties related to JCache configuration are configured in this section. The configured custom properties are sent directly to JCache.

additional_properties: The properties that are not related to REDIS or JCache configuration must be added in this section.

Enable Session Distribution

Enable the property to distribute the cache session among multiple nodes.

NOTE: EHCache does not support session distribution. If you want to distribute the session data among the multiple nodes, the cache type must be MEMCACHE or REDIS, and Temenos recommends REDIS.

NOTE: It is advised to avoid directly inserting Custom Objects into Session or ResultCache within Preprocessors, Postprocessors, and Java Services.

Instead, Custom Objects should be converted to a byte Array before insertion into Session or ResultCache. The Serialization and Deserialization of Custom Objects should be managed by implementation classes to guarantee proper data handling.

Global Throttling Configuration

Apart from configuring the service level throttling from the Quantum Fabric console, you can also configure the operation level throttling from the Global Throttling Configuration field. The throttling limit set for a service is applicable to all the operations within the service, whereas, the throttling information given here will be implied to the respective operation of the service that you mention here.

NOTE: If you have set the throttling limit at both service and operation level, then the service will not respond when either of the limit is met first.

The following table describes the settings in the Global Throttling Configuration section:

Property Description
Operation Level Throttling

You can limit the number of times the operation is invoked per minute. You can provide the throttling information in a JSON array format

NOTE: If an API exceeds the throttling limit, it will not return the service response.

Following are the parameters required to define the throttling limit for the respective service type:

Integration and Orchestration Service:


Object Service:


IMPORTANT: You can only configure the POST httpMethod for Integration service and Orchestration service types. For Object service, you can configure GET and DELETE httpMethod as is, whereas, the POST and PUT httpMethod should be configured as CREATE and UPDATE respectively.

NOTE: If you want to apply throttling on some custom verb, then you can configure the custom verb as the httpMethod.

NOTE: ** displayed beside the property implies the changes to the property groups required restart of the server to reflect modified values.